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0 votes

Is it possible to display the values always on the chart.

1 vote

Hi, I have an issue where I am trying to create multiple xAxes where one is normal and the rest are horizontally stacked. Then I calculate the stacked length of each stacked axes, but the issue comes when I change the width of the chart or inspect element, which would alter the width of the chart somehow, I got error saying the total width of the stacked axes is bigger than available size.

I have a codesanbox example of it:

I am using percentage for the stacked xAxes length and then I added them up to be 100% total, but somehow it is saying that it is more than available size.

So, my question is, how can I listen or get the width/size changes event of the chart/xAxis, so that I can calculate accordingly?

  • Nung Khual asked 9 months ago
  • last active 9 months ago
1 vote


I am facing another issue with dataLabels in latest version of Scichart. I saw another question with similar is already posted and the fix is released.

Can you check this code.

I tried to reproduce the issue with the vue js example code, codesandbox. But the issues is behaving differently in example code, codesandbox, and my existing project.

codesandbox:- Text in the bottom area are displayed and top area no labes are displayed.

I am attaching the vue js file also. Please check the file also, On the example no labels are displayed.

I am attaching the video of my project also, Here the labels are invisible sometimes, sometimes the labels are showing not properly. Video Link:

1 vote

How to update the text Annotation in JavaScript. I can add the new Text annotation but I can’t update the old text Annotation. whether we have any option in sci chart for JavaScript.

0 votes

Is it possible to add the text to the chart and display it to the chart?

Please see the attached image. In our application its a realtime chart. need to add the text based on x axis. it should be moved based on zoom and pan.

1 vote

Hi, I want to create info boxes between xAxis and chart, info box will contain text, but the width/position of the box will be base on the xAxis and should sync with the chart (zoom etc). For example, if xAxis is from 1-100, and the first info box start from 1 to 10, then the width/position of the box should cover from 1-10, and if I zoom between 1-10, then info box should also sync and expand.

So far, I have created it using horizontal stacked xAxes and custom axis layout strategy provided by you. But the issue is that the stacked xAxes are not sync with the chart, for now, to make it seem sync, I am recalculating stacked axis length when zoom. But the issue comes when there should be gap between the info boxes, for example, if xAxis is 1-100 and the first box is 1-10 and the second box is 20-40, then there is a gap of 10 between the first and second. Right now, those gap are filled using empty xAxes, but they are not correct. When there is gap, the position of the boxes are wrong.

  • First image is my current implementation of it using custom axis layout and stacked xAxes.
  • Second image is how it look when zoomed
  • Third image is the gap issue with the current implementation
  • Fourth image is how the correct implementation should look like.

Codesanbox example:

  • Nung Khual asked 9 months ago
  • last active 8 months ago
0 votes

On the vertical chart custom tooltipSvgTemplate seriesInfo isHit returns false always. Its working fine on the normal chart. Can you please check this issue is on verticle chart.

1 vote

When I’m using a BoxAnnotation, and it is selected, I can see that the borders are shown expanding past the chart area, on top of the axes.
Ideally they would have the same behaviour as the normal stroke, and keep constrained to the chart area.

Codepen showing the issue:

Am I missing some configuration to make this work?


1 vote

I am trying to build my application with Electron. When the Electron application is run, it will open the UI in the browser (not opened with chromium). I created two Electron applications with same codes but with different versions of SciChart (i.e. version 2 and version 3). When I run with the Electron application with SciChart v2, the SciChart can be loaded properly. When when I run the Electron application with SciChart v3, I got error (please refer to the screenshot) and the SciChart cannot be loaded. I am not sure what’s wrong. Do you have any idea?

  • Quyen Sy asked 1 year ago
  • last active 1 year ago
1 vote

Good day,

I am evaluating the use of scichart.js as a charting tool for our web dashboard in an offline environment. As a way of testing, I am currently trying to deploy the build of demo-create-react-app from the SDK on IIS. The build works if deployed using serve -s build but I get this error when I try to deploy the build on IIS.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (localhost:3553/
Uncaught Error: Not Found : http://localhost:3553/
    at XMLHttpRequest.r.onload (2.1e4d934a.chunk.js:2)(scichart2d.js:12)

I would also like to confirm if Scichart.js can work in an offline environment since I saw in this forum post that SciChart gets the .wasm and .data files from the CDN.

0 votes

On Vertical chart Label overlapping on smaller height. I have tried maxAutoTicks also and on the lower height, it’s getting one error. This error is occurring when the width is 0 sometimes. Can you please check this issues?

1 vote

Hey, how would I go about adding a custom template for the cursor axis labels using the Javascript 2D chart API?

I’d like the x-axis to not just have a date in MM/DD/YYYY format but a date and time displayed. The current implementation is below, and below that is the desired implementation.



I have looked through the documentation but I may have missed something. If I have, please point me in the right direction, thanks!

1 vote

I am new to scichart javascript library and trying to run the provided examples locally. I was working on this example

I am able to run this example locally. now I want to add cursor snapping in it. An example would be tradingview candlestick charts. in those charts cursor snaps to nearest candles.
I am trying to achieve similar. I looked into the docs but couldn’t find the answer.

Thanks !

1 vote

RubberBandXyZoomModifier Zoom visibleRangeChanged not hitting when zooming. Can you check this? or any callback function when zooming the chart?

import {SciChartSurface} from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/SciChartSurface";
import {NumericAxis} from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/Axis/NumericAxis";
import {XyDataSeries} from "scichart/Charting/Model/XyDataSeries";
import {FastLineRenderableSeries} from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/RenderableSeries/FastLineRenderableSeries";
import {XyScatterRenderableSeries} from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/RenderableSeries/XyScatterRenderableSeries";
import {EllipsePointMarker} from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/PointMarkers/EllipsePointMarker";
import {NumberRange} from "scichart/Core/NumberRange";
import {RubberBandXyZoomModifier} from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/RubberBandXyZoomModifier";
import {ZoomExtentsModifier} from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/ZoomExtentsModifier";
import {ZoomPanModifier} from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/ZoomPanModifier";
import {EZoomState} from "scichart/types/ZoomState";
import { EExecuteOn } from "scichart/types/ExecuteOn";
import { EXyDirection } from "scichart/types/XyDirection";

async function initSciChart() {
    const {sciChartSurface, wasmContext} = await SciChartSurface.create("scichart-root");
    const xAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
    const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
    xAxis.visibleRangeChanged.subscribe((args) => {
        console.log("X Axis changed");
    yAxis.visibleRangeChanged.subscribe((args) => {
        console.log("Y Axis changed");
    const scatterSeries = new XyScatterRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
        pointMarker: new EllipsePointMarker(wasmContext, {width: 7, height: 7, fill: "White", stroke: "SteelBlue"}),
    const lineSeries = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {stroke: "#4083B7", strokeThickness: 2});
    sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(lineSeries, scatterSeries);
    const scatterData = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, {dataSeriesName: "Cos(x)"});
    const lineData = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, {dataSeriesName: "Sin(x)"});

    for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        lineData.append(i, Math.sin(i * 0.1));
        scatterData.append(i, Math.cos(i * 0.1));
    scatterSeries.dataSeries = scatterData;
    lineSeries.dataSeries = lineData;

    sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new RubberBandXyZoomModifier({
        xyDirection: EXyDirection.XDirection
    const updateDataFunc = () => {
        const i = lineData.count();
        lineData.append(i, Math.sin(i * 0.1));
        scatterData.append(i, Math.cos(i * 0.1));
        if (sciChartSurface.zoomState !== EZoomState.UserZooming) {
            xAxis.visibleRange = new NumberRange(i - 1000, i);
        setTimeout(updateDataFunc, 1 / 60);


Please check the example with v2.0.2146. Its working with older version and now its not working.
On the example the first time it will print the console. after that when zooming the change callback is not hitting.

1 vote


EDataLabelSkipMode Customization is possible with some time range limit?
When i checked the documentation saw the options to skip the label for overlaping. Is it possible can add some index to skip the values. Eg: for Time chart One value is displayed in the chart at 10:30:00. So if i add some index value to skip the next 1 min data. So based on skip index next available value can ba displayed in chart. (10:31:00 or next available value). Can you implement this option to skip ?

1 vote


In my application I am hiding some of the line chart by changing the visibility. When changing the visibility the markers is not hiding from the chart. Its happening only the mouse pointer is inside the chart before the visibility change. I have created a sample application and created the video recording also. Please check the attached file for example code and video. On the video you can saw that 2 line visibility is changed and line are hidden from the chart and the markers not hiding from the chart.

1 vote

Hi, we are using CategoryAxis to display stock data, however, as you can see in the image below, within the “same” candle or volume, divergent information is displayed.

am I doing something wrong?

0 votes


If the FastMountainRenderableSeries isVisible is true when creating a series and after sometimes tries to change the visible property and getting error from rolloverModifier.

Can you please check the example i have created.

0 votes

I am getting a console error when using isVisible: false to the FastLineRenderableSeries or FastMountainRenderableSeries and CursorModifier together.

0 votes


I have an issue with Rollover modifier line styling in sci chart using java script. we need the horizontal dashed line for the rollover modifier. How is it possible?

  • Ayana VS asked 2 years ago
  • last active 2 years ago
1 vote

Is it possible to add the scrollbar in the chart. If the visibleRangeLimit is set is it possible to add the normal scrollbar in the side of the chart.

0 votes

Unsorted xValues is possible on SCI Chart? I tried with dataIsSortedInX: false and isSorted: false on dataSeries, But its not showing the correct range.


 new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, {
        dataSeriesName: "Line Series",
        xValues: [0,10,20,13,54,15,26,17,18,19],
        yValues: [0,1,5,1,20,5,1,8,9,3],
    dataIsSortedInX: false
1 vote

I am implementing a heatmap. The data size of the heatmap would be changed. When the data size changed, I will replace the zValues of the UniformHeatmapDataSeries with an updated array. But it doesn’t work for me. The heatmap data cannot be plotted after I updated the zValues array. Below are my codes to create the heatmap and update the zValues array.

Draw heatmap:

    const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create("spectrogram-chart-root");
    let xAxisNumberRange = new NumberRange(minFreq/maxFreq);

    spectrogram_xAxis.current = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
        axisTitle: "Frequency",
        axisTitleStyle: {
            fontSize: CHART_STYLE.AXIS_FONT_SIZE,
            fontFamily: "sans-serif",
            fontWeight: "bold"
        labelStyle: {
            fontSize: CHART_STYLE.LABEL_FONT_SIZE,
            fontFamily: "sans-serif"
        visibleRange: xAxisNumberRange,
        visibleRangeLimit: xAxisNumberRange,
        zoomExtentsRange: xAxisNumberRange,
        labelFormat: ENumericFormat.Decimal,
        labelPrecision: 2,
        cursorLabelFormat: ENumericFormat.Decimal,
        cursorLabelPrecision: 2,
        drawMajorBands: false,

    // Add XAxis and YAxis
    sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext, { isVisible: false }));

    // Create a Heatmap Data-series. Pass heatValues as a number[][] to the UniformHeatmapDataSeries
    spectrogramZValues.current = Array.from(Array(SPECTROGRAM_HEIGHT), () => Array(SPECTROGRAM_WIDTH).fill(-200));
    heatmapDataSeries.current = new UniformHeatmapDataSeries(wasmContext, {
        xStart: 0,
        xStep: 1,
        yStart: 0,
        yStep: 1,
        zValues: spectrogramZValues.current

    colorMap.current = new HeatmapColorMap({
        minimum: -200,
        maximum: -50,
        gradientStops: gradientStopsArr.current

    // Create a Heatmap RenderableSeries with the color map. ColorMap.minimum/maximum defines the values in
    // HeatmapDataSeries which correspond to gradient stops at 0..1
    const heatmapSeries = new UniformHeatmapRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
        dataSeries: heatmapDataSeries.current,
        useLinearTextureFiltering: true,
        isSorted: true, 
        isEvenlySpaced: true, 
        containsNaN: false,
        colorMap: colorMap.current

    // Add heatmap to the chart

Update heatmap data:

        // Update the chart x-axis
        if (xAxisUpdateRequired) {
            let xAxisNumberRange = new NumberRange(newStartFreq, newStopFreq);
            spectrogram_xAxis.current.visibleRange = xAxisNumberRange;
            spectrogram_xAxis.current.visibleRangeLimit = xAxisNumberRange;
            spectrogram_xAxis.current.zoomExtentsRange = xAxisNumberRange;  

            // Reset the heatmap zValues
            spectrogramZValues.current = Array.from(Array(SPECTROGRAM_HEIGHT), () => Array(newSampleSize).fill(-200));
        // Update heatmap data
  • Quyen Sy asked 1 year ago
  • last active 1 year ago
0 votes
import { MouseWheelZoomModifier } from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/MouseWheelZoomModifier";
import { ZoomExtentsModifier } from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/ZoomExtentsModifier";
import { ZoomPanModifier } from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/ZoomPanModifier";
import { XyDataSeries } from "scichart/Charting/Model/XyDataSeries";
import { NumericAxis } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/Axis/NumericAxis";
import { FastLineRenderableSeries } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/RenderableSeries/FastLineRenderableSeries";
import { SciChartSurface } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/SciChartSurface";
import { NumberRange } from "scichart/Core/NumberRange";
import { Point } from "scichart/Core/Point";
import { EAnimationType } from "scichart/types/AnimationType";
import { ShadowEffect } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/RenderableSeries/ShadowEffect";
import { SciChartJSLightTheme } from "scichart/Charting/Themes/SciChartJSLightTheme";
import { SciChartJSDarkTheme } from "scichart/Charting/Themes/SciChartJSDarkTheme";
import { EAutoRange } from "scichart/types/AutoRange";

async function initSciChart() {
  const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create(
  // Create an X,Y Axis and add to the chart
  const xAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
  const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 11)});
  //const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 10)});
  // , {autoRange: EAutoRange.Once}


  // Create some data and set on a line series
  const xyData = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext);
  for (let i = 0; i < 250; i++) {
    xyData.append(i, 0);
    // xyData.append(i, Math.sin(i * 0.1));
    new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, { dataSeries: xyData })


Visible Range is not working correctly. I found two cases getting the issue.

Case 1: visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 10) -> if the values are 0 and 10 then the chart showing auto mode.
Case 2: xyData.append(i, 0) -> if all the values are 0 then its showing line on middle even the value is 0 to any number.

Please check the cases has some issues…

0 votes

I am getting a console error when using isVisible: false to the FastLineRenderableSeries or FastMountainRenderableSeries and CursorModifier together.

  const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await SciChartSurface.create(
    "chart" + this.element
    new NumericAxis(wasmContext, { axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Top })
    new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
      axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Left,
      growBy: new NumberRange(0.4, 0.4)

  const dataSeries = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext);
  const POINTS = 1000;
  const STEP = (3 * Math.PI) / POINTS;
  for (let i = 0; i <= 1000; i++) {
    const k = 1 - i / 2000;
    dataSeries.append(i, Math.sin(i * STEP) * k * 0.7);

  const rendSeries = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
    dataSeries: dataSeries,
    strokeThickness: 1,
    stroke: "red",
    isVisible: false
  // sciChartSurface.background = this.color;

    new ZoomExtentsModifier(),
    new ZoomPanModifier(),
    new MouseWheelZoomModifier()

  // Add CursorModifier behavior
  const cursorModifier = new CursorModifier({
    crosshairStroke: "#ff6600",
    crosshairStrokeThickness: 1,
    tooltipContainerBackground: "#000",
    tooltipTextStroke: "#ff6600",
    showTooltip: true,
    axisLabelsFill: "#b36200",
    axisLabelsStroke: "#fff"

  return { wasmContext, sciChartSurface };
1 vote

I want to use a different color for each value in the chart I created here. To put it simply, if the value is greater than 10, I want it to appear yellow, if it is less than green, and red if it is less than 0. thanks

const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create("scichart-root", {
    theme: new SciChartJSLightTheme(),   
sciChartSurface.applyTheme(new SciChartJSLightTheme());
sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext));
sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext));
const yAxis = sciChartSurface.yAxes.get(0);
yAxis.visibleRange = new NumberRange(LAL, UAL);
const xAxis = sciChartSurface.xAxes.get(0);
xAxis.visibleRange = new NumberRange(0, endBarIndex);

const dataSeries = new OhlcDataSeries(wasmContext, {
    xValues: xValues,
    openValues: yValues,
    highValues: compositeScanAverageArray,
    lowValues: yValues,
    closeValues: compositeScanAverageArray,
const renderableSeries = new FastCandlestickRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
    stroke: "white",
    strokeThickness: 1,

    new SciChart.BoxAnnotation({
        stroke: "yellow",
        strokeThickness: 1,
        fill: "rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.3)",
        x1: 0,
        x2: endBarIndex,
        y1: UAL,
        y2: UWL,
    new SciChart.BoxAnnotation({
        stroke: "yellow",
        strokeThickness: 1,
        fill: "rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.3)",
        x1: 0,
        x2: endBarIndex,
        y1: LAL,
        y2: LWL,
    new SciChart.BoxAnnotation({
        stroke: "green",
        strokeThickness: 1,
        fill: "rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.3)",
        x1: 0,
        x2: endBarIndex,
        y1: LWL,
        y2: UWL,
    new SciChart.LineAnnotation({ stroke: "#FF6600", strokeThickness: 3, x1: startBarIndex, x2: endBarIndex, y1: compositeScanAverage, y2: compositeScanAverage }),

sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new MouseWheelZoomModifier());
sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomPanModifier());


Showing 51 - 76 of 76 results