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0 votes


Is it possible to specify that incoming zValues array matrix is an array of columns, instead of an array of rows?

e.g. if I pass this:


[1,2,3] is the first column, not the first row.

We want to avoid transposing this data manually before passing it to the heatmap, because our data arrives one column at a time via a websocket subscription, and the data is too large to efficiently re-transpose every time.

I can’t see anything in the docs or the code?


1 vote


Our website is running on a web hosting service supported by the university. To work with the SciChart JS, do we have to install the npm and configure it accordingly? If so, we probably have to contact IT department for assistance, since we don’t have permission to do so.

Please advise. Thanks.

  • Gang Xu asked 3 years ago
  • last active 10 months ago
3 votes


In my application I am using two charts for represent different values. I am using LegendModifier on the first chart. Is it possible when i uncheck the series on first chart and the same color series on second chart also need to hide from the second chart. Any event callback function available in LegendModifier ?

1 vote

Good afternoon. My team and I are looking at your library to create a depth chart, like here, but have run into a few problems:
1. if we have, for example, a “buySeries” array larger than the “sellSeries” array, the graph is not drawn very nicely.
2. the labels are not drawn correctly when we have too small numbers, I tried to solve the problem with xAxis.textFormatting = ‘0.#####’ or ‘0.00###’, but that doesn’t work for some reason.
3. If we want to add labels while hovering over the chart with showLabel = true , then we get 4 labels, two on yAxis. is it possible to make the buySeries label appear only on the left, for example, and the sellSeries label only on the right? (second screenshot)

1 vote

I have a big problem with memory, i try many things but it’s doesn’t effect.
It’s my code for testing memory :

    const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await SciChartSurface.create("bandTest", { theme: new SciChartJSLightTheme() });
    sciChartSurface.title = "Axis 1";
    sciChartSurface.xAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext, { axisTitle: "Column number", axisTitleStyle: {fontSize: 12} }));
    sciChartSurface.yAxes.add(new NumericAxis(wasmContext, { axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Left, axisTitleStyle: {fontSize: 12} }));

sciChartSurface.delete() have no effect for memory
I run snapshot without this code and another snapshot with this code. (snap 14 is before call SciChart and snap 15 is after call the code bellow)

What can I do?


1 vote

I am using the solution you provided on,

The solution work great but there is one issue, the issue is that the text annotation should always be visible.

The issue with this solution is that the text annotation disappear if I zoom in somewhere not the text area.

Also another issue is that, in this example, the first info box x1 is beyond the current range, and so the text annotation is not visible, since the x1 of the text annotation is the same as info box and x1 is not within the current range.

First image show the first red info box x1 is not within current range, therefore not showing text annotation and the second info box working as expected with text annotation.

The second image show what happen once I zoom in on the right side away from the text annotation, then the ‘#21H’ is not visible anymore, which is wrong. Just like in my previous question example, the text annotation should always be visible, other than that, everything work great.

Thank you and let me know if there is any question.

  • Nung Khual asked 8 months ago
  • last active 8 months ago
1 vote


My application environment is on the mobile browser, so we need to switch between [pan] and [rollover]

When I use a button to switch, everything is fine, but when I want to switch with a long press, an exception occurs

Below is my code

    initModifier() {
        this.partitionList.forEach((obj, idx)=>{
            let sciChartSurface = this.sciObj[idx].sciChartSurface;
            this.zoomPanModifier[idx] = new ZoomPanModifier();
            this.rolloverModifier[idx] = new RolloverModifier({modifierGroup: this.modifierGroupId, showTooltip: false});
            this.zoomPanModifier[idx].isEnabled = true;
            // 擴增功能
                new ZoomExtentsModifier(),
                new MouseWheelZoomModifier(),
                new PinchZoomModifier(),
    switchCross() {
        let enablePan = !this.zoomPanModifier[0].isEnabled;
        this.partitionList.forEach((obj, idx)=>{
            let sciChartSurface = this.sciObj[idx].sciChartSurface;
            this.zoomPanModifier[idx].isEnabled = enablePan;
            if (enablePan)

I recorded a video, first use the button to switch, and then long press to switch, you can see the problem I want to narrate from the video, the URL is as follows:

After the problem occurred, it was expected that touchmove should be [pan], but it became [zoom]

Thanks for your help

1 vote


We have a heatmap where we can zoom in using the MouseWheelZoomModifier. Essentially we want to stop zooming at a certain visibleRange level and we cannot achieve it. Currently we have a heatmap that’s about 1500 pixels in width (with 1500 datapoints, 1-to-1), but the user can zoom so far you essentially see just 1 data point spread over the 1500 pixels.

We want to be able to zoom, but up to a certain limit, let’s say 100 datapoints visible. When visibleRange.max – visibleRange.min <= 100 we want to stop zooming.

We’ve tried suspendUpdates() and manually setting the visibleRange, but this doesn’t produce the desired results because suspendUpdates stops everything (including zooming out again) and resetting visibleRange solves it for a second, but the user is able to zoom in again. We also tried a custom mouseWheelModifier class and just removing the zoom in functionality at the treshold but that does not seem to work because scichart gives an error of having different mouseWheelModifiers.

I hope that this problem was expressed sufficiently. Please let us know if you have any questions.

  • Zino As asked 12 months ago
  • last active 11 months ago
1 vote

How to achieve the Sci Chat functionality in JavaScript . I want to update the list instead of removing a range of data from the dataseries.

0 votes

I would like to change the backgound color of my piechart.

const sciChartPieSurface = await SciChartPieSurface.create(props.chartName);
sciChartPieSurface.applyTheme(new SciChartJSLightTheme());

This code above doesnt change anything.

0 votes
import { MouseWheelZoomModifier } from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/MouseWheelZoomModifier";
import { ZoomExtentsModifier } from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/ZoomExtentsModifier";
import { ZoomPanModifier } from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/ZoomPanModifier";
import { XyDataSeries } from "scichart/Charting/Model/XyDataSeries";
import { NumericAxis } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/Axis/NumericAxis";
import { FastLineRenderableSeries } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/RenderableSeries/FastLineRenderableSeries";
import { SciChartSurface } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/SciChartSurface";
import { NumberRange } from "scichart/Core/NumberRange";
import { Point } from "scichart/Core/Point";
import { EAnimationType } from "scichart/types/AnimationType";
import { ShadowEffect } from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/RenderableSeries/ShadowEffect";
import { SciChartJSLightTheme } from "scichart/Charting/Themes/SciChartJSLightTheme";
import { SciChartJSDarkTheme } from "scichart/Charting/Themes/SciChartJSDarkTheme";
import { EAutoRange } from "scichart/types/AutoRange";

async function initSciChart() {
  const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create(
  // Create an X,Y Axis and add to the chart
  const xAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
  const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 11)});
  //const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 10)});
  // , {autoRange: EAutoRange.Once}


  // Create some data and set on a line series
  const xyData = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext);
  for (let i = 0; i < 250; i++) {
    xyData.append(i, 0);
    // xyData.append(i, Math.sin(i * 0.1));
    new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, { dataSeries: xyData })


Visible Range is not working correctly. I found two cases getting the issue.

Case 1: visibleRange: new NumberRange(0, 10) -> if the values are 0 and 10 then the chart showing auto mode.
Case 2: xyData.append(i, 0) -> if all the values are 0 then its showing line on middle even the value is 0 to any number.

Please check the cases has some issues…

1 vote


I have added a data series and also a custom box annotation which is overlapping the data series.
But the question is I am trying to move the box annotation which drag and drop but have to clip on the data series as well.
May I know if is scichart js able to do so? Or best if I just convert it into svg and make it drag and drop will do?

  • eva yeoh asked 1 year ago
  • last active 1 year ago
1 vote

Sorry for opening another question, but this followup to got missed.

I’m looking to add a border and background to a TextAnnotation.

Back in the WPF days we had the ability to pretty easily add background colors and such to annotations, thanks to the existing WPF model. I’m assuming in the JS example this would be custom; do you have any existing code/examples for that? Looking for being able to use a colored box whose fill matches the renderable series stroke, along with a contrasting text color.


0 votes

I am wondering if there may be some guidance on how to configure the styles for the SciChart.js chart instance in a React application to be able to handle dynamic changes to the height value.

The scenario is that the chart and wasm context are being saved in refs, so that the component the chart exists within does not rerender. Data is being consumed via a web socket, and streaming realtime data.

All that is well and good, but trying to implement a new feature request where the height of the chart changes dynamically, similar to an accordion style where the chart may have a full view, a split view, or no view (92vh, 46vh, 0vh)

I am finding that my css styles are not applying, or frustratingly will apply seemingly at random and other times not apply even though the underlying code remains the same. I tried to override, or at least alter, the position absolute styles of the canvas, by wrapping it in a parent element with position relative, which works to keep the height and width of the chart as desired, but the aspect ratio seems to falter and the chart axes are blurred and illegible.

I’m sure this would be a great instance of a picture says a 1000 words, and I am nearing a 1000 words. Will try to attach a codepen/ example that demonstrates the issue I am experiencing.

If there are any tips or tricks you would recommend please advise

1 vote

How can we change the color(Red) of custom box annotation when it is clicked .

1 vote

The scichart y axis is displayed as undefined after updating the data in timed interval. The y axis initially shows the value,but after the data is appended to the source, the y axis is shown as undefined in the chart.

I have attached the final scichart image with yaxis as undefined.

1 vote

As if right now, I have create a custom annotation, which is a red circle and the idea is to show some info when hovering on it, like a tooltip.

Right now, when hovering on the red circle, I am adding another custom annotation to show the info and then removing it when not hovering anymore. The issue with this is that it is not very stable, as in if I don’t point my cursor right in the middle of the red circle, it won’t register as hit. I tried putting hitTestRadius to 50 on CursorModifier, but doesn’t seem to make any difference.

I have also try with xyScatterRenderableSeries and EllipsePointMarker, the issue I find with it is that it is interfering with my data series tooltip, as the cursor modifier recognize it as a chart series and try to show on the tooltip, which I don’t want. I only want the red circle to be trigger only when cursor is right on it.

The first image is my code and how I am trying to achieve it at the moment, it does work, but I don’t think it’s very stable, I wish there is a more natural way to do it.

The second image is how my current solution looks like, as you can see, the data series tooltip is overlapping it, which I want to avoid. I can’t think of a way to solve the overlapping issue yet. Other than unstableness and the tooltip overlapping, it work fine.

The third image is how I want it to look like.

  • Nung Khual asked 8 months ago
  • last active 7 months ago
1 vote

I need help to make the SciChart surface grid to always look like squares instead of rectangles(like in the screenshot attached).
Does anyone have solved this yet ?

0 votes

Do you have any examples with configurating sci chart component in asp.mvc project. Ideally I’d not want to use any of the node.js pipeline and I just want to add set of javascript files to my project.

0 votes

i cant draw any chart.
just this ..
i used demo code

  • YEJI YOON asked 3 years ago
  • last active 3 years ago
1 vote

RubberBandXyZoomModifier Zoom visibleRangeChanged not hitting when zooming. Can you check this? or any callback function when zooming the chart?

import {SciChartSurface} from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/SciChartSurface";
import {NumericAxis} from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/Axis/NumericAxis";
import {XyDataSeries} from "scichart/Charting/Model/XyDataSeries";
import {FastLineRenderableSeries} from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/RenderableSeries/FastLineRenderableSeries";
import {XyScatterRenderableSeries} from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/RenderableSeries/XyScatterRenderableSeries";
import {EllipsePointMarker} from "scichart/Charting/Visuals/PointMarkers/EllipsePointMarker";
import {NumberRange} from "scichart/Core/NumberRange";
import {RubberBandXyZoomModifier} from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/RubberBandXyZoomModifier";
import {ZoomExtentsModifier} from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/ZoomExtentsModifier";
import {ZoomPanModifier} from "scichart/Charting/ChartModifiers/ZoomPanModifier";
import {EZoomState} from "scichart/types/ZoomState";
import { EExecuteOn } from "scichart/types/ExecuteOn";
import { EXyDirection } from "scichart/types/XyDirection";

async function initSciChart() {
    const {sciChartSurface, wasmContext} = await SciChartSurface.create("scichart-root");
    const xAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
    const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
    xAxis.visibleRangeChanged.subscribe((args) => {
        console.log("X Axis changed");
    yAxis.visibleRangeChanged.subscribe((args) => {
        console.log("Y Axis changed");
    const scatterSeries = new XyScatterRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
        pointMarker: new EllipsePointMarker(wasmContext, {width: 7, height: 7, fill: "White", stroke: "SteelBlue"}),
    const lineSeries = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {stroke: "#4083B7", strokeThickness: 2});
    sciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(lineSeries, scatterSeries);
    const scatterData = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, {dataSeriesName: "Cos(x)"});
    const lineData = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, {dataSeriesName: "Sin(x)"});

    for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        lineData.append(i, Math.sin(i * 0.1));
        scatterData.append(i, Math.cos(i * 0.1));
    scatterSeries.dataSeries = scatterData;
    lineSeries.dataSeries = lineData;

    sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new RubberBandXyZoomModifier({
        xyDirection: EXyDirection.XDirection
    const updateDataFunc = () => {
        const i = lineData.count();
        lineData.append(i, Math.sin(i * 0.1));
        scatterData.append(i, Math.cos(i * 0.1));
        if (sciChartSurface.zoomState !== EZoomState.UserZooming) {
            xAxis.visibleRange = new NumberRange(i - 1000, i);
        setTimeout(updateDataFunc, 1 / 60);


Please check the example with v2.0.2146. Its working with older version and now its not working.
On the example the first time it will print the console. after that when zooming the change callback is not hitting.

1 vote


I am facing a issue with RolloverModifier. I have multiple charts in single window. For some points the lines over the chart are missing.

Please find the attached images for some examples and the code for reproduce the issue. on the attachment you can see that the line on some chart is missing when mouse on left and right corner area of the chart

1 vote

Hi, I have an issue where I am trying to create multiple xAxes where one is normal and the rest are horizontally stacked. Then I calculate the stacked length of each stacked axes, but the issue comes when I change the width of the chart or inspect element, which would alter the width of the chart somehow, I got error saying the total width of the stacked axes is bigger than available size.

I have a codesanbox example of it:

I am using percentage for the stacked xAxes length and then I added them up to be 100% total, but somehow it is saying that it is more than available size.

So, my question is, how can I listen or get the width/size changes event of the chart/xAxis, so that I can calculate accordingly?

  • Nung Khual asked 9 months ago
  • last active 9 months ago
1 vote

Hello everyone,

I have 2 HorizontalLineAnnotations on the chart as price indicators. Sometimes i need to add to some label more data on the second line of the text. You can see example of correct annotation’s label. How can i add ‘\n’ or ‘
‘ to the text for such result?

Thank you a lot!

0 votes

I want to build a Stacked Column Side by Side Chart by referring to the reference here.

However, the program could not enter line #41. It just stuck there and the column chart could not be shown.

My code:

export class OutputAmplitudeComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

constructor(@Inject(SETTING_SERVICE) private settingService: SettingService, private cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {}

ngOnInit() {        
                this.settingService.registerSetting(HarmonicAmpSetting).pipe(takeUntil(this.ngUnsubHarmonicData)).subscribe(setting => {
                    const OutputAmplitudeData = setting.value;

                    for (let x = 1; x < this.numberOfOutput; x++) {
                        if (this.OutputMode === 'Voltage') {
                            if (phaseNum === 1) {
                      [x-1].voltage1 = OutputAmplitudeData[x];
                            } else if (phaseNum === 2) {
                      [x-1].voltage2 = OutputAmplitudeData[x];
                            } else if (phaseNum === 3) {
                      [x-1].voltage3 = OutputAmplitudeData[x]; 
                        } else if (this.OutputMode === 'Current') {
                            if (phaseNum === 1) {
                      [x-1].current1 = OutputAmplitudeData[x];
                            } else if (phaseNum === 2) {
                      [x-1].current2 = OutputAmplitudeData[x];
                            } else if (phaseNum === 3) {
                      [x-1].current3 = OutputAmplitudeData[x];

async sciChartInit(x:number) {

    var phase1 = parseFloat([x-1].voltage1);
    var phase2 = parseFloat([x-1].voltage2);
    var phase3 = parseFloat([x-1].voltage3);

    //stuck here

    const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await SciChartSurface.create("chart");

    const xAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
    const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);

    const dataSeries1 = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, { xValues:[x], yValues:[phase1], dataSeriesName: "Phase 1" });
    const dataSeries2 = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, { xValues:[x], yValues:[phase2], dataSeriesName: "Phase 2" });
    const dataSeries3 = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, { xValues:[x], yValues:[phase3], dataSeriesName: "Phase 3" });

    const rendSeries1 = new StackedColumnRenderableSeries(wasmContext);
    rendSeries1.fill = "#dc443f";
    rendSeries1.stroke = "black";
    rendSeries1.strokeThickness = 1;
    rendSeries1.dataSeries = dataSeries1;
    rendSeries1.rolloverModifierProps.markerColor = "#b83735";
    rendSeries1.rolloverModifierProps.tooltipColor = "#dc443f";
    rendSeries1.rolloverModifierProps.tooltipTextColor = "#fff";
    rendSeries1.stackedGroupId = "one";

    const rendSeries2 = new StackedColumnRenderableSeries(wasmContext);
    rendSeries2.fill = "#aad34f";
    rendSeries2.stroke = "black";
    rendSeries2.strokeThickness = 1;
    rendSeries2.dataSeries = dataSeries2;
    rendSeries2.rolloverModifierProps.markerColor = "#87a73e";
    rendSeries2.rolloverModifierProps.tooltipColor = "#aad34f";
    rendSeries2.rolloverModifierProps.tooltipTextColor = "#000";
    rendSeries2.stackedGroupId = "two";

    const rendSeries3 = new StackedColumnRenderableSeries(wasmContext);
    rendSeries3.fill = "#8562b4";
    rendSeries3.stroke = "black";
    rendSeries3.strokeThickness = 1;
    rendSeries3.dataSeries = dataSeries3;
    rendSeries3.rolloverModifierProps.markerColor = "#715195";
    rendSeries3.rolloverModifierProps.tooltipColor = "#8562b4";
    rendSeries3.rolloverModifierProps.tooltipTextColor = "#fff";
    rendSeries3.stackedGroupId = "three";

    const verticallyStackedColumnCollection = new StackedColumnCollection(wasmContext);
    verticallyStackedColumnCollection.dataPointWidth = 0.5;
    verticallyStackedColumnCollection.add(rendSeries1, rendSeries2, rendSeries3);
    verticallyStackedColumnCollection.animation = new ScaleAnimation({ duration: 1000, fadeEffect: true });


    sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomExtentsModifier(), new ZoomPanModifier(), new MouseWheelZoomModifier());


    sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new RolloverModifier({ rolloverLineStroke: "#228B22" }));
        new LegendModifier({
            placement: ELegendPlacement.TopRight,
            orientation: ELegendOrientation.Horizontal,
            showLegend: true,
            showCheckboxes: true,
            showSeriesMarkers: true
    return { wasmContext, sciChartSurface };
} }

The data needed in the chart is identified and no error is shown.
Any idea on the solution?

Thank you.

  • ETS Ong asked 3 years ago
  • last active 3 years ago
1 vote

How to setup SciChart.js in React native frame work?

  • Subin Raj asked 2 years ago
  • last active 10 months ago
1 vote

I have a huge dataset to display in graphical form starting from the daily data for 30 days and then to each minute when zoom in, what is the best way to plot this data using zoom in functionality

1 vote

Dear Andrew,

Thank you for the past answers. I have a new question. I have a heatmap with 2 line charts at its left aand top position. the top line chart plot the horizontal values where the mouse if hovering and left chart displays vertical values from the mouse position.

This is working great, but the issue is the heatmap is not always square and I am trying the aligh the line charts with the heatmap dimensions

two issues,

  1. the heatmap X/Y dimension are not always same, in fact I have a function which listens to the changing heatmap zoom factor and makes sure the X/Y are always “square” as we want to show the heatmap with square pixels. (see video #2)

  2. As I dynamically chage the size of the plot the… the proportion of actual chart area to axis lable changes thus varying the overlap. (see video #1)

Let me know if you need more information,



1 vote

This demo was very helpful in working export out. I have a followup question. For a specific user request, I’m currently attempting something along these lines (current state; there’s some spaghetti-against-the-wall method going on at the moment):

const previousTheme = surface.themeProvider;

    const exportTheme = {
        axisBandsFill: "Transparent"

    surface.background = "Transparent";

    new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000)).then(() => {
        try {
            const node = document.getElementById('scichart-stuff');
            if (!node)
                .toPng(node )
                .then(function (blob) {
                    saveAs(blob, 'plot.png');
                .catch(function (error) {
                    console.error('Problem exporting/saving image of plot', error);
        } finally {

I am able to see the update (after adding the delay) on the screen, but the export appears to be ignoring the values I’m setting. I’m wondering what I might be missing in terms of the interactions of these libraries.

1 vote

Working with SciChart/React/Webpack/Babel.

The Webpack Bundle Analyser shows that SciChart accounts for a massive chunk of the bundle’s size.

It is even more pronounced with the default settings, because SciChart uses the crypto package, which is widely known to introduce significant bloat and duplication, shown in the screenshot. Using Webpack to specify the following removes this bloat, and seems to still work, but it would be good to know the implications of including this config:

node: {
fs: "empty",
crypto: false,

Screenshots attached, showing the bundle analysis with and without this additional config.

0 votes

I have been trying to integrate Scichart JS in my Ionic 5 (Capacitor) application, but didn’t get succeed on that. I really need help on that

0 votes
  1. Big Sur 11.6.
  2. Monterey 12.2.1
  3. Catalina 10.15.7 (late 2013 model)
    ![enter image description here][1]

sciChart version 1.4.1611

If you open the chart in the Firefox browser, then, strangely enough, everything works.

Is it related to the version of the library?

1 vote

The project is developed on SciChart JS.

The x axis is date time numeric and y axis is numeric.

There is a option for the user to select the x axis interval. The interval values are 5 Min, 10 Min, 15 Min, 30 Min, 1 Hour, 6 Hour, 12 Hour, Days, Weeks, Months & Years.

When the user the selects a interval in the select option, the x axis should be updated with the selected interval.

For Example, If the user selects the 5 Min in the select option, then the x axis interval should be 5 Min.

For 5 Min X Axis Interval

16-Jan-2023 07:00
16-Jan-2023 07:05
16-Jan-2023 07:10
16-Jan-2023 07:15
16-Jan-2023 07:20
16-Jan-2023 07:25
16-Jan-2023 07:30

For 1 Hour X Axis Interval

16-Jan-2023 07:00
16-Jan-2023 08:00
16-Jan-2023 09:00
16-Jan-2023 10:00
16-Jan-2023 11:00
16-Jan-2023 12:00
16-Jan-2023 13:00
16-Jan-2023 14:00

So let me know how to change the interval in the x axis (date time numeric) based on the selection.

I have attached the zip file which contains the HTML file.

  • Leo Leslin asked 1 year ago
  • last active 6 months ago
1 vote

Is there a way to place AxisMarkerAnnotation on top of the gridline as shown in the attached images?

Here are some code to defined the xAxis:

xAxis.axisAlignment = EAxisAlignment.Bottom;
xAxis.drawLabels = true;
xAxis.labelStyle.fontFamily = "Roboto";
xAxis.labelStyle.fontSize = 12;
xAxis.labelStyle.alignment = ELabelAlignment.Left;
xAxis.autoRange = EAutoRange.Never;
xAxis.labelStyle.padding = new Thickness (0, 0, 0, 0);

Note: I’m aware that CustomAnnotation offers a better solution in placing the annotation into its designated position by setting y1 = 0. But I need the annotation to drag only around the xAxis, which can be done in AxisMarkerAnnotation so far.

0 votes


we plan to generate reports containing SciChart charts, so we can re-use the chart components we show in our web-application. We did the same successfully in the past with SciChart for WPF.

So far I didn’t find any special support to generate high quality print output (and printing for js charts in general). Using the web-browsers print function the charts are rendered as bitmaps at screen resolution. In SciChart for WPF you provide a Vector Rendering Plugin which we used for printing (as described here

Is there already support for high quality rendering in SciChart.js or do you have plans for it and maybe a timeline when to expect it?

I found one issue when printing from the example charts ( After opening with a new browser window, on the first print the page content in the print dialog is most times empty but after reloading (F5) it is apparently always shown. I don’t know yet if this would be an issue when rendering to a PDF which we plan, but I think this should always work at the first time a page is loaded. Tested with current Chrome (88.0.4324.104) and Edge (88.0.705.56).

I wanted to attach a .png screenshot (435 KiB) but it didn’t work (a progress bar runs to 100% but then the file list is still empty tried file selection and drag&drop ). I think the issue should be understandable without a screenshot?

I could add the image using the edit function.



0 votes

Hello! Can you help me with creating footprint chart. In documentation and examples I didn`t find way how to do that. How can I create it ?

1 vote

Hi, I want to color the axis label by its value,

value < 0 -> show red color
value = 0 -> show gray color
value > 0 -> show green color

similar to this question, but in javascript platform, it seems the LabelProvider has function related to the value(string) formatting only. Is there any ways to styling the label? Thanks!

1 vote

The x, y values showing in the tooltip of crosshair are rounded to 1 decimal place. How I can I modify the tooltip to show the actual x, y values? And how can I change the text font size in the tooltip?

  • Kelly Chan asked 2 years ago
  • last active 2 years ago
1 vote

I try to use this exemple on my PC with (nodejs 8.13.0) and i can’t run this app example. I receive this error:

× 「wds」: Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialized
using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.

configuration.optimization has an unknown property ‘namedModules’.
These properties are valid:

object { checkWasmTypes?, chunkIds?, concatenateModules?,
emitOnErrors?, flagIncludedChunks?, innerGraph?, mangleExports?,
mangleWasmImports?, mergeDuplicateChunks?, minimize?, minimizer?,
moduleIds?, noEmitOnErrors?, nodeEnv?, portableRecords?,
providedExports?, realContentHash?, removeAvailableModules?,
removeEmptyChunks?, runtimeChunk?, sideEffects?, splitChunks?,
usedExports? }

-> Enables/Disables integrated optimizations. Did you mean optimization.moduleIds: “named” (BREAKING CHANGE since webpack 5)?*

Is there compatiblity problem with nodejs LTS version?
Thans for your response.

1 vote

Hi, I want to create info boxes between xAxis and chart, info box will contain text, but the width/position of the box will be base on the xAxis and should sync with the chart (zoom etc). For example, if xAxis is from 1-100, and the first info box start from 1 to 10, then the width/position of the box should cover from 1-10, and if I zoom between 1-10, then info box should also sync and expand.

So far, I have created it using horizontal stacked xAxes and custom axis layout strategy provided by you. But the issue is that the stacked xAxes are not sync with the chart, for now, to make it seem sync, I am recalculating stacked axis length when zoom. But the issue comes when there should be gap between the info boxes, for example, if xAxis is 1-100 and the first box is 1-10 and the second box is 20-40, then there is a gap of 10 between the first and second. Right now, those gap are filled using empty xAxes, but they are not correct. When there is gap, the position of the boxes are wrong.

  • First image is my current implementation of it using custom axis layout and stacked xAxes.
  • Second image is how it look when zoomed
  • Third image is the gap issue with the current implementation
  • Fourth image is how the correct implementation should look like.

Codesanbox example:

  • Nung Khual asked 9 months ago
  • last active 9 months ago
1 vote

Is it possible to add the scrollbar in the chart. If the visibleRangeLimit is set is it possible to add the normal scrollbar in the side of the chart.

0 votes

I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

0 votes

I want to build a column chart but I got the following error:

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property ‘append’ of undefined

The error happened in line #42.

My code:

export class OutputAmplitudeComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

constructor(@Inject(SETTING_SERVICE) private settingService: SettingService, private cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {}

ngOnInit() {        
                this.settingService.registerSetting(HarmonicAmpSetting).pipe(takeUntil(this.ngUnsubHarmonicData)).subscribe(setting => {
                    const OutputAmplitudeData = setting.value;

                    for (let x = 1; x < this.numberOfOutput; x++) {
                        if (this.OutputMode === 'Voltage') {
                            if (phaseNum === 1) {
                      [x-1].voltage1 = OutputAmplitudeData[x];
                            } else if (phaseNum === 2) {
                      [x-1].voltage2 = OutputAmplitudeData[x];
                            } else if (phaseNum === 3) {
                      [x-1].voltage3 = OutputAmplitudeData[x]; 
                        } else if (this.OutputMode === 'Current') {
                            if (phaseNum === 1) {
                      [x-1].current1 = OutputAmplitudeData[x];
                            } else if (phaseNum === 2) {
                      [x-1].current2 = OutputAmplitudeData[x];
                            } else if (phaseNum === 3) {
                      [x-1].current3 = OutputAmplitudeData[x];


    var phaseNum1 = [];
    var xData = [];
    for (let x = 1; x < this.numberOfOutput; x++) {
        if ( != null &&[x-1] != null) {
            phaseNum1[x - 1] = parseFloat([x - 1].voltage1);
            xData[x - 1] = x;
            if (!isNaN(phaseNum1[x - 1])) {
            } else {
                console.log("No num");

async sciChartInit() {

    const { wasmContext, sciChartSurface } = await SciChartSurface.create("chart");

    var phaseNum1 = [];
    var xData = [];
    this.dataSeries1 = new XyDataSeries(wasmContext);
    for (let x = 1; x < this.numberOfOutput; x++) {
        this.dataSeries1.append(x, x);

    const xAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);
    const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext);

    const rendSeries1 = new StackedColumnRenderableSeries(wasmContext);
    rendSeries1.fill = "#dc443f";
    rendSeries1.stroke = "green";
    rendSeries1.strokeThickness = 1;
    rendSeries1.dataSeries = this.dataSeries1;
    rendSeries1.stackedGroupId = "one";

    const verticallyStackedColumnCollection = new StackedColumnCollection(wasmContext);
    verticallyStackedColumnCollection.dataPointWidth = 0.5;
    verticallyStackedColumnCollection.animation = new ScaleAnimation({ duration: 1000, fadeEffect: true });

    sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomExtentsModifier(), new ZoomPanModifier(), new MouseWheelZoomModifier());

        new LegendModifier({
            placement: ELegendPlacement.TopRight,
            orientation: ELegendOrientation.Horizontal,
            showLegend: true,
            showCheckboxes: true,
            showSeriesMarkers: true
    return { wasmContext, sciChartSurface };

I don’t understand what is undefined and why.

Thank you.

  • ETS Ong asked 3 years ago
  • last active 3 years ago
1 vote

I need to implement custom html legend instead of built-in options.
To hide built-in rollover I’m using series config:

    this.series.rolloverModifierProps.width = 0;
    this.series.rolloverModifierProps.height = 0;
    this.series.rolloverModifierProps.markerColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)";

I can’t set

 rolloverModifierProps.showRollover = false; 

because in that case rolloverModifierProps.tooltipDataTemplate handler is not firing.
My handler looks like

rolloverModifierProps.tooltipDataTemplate = (seriesInfo: SeriesInfo): string[] => {
            const ohlcInfo = seriesInfo as OhlcSeriesInfo;
            myOwnHandlerToPassDataToHtml({ high: ohlcInfo.highValue, low: ohlcInfo.lowValue, open: ohlcInfo.openValue, close: ohlcInfo.closeValue });
            return [];

I’am wondering if there is any other way to hide rollover marker but keep tooltipDataTemplate handler firing?

1 vote

Hello I have been having a difficult time getting the correct time displayed on my xAxis and labels.

Passing in an xValue to an OHLC data series of 60 and the setting cursorLabelFormat: ENumericFormat.Date_DDMMHHMM this should produce a label “01/01 00:01” With the year as 1970.

When the computers timezone is set to UTC + 0 this behaves as expected.

However when the computers timezone is set to anything negative (UTC – 7) the label is formatted as “31/12 00:01” with the year 1969. If scichart is trying to convert to local time I would expect a reading of “31/12 17:01” 1969.

And when the timezone is set to anything positive (UTC + 7) the label is formatted as it is UTC +0 “01/01 00:01” 1970 again I would expect the hour to corrispond to the UTC offset if scichart is trying to convert to local time.

Looking at the later case I would assume that no time conversion is taking place which is what I would prefer. But looking at the former case (UTC -X) there appears to be some manipulation happening somewhere, I just have not been able to find any documentation explaining this. Am I missing something to get this to work properly out of the box without a custom label provider?

Thank you,


I do not want to worry about timezones. I want sciChart to plot the time that I give it. Again this is acting as expected when the computer timezone is in anything greater than UTC 0. But when the computer timezone is less than UTC 0 the label and axes are showing a date 24 hours prior to what I give it.

See attached images for the error. Note the only change that is happening is changing the computer timezone from UTC – 4 to UTC + 4.

See below for code setting up the chart.

Why is changing the computer timezone affecting the data labels?

export async function example(element) {
    let { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = chartInstances.hasOwnProperty( && chartInstances[];

    // initialize sciChart and add created chart to chartInstances
    if (sciChartSurface === undefined) {
        const newContext = await SciChartSurface.create(;
        sciChartSurface = newContext.sciChartSurface;
        wasmContext = newContext.wasmContext;
        chartInstances[] = { sciChartSurface, wasmContext };

    //create and add xAxis
    let xAxis = new CategoryAxis(wasmContext, {
        drawLabels: true,
        drawMajorTickLines: true,
        drawMinorTickLines: true,
        axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Bottom,
        autoRange: EAutoRange.Once,
        cursorLabelFormat: ENumericFormat.Date_DDMMHHMM,
        labelFormat: ENumericFormat.Date_DDMMYYYY,


    //create and add yAxis
    let yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
        maxAutoTicks: 5,
        autoRange: EAutoRange.Always,
        growBy: new NumberRange(0.3, 0.11),
        axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Right,
        labelPrecision: 4

    //add chart modifiers
    sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomPanModifier({ xyDirection: EXyDirection.XDirection }));
    sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new ZoomExtentsModifier({ xyDirection: EXyDirection.XDirection }));
    sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new MouseWheelZoomModifier({ xyDirection: EXyDirection.XDirection }));
    sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new RolloverModifier({ modifierGroup: "first", showTooltip: false }));
    sciChartSurface.chartModifiers.add(new CursorModifier(
            crosshairStroke: "#9598a1",
            crosshairStrokeDashArray: [10, 5],

    //apply desired theme
    sciChartSurface.applyTheme(new SciChartJSDarkTheme());

    //create three bars 
    _ohlcDataSeries = new OhlcDataSeries(wasmContext, {
        xValues: [60,120,180], //1 min, 2 min, 3 min post epoch
        openValues: [10,10,10],
        highValues: [15,15,15],
        lowValues: [5,5,5],
        closeValues: [11,11,11],
        dataSeriesName: "PriceDataSeries"

    //create and style fastCandRendSeries
    const fcRendSeries = new FastCandlestickRenderableSeries(wasmContext,
            dataSeries: _ohlcDataSeries,
            strokeThickness: 1,
            dataPointWidth: 0.5,
            brushUp: "#50ff50B2",
            brushDown: "#ff5050B2",
            strokeUp: "#50ff50",
            strokeDown: "#ff5050",
            animation: new WaveAnimation({ fadeEffect: true, duration: 800 })
  • Leland asked 2 years ago
  • last active 2 years ago
1 vote

I am implementing a heatmap chart and would like to allow users to adjust the color mapping of the heatmap by adding sliders to the heatmap legend (Please refer to the attached screenshot). Does SciChart support color slider for HeatmapLegend?

  • Quyen Sy asked 1 year ago
  • last active 1 year ago
0 votes

Hi Support Team.

I’m working on SciChart with React 16.9 . Licensed by EOG Resouces.

Can you guys please let me know how to custom tooltip/legend on SciChart (JS)?

My custom function is below. Thank all

export async function initSciChart(
  chartDiv: string,
  chartData: Array<{ x: Array<number>; y: Array<number> }>,
  handleMouseMove?: (args: ModifierMouseArgs) => void,
) {
  // Create the SciChartSurface in the div 'scichart-root'

  const theme = { SciChartJSDarkv2Theme(),
    sciChartBackground: '#191F26',

  const { sciChartSurface, wasmContext } = await SciChartSurface.create(
    { theme },
  const legend = new LegendModifier({
    orientation: ELegendOrientation.Horizontal,
    // placementDivId: 'legend-div-id',
    showSeriesMarkers: true,
    showLegend: false,

    showCheckboxes: false,
    isCheckedChangedCallback: (series, isChecked) => {
      // isChecked callback only works if showCheckboxes=true
        `Option 1: Legend item ${series.type} isChecked=${isChecked}`,

    // new ZoomPanModifier(),
    new RolloverModifier({ placementDivId: 'legend-div-id' }), // enable tooltip
    new RubberBandXyZoomModifier(),
    new MouseWheelZoomModifier(),
    new ZoomExtentsModifier(),
    new XAxisDragModifier(),
    new YAxisDragModifier(),
    new CursorModifier({
      //placementDivId: 'legend-div-id',
      //tooltipDataTemplate: customTemplate,
      //tooltipLegendTemplate: getTooltipLegendTemplate,
      // tooltipSvgTemplate: tooltipSvgTemplate,
    }), // enable cursor - yValue and xValue

    new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
      drawMajorGridLines: false,
      drawMinorGridLines: false,
      drawMajorBands: false,
      visibleRangeLimit: new NumberRange(
    new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
      drawMajorGridLines: false,
      drawMinorGridLines: false,
      drawMajorBands: false,

      zoomExtentsToInitialRange: false,
      autoRange: EAutoRange.Always,

  chartData.forEach((seriesData, index) => {
    const lineSeries = new FastLineRenderableSeries(wasmContext, {
      stroke: AUTO_COLOR,

      strokeThickness: index % 2 === 0 ? 3 : 1,
      dataSeries: new XyDataSeries(wasmContext, {
        xValues: seriesData.x,
        yValues: seriesData.y,
        dataSeriesName: `series-${index}`,

    lineSeries.rolloverModifierProps.tooltipLegendTemplate = (
      tooltipProps: RolloverModifierRenderableSeriesProps,
      seriesInfo: SeriesInfo,
    ) => {
      return `<svg width="340" height="25">
          <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#000000DD" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2" />
          <svg width="100%">
              <text x="8" y="16" font-size="13" font-family="Verdana" fill="red">Custom Legend Tooltip</text>
              <text x="180" y="16" font-size="13" font-family="Verdana" fill="lightblue">X: ${seriesInfo.formattedXValue}</text>
              <text x="260" y="16" font-size="13" font-family="Verdana" fill="green">Y: ${seriesInfo.formattedYValue}</text>


    //Custom event on chart
    if (sciChartSurface && handleMouseMove) {
      const customModifider = new FacilityBalanceChartModifier();
      customModifider.modifierMouseMove = handleMouseMove;
  return { sciChartSurface, wasmContext };
  • TRUONG LE asked 11 months ago
  • last active 11 months ago
1 vote


EDataLabelSkipMode Customization is possible with some time range limit?
When i checked the documentation saw the options to skip the label for overlaping. Is it possible can add some index to skip the values. Eg: for Time chart One value is displayed in the chart at 10:30:00. So if i add some index value to skip the next 1 min data. So based on skip index next available value can ba displayed in chart. (10:31:00 or next available value). Can you implement this option to skip ?

1 vote

Good evening. Lately I’ve been troubleshooting a problem with page memory usage increasing. Over time, the memory grows exponentially and reaches several gigabytes. To explain the problem, we need to describe how we use charts:

On our website in real time, depending on our algorithm, the charts replace each other. The user constantly sees 4 charts, which are constantly replaced by others. Adding new charts occurs unnoticed by the user and only after the graph is fully loaded and drawn does it replace the previous one. That is, the user actually sees 4 charts, but there may be more on the page. After replacing the desired chart, the old one is deleted using surface.delete() and removing all dependencies.

At first, when creating a chart, I used the create() method. After a number of attempts to avoid memory accumulation and re-reading the documentation, I came to the conclusion that it is possible, since all graphs are created using create() – they have a common wasm and since there cannot be a situation in which all charts will be deleted (at least 4 are always present ), then wasm memory is not freed. Tell me if I’m right about this.

Afterwards, I decided to try to create charts using createSingle() with a reliable method, which now, since each graph has its own wasm, memory will be freed. Perhaps this was the case, but I can’t say for sure, because now after some time the page began to reload automatically with the appearance of an error, the screenshot of which I attached. This is most likely due to a wasm limitation on the page when using createSingle. Although it’s strange, when you delete the chart, the amount of wasm should decrease. And even with a limit of 16 copies, this should be enough. Please explain this error to me as well, perhaps the problem with rebooting can be somehow solved by you (I’m not sure that this should happen)

Thank you very much in advance for your answer. Have a good day!

1 vote

I have a React application showing a real time updated chart which works well when receives data from event-based WebSocket. Now I need to modify the app with a new data source. I have an aysnc function to get a batch of data in an interval.

kinesisReadInterval.current = setInterval(async () => {
        const recordsResponse = await kinesisRef.current.getRecords({ ShardIterator: shardIterator }).promise();
        recordsResponse.Records.forEach(record => {
            try {
                const dataObj = JSON.parse(record.Data.toString('utf-8'));
            } catch (jsonError) {

        shardIterator = recordsResponse.NextShardIterator;

        if (!shardIterator || !kinesisConected.current) {
                clearInterval(intervalId); // Stop interval if conditions are not met
    }, 1000);

The recordsResponse.Records contains a batch of records and I want to update the chart based on these records one by one. From my logs, I can see that the binaryDataHandler() which will call appendRange() ran successfully for each record. However, the chart only redraws for the last record of the recordsResponse.Records. I have tried to store the recordsResponse.Records in a state variable and loop to update the chart later, but still got the same result. I am not sure whether it’s chart related issue or React rendering issue. Do you have any idea?

  • Quyen Sy asked 3 months ago
  • last active 3 months ago
Showing 151 - 200 of 355 results