JavaScript Chart - Examples
SciChart.js ships with over 80 JavaScript Chart demos which you can browse, view the source code and see related documentation. Build incredible complex dashboards with SciChart.js, our High Performance JavaScript Chart Library.
Demonstrates how to Select Data Points on a chart using SciChart.js, High Performance JavaScript Charts
Demonstrates the DataPointSelectionModifier, which provides a UI to select one or many data points, and works with DataPointSelectionPaletteProvider to change the appearance of selected points
Click to select a single point. Drag to select many points. CTRL + Click or Drag to Union. SHIFT + Click or Drag to subtract
Adding DataPointSelectionModifier will automatically create the metadata required to track selection, but it does not stop you using your own metadata.
You don’t have to use DataPointSelectionPaletteProvider. You can create your own and use the metadata.isSelected that is passed to the paletteProvider methods.