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1 vote

We are having the first experiences with SCIchart. Could someone help with this problem we are experiencing?

[ encore ] ERROR Failed to compile with 1 errors14:42:33 [ encore ]
Module build failed: Module not found: [ encore ]
“./node_modules/scichart/_wasm/scichart2d.wasm” contains a reference
to the file “a”. This file can not be found, please check it for typos
or update it if the file got moved. [ encore ] ERROR in
10:27 Module parse failed: Unexpected token (10:27) File was processed
with these loaders: *
./node_modules/unplugin/dist/webpack/loaders/transform.js *
./node_modules/unplugin/dist/webpack/loaders/transform.js *
./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/templateLoader.js *
./node_modules/vue-loader/dist/index.js You may need an additional
loader to handle the result of these loaders. | }, null, -1 /* HOISTED
*/)) |

export function render(_ctx: any,_cache: any,$props: any,$setup: any,$data: any,$options: any) { | return (_openBlock(),
_createElementBlock(“div”, _hoisted_1, [ | _createElementVNode(“h1”, null, _toDisplayString(_ctx.msg), 1 /* TEXT */),

ERROR in ./node_modules/scichart/_wasm/scichart2d.wasm Module not
found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘a’ in

ERROR in ./node_modules/scichart/_wasm/scichart3d.wasm Module not
found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘a’ in

webpack compiled with 3 errors

0 votes

I have a bubble chart with EllipsePointMarker as pointMarker and a custom palette provider to set the colors of the markers. I need to set a stroke in one of the markers but doesn’t matter what value I return as a stroke value from the overridePointMarkerArgb function, the stroke isn’t applied. Am I missing something?

1 vote


I found an issue with very high memory usage by the application. after some tests I found the problem and moved it to a separate example( Please check this code and observe the memory usage on this page. With prolonged use (after 10 minutes), it is clear that more and more memory is used. After hours, the memory used may already be more than several gigabytes. Tell me what the problem is, maybe I’m doing something wrong. Maybe I’m somehow storing old data incorrectly or adding it incorrectly.

This example is not a working example, it has been sped up in order to quickly identify the problem. In our example, an unnecessary data update will occur once every few seconds and after a night of inactivity, the entire page will die. Please tell me what the problem is.

Thank you!

1 vote

Good afternoon. My team and I are looking at your library to create a depth chart, like here, but have run into a few problems:
1. if we have, for example, a “buySeries” array larger than the “sellSeries” array, the graph is not drawn very nicely.
2. the labels are not drawn correctly when we have too small numbers, I tried to solve the problem with xAxis.textFormatting = ‘0.#####’ or ‘0.00###’, but that doesn’t work for some reason.
3. If we want to add labels while hovering over the chart with showLabel = true , then we get 4 labels, two on yAxis. is it possible to make the buySeries label appear only on the left, for example, and the sellSeries label only on the right? (second screenshot)

0 votes
0 answers

Looks like LicenceManager parent div preventing whole chart to shrink dynamically because of relative positioning. Please let me know if this is not the best place for bug reports: I was looking for special form but haven’t found any.

0 votes

I was looking over Tutorial 07 – Tooltips and Legends and the Chart Legends API demo, and noticed that the checkboxes and legend font had some styling applied. But, when I implement a legend on my own it uses the default font (or whatever global font style I used) and the default HTML checkbox styling. I was wondering if you had modified the styling using an outside CSS file, if there is an API endpoint for modifying the styling of the legend, or if this is possibly a bug. I did see that there was an applyTheme() method available, but I thought that it might not apply to this situation. I also tried to look through the example code provided for the Chart API Demo, but I couldn’t find anything that pointed one way or the other.

I have attached screenshots of what the legend looks like in the two examples, as well as a screenshot of what the legend looks like when I implement it on my own. I have also included a zip file with the demo application I created.


1 vote

Hi There,

I’m new to SciChart, I have a question regarding DateTimeAxis that is it possible to display the date when plotting data based on hours for multiple days?

For example, I’m plotting data for Aug/07, Aug/06, and Aug/05, so I have 72 data points to display, but the problem is the user can see all the data based on hours however, they will not be able to see when the day has changed. Is there any way I can achieve this.

  • Umer Nawaz asked 2 years ago
  • last active 2 years ago
0 votes

I want to use my custom image as a background for SciChart js.
I tried to put background-image to body of the page.
Then I enabled transparent background via:

sciChartSurface.backgroundCompletelyTransparentEnabled = true;

But it doesn’t work. It does nothing.
Then I tried to put transparent background to SciChart:

sciChartSurface.background = "#00000000";

But it doesn’t work as well. Chart completely disappears in this case.

How can I put my image as a background for SciChart?

  • Roman Zye asked 3 years ago
  • last active 3 years ago
0 votes

I have a chart with default majorDelta 10 for y-axis. Users are allowed to change the scale (majorDelta) of the chart. When it’s changed to 0.1, the y-axis labels are gone. The y-axis labels can still be seen when the majorDelta is 0.2. Please check my screenshots for details.

  • Quyen Sy asked 1 year ago
  • last active 12 months ago
1 vote

Hello everyone. A similar question has already been asked just below the forum, but there is no answer. I have dynamically added diagrams. However, I am interested in the possibility of adding buttons for closing and collapsing diagrams directly to the chart panel. I need the option to close any selected chart. How can this be implemented and written? Thank you.

1 vote
0 answers

I have a chart with stacked xAxes, and I am trying to calculate the stackedLength of each xAxis base on the total length or width available for the xAxes.

The issue come when I am changing the size of the screen or changing the width of the chart using flex-basis. When I do that, I get the error message in the picture below.

My question is, is there a way for me to listen/subscribe to the width change or get the latest width?

  • Nung Khual asked 9 months ago
  • last active 9 months ago
0 votes
  1. Big Sur 11.6.
  2. Monterey 12.2.1
  3. Catalina 10.15.7 (late 2013 model)
    ![enter image description here][1]

sciChart version 1.4.1611

If you open the chart in the Firefox browser, then, strangely enough, everything works.

Is it related to the version of the library?

1 vote

Hello I am using the following unixtimestamp format for the x axis and it renders some random numbers instead of treating them as dates. What is the correct format? please see attached screenshot.

export const dateValues: number[] = [
    1546376400000, ]

Here’s the code for creating the chart

  // Create a SciChartSurface
  const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create(

        new CategoryAxis(wasmContext, {
          labelProvider: new SmartDateLabelProvider(),
          defaultXStep: 1546304400000 - 1546300800000,
          //growBy: new NumberRange(0.05, 0.05),
          drawMajorGridLines: true,
          drawMinorGridLines: true,
          axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Bottom,
          autoRange: EAutoRange.Once,
          drawMajorBands: false,
0 votes
0 answers


For example, I try to draw candles in yAxis visible range from 0.0001 to 0.00014842, and when I zoom, it switches to the visible range from 1 to -1, collapsing my candles.

Please, help to solve this problem.

1 vote

We managed to create a functioning chart, but sometimes when we first ran the chart it produced this error, followed by the chart being completely unable to display.

We attached the error message produced in DevTools, the expected outcome and the actual outcome when the error occurred.

1 vote

Hi, I have an issue where I am trying to create multiple xAxes where one is normal and the rest are horizontally stacked. Then I calculate the stacked length of each stacked axes, but the issue comes when I change the width of the chart or inspect element, which would alter the width of the chart somehow, I got error saying the total width of the stacked axes is bigger than available size.

I have a codesanbox example of it:

I am using percentage for the stacked xAxes length and then I added them up to be 100% total, but somehow it is saying that it is more than available size.

So, my question is, how can I listen or get the width/size changes event of the chart/xAxis, so that I can calculate accordingly?

  • Nung Khual asked 8 months ago
  • last active 8 months ago
1 vote


DataLabels Not Displaying in all cases in flippedCoordinates. Based on values only its showing. I have created a sample application with some dummy data.

  1. First Series is showing the labels properly
  2. If the first value in array changed then it will show the value.
  3. If all values are 0 then also its not showing the label.

Can you check the attached file for the sample code.

When the chart is not flipped then its works fine when i am checking.

1 vote

Hi all,

Today, I follow the Tutorial 01, but I can not set up the SciChart.js project,
I am sure that I do the same step like Tutorial,
some one can help me to realize the error messages?
Thanks a lot.

PS:error messages is attached file



1 vote

the Tooltip from the rolloverModifier shows for the Open-Values the Label “Open”.

I would like to be able to change that. There might be serveral reasons for that. Maybe the shown data are not “openValues” or the word “open” needs to be translated into another language.

I managed to edit the title of a FastCandlestickRenderableSeries by setting a title and get it into the variable like this:

rolloverTitle = newtitle;
renderableSeries0.rolloverModifierProps.tooltipTitle = rolloverTitle;

unfortunately i did not find a way to set the name/label for the open-,low-,close-, or high-values of this Series.

Can someone give ma a hint how to do this?

1 vote

Is there any way to provide annotation tooltip onmouseover? Perhaps I can subscribe on surface mouse events and manage visibility and positions on “tooltip” annotations by myself? If so, could you please provide reference to surface mouse events API.

1 vote


Tell me what I’m doing wrong?
Here’s the code

import { NumericAxis } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/Axis/NumericAxis";
import { FastLineRenderableSeries } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/RenderableSeries/FastLineRenderableSeries";
import { EllipsePointMarker } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/PointMarkers/EllipsePointMarker";
import { RolloverModifier, TRolloverTooltipDataTemplate } from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/RolloverModifier";
import { ZoomPanModifier } from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/ZoomPanModifier";
import { ZoomExtentsModifier } from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/ZoomExtentsModifier";
import { MouseWheelZoomModifier } from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/MouseWheelZoomModifier";
import { SciChartSurface } from "scichart";
import { parseColorToUIntArgb } from "scichart/utils/parseColor";
import {  XyDataSeries } from "scichart/Charting/Model/XyDataSeries";
import { CategoryAxis } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/Axis/CategoryAxis";
import { TextLabelProvider } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/Axis/LabelProvider/TextLabelProvider";
import { Thickness } from "scichart/Core/Thickness";
import { ELabelAlignment } from "scichart/types/LabelAlignment";

const dataData=[
  "2022-10-22 00:09:41",
  "2022-10-22 00:19:37",
  "2022-10-22 00:29:16",
  "2022-10-22 00:38:51",
  "2022-10-22 00:49:49",
  "2022-10-22 00:59:37",
  "2022-10-22 01:09:25",
  "2022-10-22 01:19:26",
  "2022-10-22 01:28:35",
  "2022-10-22 01:38:47",
  "2022-10-22 01:48:29",
  "2022-10-22 01:58:30",
  "2022-10-22 02:09:11",
  "2022-10-22 02:18:45",
  "2022-10-22 02:28:41",
  "2022-10-22 02:38:38",
  "2022-10-22 02:48:53",
  "2022-10-22 02:59:39",
  "2022-10-22 03:08:51",
  "2022-10-22 03:19:00",
  "2022-10-22 03:28:30",
  "2022-10-22 03:38:51",
  "2022-10-22 03:49:01",
  "2022-10-22 03:58:35",
  "2022-10-22 04:08:47",
  "2022-10-22 04:19:11",
  "2022-10-22 04:29:05",
  "2022-10-22 04:38:39",
  "2022-10-22 04:48:46",
  "2022-10-22 04:58:57",
  "2022-10-22 05:08:22",
  "2022-10-22 05:18:30",
  "2022-10-22 05:29:09",
  "2022-10-22 05:38:56",
  "2022-10-22 05:48:35",
  "2022-10-22 05:58:34",
  "2022-10-22 06:08:26",
  "2022-10-22 06:18:58",
  "2022-10-22 06:28:33",
  "2022-10-22 06:38:56",
  "2022-10-22 06:48:42",
  "2022-10-22 06:58:55",
  "2022-10-22 07:08:59",
  "2022-10-22 07:19:03",
  "2022-10-22 07:28:28",
  "2022-10-22 07:38:18",
  "2022-10-22 07:48:35",
  "2022-10-22 07:58:18",
  "2022-10-22 08:08:22",
  "2022-10-22 08:18:43",
  "2022-10-22 08:29:01",
  "2022-10-22 08:38:59",
  "2022-10-22 08:49:16",
  "2022-10-22 08:59:13",
  "2022-10-22 09:09:24",
  "2022-10-22 09:18:36",
  "2022-10-22 09:28:56",
  "2022-10-22 09:39:13",
  "2022-10-22 09:48:35",
  "2022-10-22 09:59:14",
  "2022-10-22 10:09:18",
  "2022-10-22 10:19:04",
  "2022-10-22 10:29:34",
  "2022-10-22 10:39:14",
  "2022-10-22 10:48:53",
  "2022-10-22 10:58:40",
  "2022-10-22 11:08:58",
  "2022-10-22 11:18:47",
  "2022-10-22 11:28:39",
  "2022-10-22 11:39:13",
  "2022-10-22 11:49:00",
  "2022-10-22 11:59:13",
  "2022-10-22 14:20:05",
  "2022-10-22 14:29:37",
  "2022-10-22 14:39:49",
  "2022-10-22 14:49:41",
  "2022-10-22 15:00:10",
  "2022-10-22 15:09:27",
  "2022-10-22 15:19:49",
  "2022-10-22 15:29:41",
  "2022-10-22 15:39:16",
  "2022-10-22 15:49:48",
  "2022-10-22 15:59:52",
  "2022-10-22 16:09:29",
  "2022-10-22 16:19:48",
  "2022-10-22 16:29:40",
  "2022-10-22 16:39:20",
  "2022-10-22 16:49:57",
  "2022-10-22 16:59:11",
  "2022-10-22 17:09:37",
  "2022-10-22 17:19:00",
  "2022-10-22 17:29:21",
  "2022-10-22 17:39:52",
  "2022-10-22 17:49:44",
  "2022-10-22 17:59:50",
  "2022-10-22 18:09:38",
  "2022-10-22 18:19:24",
  "2022-10-22 18:29:13",
  "2022-10-22 18:39:05",
  "2022-10-22 18:49:09",
  "2022-10-22 18:59:13",
  "2022-10-22 19:09:17",
  "2022-10-22 19:19:06",
  "2022-10-22 19:29:37",
  "2022-10-22 19:40:11",
  "2022-10-22 19:49:33",
  "2022-10-22 19:59:14",
  "2022-10-22 20:09:07",
  "2022-10-22 20:20:02",
  "2022-10-22 20:29:19",
  "2022-10-22 20:39:13",
  "2022-10-22 20:49:43",
  "2022-10-22 20:59:28",
  "2022-10-22 21:08:59",
  "2022-10-22 21:19:03",
  "2022-10-22 21:29:14",
  "2022-10-22 21:39:19",
  "2022-10-22 21:49:40",
  "2022-10-22 21:59:04",
  "2022-10-22 22:09:33",
  "2022-10-22 22:20:00",
  "2022-10-22 22:30:25",
  "2022-10-22 22:39:43",
  "2022-10-22 22:49:13",
  "2022-10-22 22:58:58",
  "2022-10-22 23:09:05",
  "2022-10-22 23:19:12",
  "2022-10-22 23:29:49",
  "2022-10-22 23:38:55",
  "2022-10-22 23:49:41",
  "2022-10-22 23:59:32",
  "2022-10-23 00:08:34",
  "2022-10-23 00:18:43",
  "2022-10-23 00:29:20",
  "2022-10-23 00:39:13",
  "2022-10-23 00:48:30",
  "2022-10-23 00:59:44",
  "2022-10-23 01:08:49",
  "2022-10-23 01:19:00",
  "2022-10-23 01:29:22",
  "2022-10-23 01:39:06",
  "2022-10-23 01:49:08",
  "2022-10-23 01:59:19",
  "2022-10-23 02:09:28",
  "2022-10-23 02:18:57",
  "2022-10-23 02:28:53",
  "2022-10-23 02:38:44",
  "2022-10-23 02:49:12",
  "2022-10-23 02:58:41",
  "2022-10-23 03:09:04",
  "2022-10-23 03:19:28",
  "2022-10-23 03:29:23",
  "2022-10-23 03:38:38",
  "2022-10-23 03:49:00",
  "2022-10-23 03:59:16",
  "2022-10-23 04:09:13",
  "2022-10-23 04:18:54",
  "2022-10-23 04:29:43",
  "2022-10-23 04:39:27",
  "2022-10-23 04:49:12",
  "2022-10-23 04:59:07",
  "2022-10-23 05:09:04",
  "2022-10-23 05:18:50",
  "2022-10-23 05:29:20",
  "2022-10-23 05:39:06",
  "2022-10-23 05:49:17",
  "2022-10-23 05:58:48",
  "2022-10-23 06:08:46",
  "2022-10-23 06:18:36",
  "2022-10-23 06:29:15",
  "2022-10-23 06:38:57",
  "2022-10-23 06:49:23",
  "2022-10-23 06:58:55",
  "2022-10-23 07:09:06",
  "2022-10-23 07:19:01",
  "2022-10-23 07:29:09",
  "2022-10-23 07:39:10",
  "2022-10-23 07:49:06",
  "2022-10-23 07:59:06",
  "2022-10-23 08:09:07",
  "2022-10-23 08:19:23",
  "2022-10-24 14:19:20",
  "2022-10-24 14:30:23",
  "2022-10-25 11:10:12",
  "2022-10-25 11:20:56",
  "2022-10-28 19:19:35",
  "2022-10-28 19:30:53",
  "2022-10-28 19:49:34"
const divElementId = "scichart-root"
class MyMetadata {
    static create(title, previousValue, isSelected) {
      const md = new MyMetadata()
      md.title = title
      md.previousValue = previousValue ?? md.previousValue
      md.isSelected = isSelected ?? md.isSelected
      return md
  isSelected = false
  palettedStrokeRed = parseColorToUIntArgb("red")
  palettedStrokeGreen = parseColorToUIntArgb("green")
  constructor() {}

const tooltipDataTemplateRS = seriesInfo => {
    const valuesWithLabels = []
    // Line Series
    const xySeriesInfo = seriesInfo
    if (seriesInfo.pointMetadata) {
      const testMd = seriesInfo.pointMetadata
        testMd.title + " Previous: " + testMd.previousValue.toFixed(1)
      "X: " + xySeriesInfo.formattedXValue + " Y: " + xySeriesInfo.formattedYValue
    return valuesWithLabels

const color = "#368BC1"
const drawExample = async () => {
  const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create(
  const xAxis = new CategoryAxis(wasmContext);
  const labelProvider = new TextLabelProvider({
     // When passed as an array, labels will be used in order
     labels: dataData,
     maxLength: 188
 xAxis.labelProvider = labelProvider;
 xAxis.labelStyle.alignment = ELabelAlignment.Center;
 xAxis.labelStyle.padding = new Thickness(2,1,2,1);
 xAxis.axisRenderer.hideOverlappingLabels = false;
 xAxis.axisRenderer.keepLabelsWithinAxis = false;    
  const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext)
  for (let seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < 5; seriesIndex++) {
    const firstSeriesData = createDataSeries(wasmContext, seriesIndex, {
      dataSeriesName: "Sinewave"+seriesIndex
    const renderableSeries1 = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
      stroke: color,
      strokeThickness: 3,
      dataSeries: firstSeriesData,
      pointMarker: new EllipsePointMarker(wasmContext, {
        width: 5,
        height: 5,
        strokeThickness: 2,
        fill: "white",
        stroke: color
    renderableSeries1.rolloverModifierProps.markerColor = color
    renderableSeries1.rolloverModifierProps.tooltipColor = color
    renderableSeries1.rolloverModifierProps.tooltipDataTemplate = tooltipDataTemplateRS
  sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new RolloverModifier())
  sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomPanModifier())
  sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomExtentsModifier())
  sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new MouseWheelZoomModifier())
  return { sciChartSurface, wasmContext }
// Generate some data, including metadata
const createDataSeries = (wasmContext, index, options) => {
  const sigma = Math.pow(0.6, index)
  const dataSeries = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, options)
  let prev = 0
  for (let i = 0; i < 188; i++) {
    const grow = 1 + i / 99
    const metadata =i > 0 ? MyMetadata.create("Metadata " + i.toString(), prev) : undefined
    const y = Math.sin((Math.PI * i) / 15) * grow * sigma
    // metadata is an optional parameter on all data manipulation methods on dataseries,
    // so it can also be added as an array eg dataSeries.appendRange(xValues, yValues, metadataArray);
    dataSeries.append(i+1, y, metadata)
    prev = y
  return dataSeries
1 vote


I need to customize the text for some points on a XyScatterRenderableSeries graph. The problem is that the dataLabelProvider available for XyScatterRenderableSeries is BaseDataLabelProvider, but it doesn’t have a metaDataSelector method and I can’t do it with it. Interestingly, using LineSeriesDataLabelProvider I was able to add text for the points I needed using metadata, but another problem arose. In this case, if there is only one point on the graph, the text will not be drawn.

Here is a small example of how text is drawn for different numbers of points.

Can you advise me on how to display text near points more correctly in the case when I use XyScatterRenderableSeries and often this text should disappear or appear near some points. Thanks a lot!

0 votes

Hi, Custom tooltip is not working on v2.0.2179.
Its working on v2.0.2146. Can you please check the issue..

import { SciChartSurface } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/SciChartSurface";
import { NumericAxis } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/Axis/NumericAxis";
import { XyDataSeries } from "scichart/Charting/Model/XyDataSeries";
import { FastLineRenderableSeries } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/RenderableSeries/FastLineRenderableSeries";
import { RangeSelectionChartModifier } from "./RangeSelectionChartModifier";
import { RubberBandXyZoomModifier } from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/RubberBandXyZoomModifier";
import { MouseWheelZoomModifier } from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/MouseWheelZoomModifier";
import { EXyDirection } from "scichart/types/XyDirection";
import { ZoomExtentsModifier } from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/ZoomExtentsModifier";
import { EClipMode } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/Axis/AxisBase2D";
import { MouseButtonZoomChartModifier } from "./MouseButtonZoomChartModifier";
import { SeriesInfo } from "scichart/Charting/Model/ChartData/SeriesInfo";
import { CursorTooltipSvgAnnotation } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/Annotations/CursorTooltipSvgAnnotation";
import { CursorModifier } from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/CursorModifier";

async function initSciChart() {
    const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create("scichart-root");

      const xAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
      const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);


      const xyData = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext);
      for (let i = 0; i < 250; i++) {
        xyData.append(i, Math.sin(i * 0.1));
        new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, { dataSeries: xyData })

      const cursorModifier = new CursorModifier({
        crosshairStrokeThickness: 1,
        showTooltip: true,
        showAxisLabels: false,
        crosshairStroke: "transparent",
      cursorModifier.tooltipSvgTemplate = (seriesInfo, svgAnnotation) => {
        let rowString = "";
        seriesInfo.forEach(() => {
          rowString = rowString + `<tspan x="8" dy="1.2em" fill="red">Test : 123</tspan>`;  

        const string = `<svg width="300" height="33" x="0"><defs>
            <filter id="id_1610011455082" x="0" y="0" width="200%" height="200%">
            <feOffset result="offOut" in="SourceAlpha" dx="3" dy="3"></feOffset>
            <feGaussianBlur result="blurOut" in="offOut" stdDeviation="3"></feGaussianBlur>
            <feBlend in="SourceGraphic" in2="blurOut" mode="normal"></feBlend>
            <rect rx="4" ry="4" width="95%" height="90%" style="stroke-width:1;stroke:'#ffffff'}"></rect>
            <svg width="100%"><text x="8" y="3" font-size="13" font-family="Verdana" dy="0">`;

        svgAnnotation.xCoordShift = 5;
        svgAnnotation.yCoordShift = 5;
        return string + rowString + `</text></svg></svg>`;

      const mouseWheelModifier = new MouseWheelZoomModifier();
      mouseWheelModifier.modifierMouseWheel = args => {
        const delta = args.mouseWheelDelta * 0.1;
        mouseWheelModifier.parentSurface.xAxes.asArray().forEach(x => {
          x.scroll(delta, EClipMode.None);
        new RubberBandXyZoomModifier({ xyDirection: EXyDirection.XDirection })
      sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomExtentsModifier());

1 vote

I have a big problem with memory, i try many things but it’s doesn’t effect.
It’s my code for testing memory :

    const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await SciChartSurface.create("bandTest", { theme: new SciChartJSLightTheme() });
    sciChartSurface.title = "Axis 1";
    sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext, { axisTitle: "Column number", axisTitleStyle: {fontSize: 12} }));
    sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext, { axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Left, axisTitleStyle: {fontSize: 12} }));

sciChartSurface.delete() have no effect for memory
I run snapshot without this code and another snapshot with this code. (snap 14 is before call SciChart and snap 15 is after call the code bellow)

What can I do?


1 vote


I am experiencing an issue with the BoxAnnotation in SciChart where the precision of the box’s boundaries does not accurately match the data points it is supposed to represent. When dynamically creating a BoxAnnotation to highlight a range of values on a chart, the upper boundary (y2) is set to match the maximum value within the specified range. Despite the calculation seeming accurate, the rendered annotation’s top edge is visually lower than the top of the highest column it encompasses, creating a slight discrepancy. In my application, I am creating a lot of charts, and this issue occurs only on charts with a big data range.


SciChart Version: 3.2.532
Browser: Chrome

Attaching code snippet on jsfiddle:


1 vote

The scichart y axis is displayed as undefined after updating the data in timed interval. The y axis initially shows the value,but after the data is appended to the source, the y axis is shown as undefined in the chart.

I have attached the final scichart image with yaxis as undefined.

1 vote

I’m trying to implement a market footprint with SciChart framework, I mean is possible create like a plugin for implement in the framework?
My idea was set body color of all the candles invisible and than for every candle set two volume series in horizontal like in the image.

  • John Lepre asked 3 years ago
  • last active 4 months ago
1 vote


I am getting console error and page is crashing and reloading the page.

0 votes

@TypeScriptError Getting an 800A0404 error when opening any javascript file. This is happening in the Windows Script Host panel. Telling me that I have bad code, that’s not bad. This has been happening since upgrading my Java Version.

0 votes

If the y axis values are same then the lines are not visible on the chart and the labels are also not visible on the chart. Can you draw the lines on the middle of the chart to get more visible?

async initTrack() {
  const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await SciChartSurface.create(
    "chart" + this.element
    new NumericAxis(wasmContext, { axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Top })
    new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
      axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Left

  const dataSeries = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext);
  for (let i = 0; i <= 1000; i++) {
    dataSeries.append(i, 10);

  const rendSeries = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
    dataSeries: dataSeries,
    strokeThickness: 1,
    stroke: "red"

  return { wasmContext, sciChartSurface };
1 vote

I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

  • thier tom asked 1 year ago
  • last active 1 year ago
1 vote

I have a real time updated chart and users can add annotation to the chart. The position of the annotation will be updated with the chart data. I would like to stop updating the annotation position while user dragging the annotation. So I added a flag (e.g. isDragging) to the annotation dragStarted and dragEnded events. The isDragging flag will be set to true in dragStarted and then set to false in dragEnded. I will check this flag before updating the annotation position.

Here’s the problem, the annotation dragStarted event will be triggered when users do panning in the chart. But the dragEnded will not be triggered in this case. It breaks my plan to stop updating the annotation position as the isDragging will be incorrect. Is it a bug that the annotation dragStarted event (but not the dragEnded event) triggered when panning?

  • Quyen Sy asked 1 year ago
  • last active 1 year ago
1 vote

Hello, i want to customize tooltip in graph (SplineBandRenderableSeries), i can change the tooltip content but if i return svg like your example ( return <svg width="${width}" height="${height}">
<circle cx="50%" cy="50%" r="50%" fill="${tooltipColor}"/>
<svg width="100%">
<text y="40" font-size="13" font-family="Verdana" dy="0" fill="${tooltipTextColor}">
<tspan x="15" dy="1.2em">${tooltipTitle}</tspan>
<tspan x="15" dy="1.2em">x: ${seriesInfo.formattedXValue} y: ${seriesInfo.formattedYValue}</tspan>
It doesn’t work. I have this error in console: Error from chart in div band0 TypeError: valuesWithLabels.reduce is not a function
Error from chart in div band0 DOMException: Failed to execute ‘removeChild’ on ‘Node’: The node to be removed is not a child of this node.
at RolloverTooltipSvgAnnotation.delete …

My graph has 3 renderableSeries (1 XyDataSeries and 2 XyyDataSeries)

Please can you send me an example in (javascript) for modify tooltip styling ?


1 vote

Downloaded latest Licensing Wizard on my Mac M1 however I cannot run it to start my trial of SciChart.JS.

I’m looking at SciChart.JS for financial charting project in a .NET Blazor for analysis only.

As I’ve not been able to get SciChart installed or to try, is it possible to place annotations such as trend lines and boxes onto the chart by me clicking on the chart?

Also, how does indicators work? And can I add my own indicators? Will the algorithms for these indicators be written in JavaScript or can I do this in C# from Blazor?

I attach a screen shot of the problem running the Licensing Wizard.

Any suggestions would be helpful.


  • David P asked 1 year ago
  • last active 1 year ago
1 vote

I am getting the alert message on our application and now I got the same message on the also. It’s not happening all the time. But it’s happening sometimes only on the application.

1 vote

I’m looking on
I have a q react application. Can I add/remove subcharts(indicator panes) dynamically?

0 votes

Hi Support Team.

I’m working on SciChart with React 16.9 . Licensed by EOG Resouces.

Can you guys please let me know how to custom tooltip/legend on SciChart (JS)?

My custom function is below. Thank all

export async function initSciChart(
  chartDiv: string,
  chartData: Array<{ x: Array<number>; y: Array<number> }>,
  handleMouseMove?: (args: ModifierMouseArgs) => void,
) {
  // Create the SciChartSurface in the div 'scichart-root'

  const theme = { SciChartJSDarkv2Theme(),
    sciChartBackground: '#191F26',

  const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create(
    { theme },
  const legend = new LegendModifier({
    orientation: ELegendOrientation.Horizontal,
    // placementDivId: 'legend-div-id',
    showSeriesMarkers: true,
    showLegend: false,

    showCheckboxes: false,
    isCheckedChangedCallback: (series, isChecked) => {
      // isChecked callback only works if showCheckboxes=true
        `Option 1: Legend item ${series.type} isChecked=${isChecked}`,

    // new ZoomPanModifier(),
    new RolloverModifier({ placementDivId: 'legend-div-id' }), // enable tooltip
    new RubberBandXyZoomModifier(),
    new MouseWheelZoomModifier(),
    new ZoomExtentsModifier(),
    new XAxisDragModifier(),
    new YAxisDragModifier(),
    new CursorModifier({
      //placementDivId: 'legend-div-id',
      //tooltipDataTemplate: customTemplate,
      //tooltipLegendTemplate: getTooltipLegendTemplate,
      // tooltipSvgTemplate: tooltipSvgTemplate,
    }), // enable cursor - yValue and xValue

    new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
      drawMajorGridLines: false,
      drawMinorGridLines: false,
      drawMajorBands: false,
      visibleRangeLimit: new NumberRange(
    new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
      drawMajorGridLines: false,
      drawMinorGridLines: false,
      drawMajorBands: false,

      zoomExtentsToInitialRange: false,
      autoRange: EAutoRange.Always,

  chartData.forEach((seriesData, index) => {
    const lineSeries = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
      stroke: AUTO_COLOR,

      strokeThickness: index % 2 === 0 ? 3 : 1,
      dataSeries: new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, {
        xValues: seriesData.x,
        yValues: seriesData.y,
        dataSeriesName: `series-${index}`,

    lineSeries.rolloverModifierProps.tooltipLegendTemplate = (
      tooltipProps: RolloverModifierRenderableSeriesProps,
      seriesInfo: SeriesInfo,
    ) => {
      return `<svg width="340" height="25">
          <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#000000DD" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2" />
          <svg width="100%">
              <text x="8" y="16" font-size="13" font-family="Verdana" fill="red">Custom Legend Tooltip</text>
              <text x="180" y="16" font-size="13" font-family="Verdana" fill="lightblue">X: ${seriesInfo.formattedXValue}</text>
              <text x="260" y="16" font-size="13" font-family="Verdana" fill="green">Y: ${seriesInfo.formattedYValue}</text>


    //Custom event on chart
    if (sciChartSurface && handleMouseMove) {
      const customModifider = new FacilityBalanceChartModifier();
      customModifider.modifierMouseMove = handleMouseMove;
  return { sciChartSurface, wasmContext };
  • TRUONG LE asked 11 months ago
  • last active 10 months ago
0 votes

Javascript Stock Chart CategoryAxis date display minute ,second and microsecond

How to display date format HH:MM:SS.ssssss .
Can you please help me,

1 vote

I have two charts in my app. Is there a way that I can make a rollover tooltip on a heatmap chart and the x visible range updates accordingly on another chart when the cursor moving around on the heatmap?

I had this function in Android version with the method InternalUpdate from CustomHeatmapTooltip which extended from UniformHeatmapTooltip. I wonder if there’s a listener for the tooltip.


  • Gang Xu asked 2 years ago
  • last active 1 year ago
1 vote

I am using SciChartSurface.create() to create chart and it works well. However, I got the webGL memory issue randomly – WebGL memory issue. I am trying to apply a workaround to use SciChartSurface.createSinge() instead. The createSingle() function doesn’t work for me, the chart cannot be rendered.

const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.createSinlge(`${chartId}-chart-root`, { theme: themeObj });

There is no error showing in the developer tool console. I have no idea what’s wrong.

  • Quyen Sy asked 6 months ago
  • last active 6 months ago
1 vote

Hi Scichart Team.

I am working on the MouseWheelZoomModifier (EActionType.Pan).
But my users are using a trackpad (apple magic trackpad).
Currently, they are using 2 fingers and move up or down (vertically) to pan the chart. But they are asked to pan the chart by using 2 fingers and move left or right (horizontally) instead.

Do we have any setting for MouseWheelZoomModifier that help me pan the chart by that way?

  • TRUONG LE asked 9 months ago
  • last active 9 months ago
1 vote

I have a React application showing a real time updated chart which works well when receives data from event-based WebSocket. Now I need to modify the app with a new data source. I have an aysnc function to get a batch of data in an interval.

kinesisReadInterval.current = setInterval(async () => {
        const recordsResponse = await kinesisRef.current.getRecords({ ShardIterator: shardIterator }).promise();
        recordsResponse.Records.forEach(record => {
            try {
                const dataObj = JSON.parse(record.Data.toString('utf-8'));
            } catch (jsonError) {

        shardIterator = recordsResponse.NextShardIterator;

        if (!shardIterator || !kinesisConected.current) {
                clearInterval(intervalId); // Stop interval if conditions are not met
    }, 1000);

The recordsResponse.Records contains a batch of records and I want to update the chart based on these records one by one. From my logs, I can see that the binaryDataHandler() which will call appendRange() ran successfully for each record. However, the chart only redraws for the last record of the recordsResponse.Records. I have tried to store the recordsResponse.Records in a state variable and loop to update the chart later, but still got the same result. I am not sure whether it’s chart related issue or React rendering issue. Do you have any idea?

  • Quyen Sy asked 2 months ago
  • last active 2 months ago
1 vote


I am facing another issue with dataLabels in latest version of Scichart. I saw another question with similar is already posted and the fix is released.

Can you check this code.

I tried to reproduce the issue with the vue js example code, codesandbox. But the issues is behaving differently in example code, codesandbox, and my existing project.

codesandbox:- Text in the bottom area are displayed and top area no labes are displayed.

I am attaching the vue js file also. Please check the file also, On the example no labels are displayed.

I am attaching the video of my project also, Here the labels are invisible sometimes, sometimes the labels are showing not properly. Video Link:

1 vote


The graph is automatically stretched in width. How to do the same in height?


1 vote

Hi I have an application where I would like to get the color information of the the pixel clicked on the uniformheatmap.

I am of course able to get the value, x, y using the hitTestProvider.hitTest but it does not contain any additional information regarding the color of the clicked pixel

Any help of direction is appreciated.


1 vote
0 answers

We have implemented majorTick to make the x-axis only show the more important time, but we still have some problems that cannot be solved

  1. The inter-day tick has been added to the majorTick, but it still often cannot be displayed. We need to display the inter-day tick first, not the last majorTick of the previous day

  2. Even though I zoomed in to the enough width, it seems that the label of the cross-day tick is still not displayed. I can’t find the reason.

The following is a schematic video:

Is there a way to make the specified tick/xValue/index have a higher display priority?

Thank you very much for your help

1 vote

The project is developed on SciChart JS.

The x axis is date time numeric and y axis is numeric.

There is a option for the user to select the x axis interval. The interval values are 5 Min, 10 Min, 15 Min, 30 Min, 1 Hour, 6 Hour, 12 Hour, Days, Weeks, Months & Years.

When the user the selects a interval in the select option, the x axis should be updated with the selected interval.

For Example, If the user selects the 5 Min in the select option, then the x axis interval should be 5 Min.

For 5 Min X Axis Interval

16-Jan-2023 07:00
16-Jan-2023 07:05
16-Jan-2023 07:10
16-Jan-2023 07:15
16-Jan-2023 07:20
16-Jan-2023 07:25
16-Jan-2023 07:30

For 1 Hour X Axis Interval

16-Jan-2023 07:00
16-Jan-2023 08:00
16-Jan-2023 09:00
16-Jan-2023 10:00
16-Jan-2023 11:00
16-Jan-2023 12:00
16-Jan-2023 13:00
16-Jan-2023 14:00

So let me know how to change the interval in the x axis (date time numeric) based on the selection.

I have attached the zip file which contains the HTML file.

  • Leo Leslin asked 1 year ago
  • last active 5 months ago
3 votes


In my application I am using two charts for represent different values. I am using LegendModifier on the first chart. Is it possible when i uncheck the series on first chart and the same color series on second chart also need to hide from the second chart. Any event callback function available in LegendModifier ?

1 vote

A client responded that the line diagram drawn by scient.js on the mobile phone could not be seen.
We follow the user’s log and find that there is such content

2022/09/21 07:02:27.981 exception thrown: RuntimeError: function signature mismatch,RuntimeError: function signature mismatch
            at <anonymous>:wasm-function[2101]:0x5fc72
            at <anonymous>:wasm-function[1355]:0x2a029
            at <anonymous>:wasm-function[2409]:0x7ef3a
            at Ch (<anonymous>:wasm-function[4028]:0x12f27f)
            at r._main (<anonymous>:16:687711)
            at Object.Ma [as callMain] (<anonymous>:16:688823)
            at <anonymous>:16:565075

2022/09/21 07:02:27.981 Could not load SciChart WebAssembly module.
            Check your build process and ensure that your scichart2d.wasm, and scichart2d.js files are from the same version

We try to reproduce many different devices. At present, it seems that only the device will happen. The following is the information of the device

0 votes

I am trying to make an annotation draggable. I tried setting the isEditable property to true, but nothing happened. I can’t find the right documentation for draggable annotations . My code for creating the Annotation it’s below:

sciChartSurface.annotations.add(new LineAnnotation({
    stroke: "#279B27", strokeThickness: 3,
    xCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.DataValue,
    x1: 0,
    x2: 0,
    yCoordinateMode: ECoordinateMode.Relative,
    y1: 0,
    y2: 1,
    isEditable: true,
Showing 51 - 100 of 379 results