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1 vote

I’m currently rewriting a program in .net7 WPF using MVVM as much as possible.

In my MainViewModel:

I read data from a CSV file and transforming it into an ObservableCollection of LineRenderableSeriesViewModel (stored in the « RenderableSeriesViewModels » variable) . Additionally, the Y axes are transformed into ObservableCollection of IAxisViewModel (within the « Yaxes » variable).
Each series corresponds to a LineRenderableSeriesViewModel and each Y axis is represented as a NumericAxisViewModel. The X-axis is a DateTime common to all series and is declared only in XAML.

Within my view’s XAML:

I declare RenderableSeries=”{s:SeriesBinding RenderableSeriesViewModels}” and YAxes=”{s:AxesBinding YAxes}. I’ve defined a legend template to add several elements:
– DataContext=”{Binding RenderableSeries}”
– A checkbox to toggle serie visibility (IsVisible binding).
– A checkbox to toggle Y-axis visibility for the serie (YAxis.Visibility binding).
– A color picker to change the color of a serie, bound to “Stroke”, “YAxis.TickTextBrush”, and “YAxis.BorderBrush”
– A slider for adjusting serie thickness (StrokeThickness binding).


Each element acts on the graph as expected: RenderableSeries updates and the graph refreshes correctly.

In the MainViewModel, RenderableSeriesViewModels and YAxes are not updated for all elements:
– “IsVisible” and “StrokeThickness” for the concerned series are instantly modified in RenderableSeriesViewModels but “Stroke” is not.
– “YAxes” is not updated.

The code for the LegendTemplate and a screenshot of the resulting legend are in the attachements.

Could you please help me to understand what I do wrong?

1 vote

Hi all,

As the title indicates, I am trying to get mouse cursor position (Coordinates) from a SciChartSurface in MVVM manner.

I have lots of data bindings to my chart properties in my View Model in the background. This following snipped is a copy of my XAML code in which I have all the data bindings set:

<sci:SciChartSurface Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0"
                         RenderableSeries="{Binding SciChartSeriesViewModels}"     
                         YAxes="{Binding SciChartYAxesCollection,Mode=TwoWay}"                                         
                         Annotations="{Binding ChartAnnotations}"                                     
                         ChartModifier ="{Binding ChartModifierGroup}"
                         Visibility="{Binding ChartVisibility}">

            <sci:TimeSpanAxis AxisTitle="Time"
                              AutoRange="Once" GrowBy="0.03,0.001"


As can be seen from the code above, the ChartModifier property is one of the items that has Data binding to an instance of a ModiferGroup I have created in my View-Model in the background. The following code is a method that adds members to that ModiferGroup (called ChartModiferGroup in my View-Model):

 private void CreateChartModifiers()
        var rubberBandXyZoomModifier = new RubberBandXyZoomModifier
            ExecuteOn = SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.ExecuteOn.MouseLeftButton,
            RubberBandFill = (SolidColorBrush)(new BrushConverter().ConvertFrom("#33FFFFFF")),
            RubberBandStroke = Brushes.SteelBlue, 
            RubberBandStrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection {2.0, 2.0}

        var zoomPanModifier = new ZoomPanModifier
            ExecuteOn = SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.ExecuteOn.MouseMiddleButton,
            ClipModeX = SciChart.Charting.ClipMode.None

        var yAxisDragModifier = new YAxisDragModifier
            DragMode = SciChart.Charting.AxisDragModes.Scale

        var xAxisDragModifier = new XAxisDragModifier
            DragMode = SciChart.Charting.AxisDragModes.Pan

        var mouseWheelZoomModifier = new MouseWheelZoomModifier();

        var zoomExtentsModifier = new ZoomExtentsModifier
            ExecuteOn = SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.ExecuteOn.MouseDoubleClick

        var cursorModifier = new CursorModifier
            ReceiveHandledEvents = true,
            ShowAxisLabels = false

        var probeline = new VerticalLineAnnotation()
            Stroke = Brushes.LightSlateGray,
            IsEditable = true,
            ShowLabel = true,
            LabelPlacement = LabelPlacement.Axis,
            Visibility = Visibility.Visible,
            IsHidden = false,
            IsEnabled = true,
            X1 = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-100),
            YAxisId = "Triggered",
            StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection { 2.0,2.0},
            StrokeThickness = 1

        var verticalSliceModifier = new VerticalSliceModifier
            IsEnabled = true,
            ShowAxisLabels = true,
            Style = probeline.Style


What I am trying to do next, is to add functionality in my application, such that I can add more VerticalSliceModifiers to my ChartModifierGroup when a button is pressed. In order to do that, I will require having access to the Mouse cursor position of my SciChartSurface to set the X1 property of the VerticalLineAnnotation, that would be used for the VerticalSliceModifiers (to be created).

In simple words, every time I press a button, I need the position of the mouse pointer to get captured and used as the location of the new VerticalSliceModifer that I am going to create.

I have already read many of the examples and documentation of Sci-Chart such as: Vertical Slice Tooltips Example. However, in this example, the mouse pointer location is accessed is under the xaml.cs and not inside an actual View-Model.

I was wondering if anybody could let me know how I can get access to my SciChartSurface mouse pointer position using true MVVM model.

1 vote

I need the length of the plot area in pixels. I don’t have access to SciChartSurface and it’s XAxis field. I have only ObservableCollection and my NumericAxisViewModel. Is it possible to get the length from them? Or what is the best way to get it in my case?

1 vote

Good day,

we are using the VerticalSliceModifier for sorted data and it works very good.

<local:VerticalSliceModifierExt x:Name="SliceModifier">
    <chartModifier:SnappyVerticalLine x:Name="VerticalLine"

Please see the image “Example Vertical Slice Modifier”.

The challange is to have something similar for unsorted data.

One of the issues are multiple intersections. Please see the image “Multiple Intersections” where i would like be able to select what intersections shall be highlighted.

The next challange is the usage of multiple series and synchronization based on a different property (t for time). Please see “Multiple Series” image.

We already have IPointMetadata with X,Y and t to be able to find the data point to highlight.

My question: Is there already some modifier chat can help with this requirements or what would be a clean solution if we need to develop a custom modifier.

Thank you in advance

1 vote

I am using the MVVM pattern.

I trying to manage the number of YAxes in my chart in a dynamic manner by binding the YAxes in the chart to a collection so that each time I add a new line series that line series gets its own axis.

When I do this I am getting a null reference expection.
If I hard code the YAxes or YAxis my chart loads.

Here is the xaml:

<SciChart:SciChartSurface x:Name="historicalChart" 
    RenderableSeries="{Binding HistoricalRenderableSeries, Mode=TwoWay}"
    YAxes="{Binding ChartYAxes, Mode=TwoWay}"

Here is the ViewModel

I tried both an ObservableCollection and a AxisCollection in my view model.

private ObservableCollection<NumericAxis> _chartYAxes = new ObservableCollection<NumericAxis>();
public ObservableCollection<NumericAxis> ChartYAxes
  get { return _chartYAxes; }
    _chartYAxes = value;

private AxisCollection _chartYAxes = new AxisCollection();
public AxisCollection ChartYAxes
  get { return _chartYAxes; }
    _chartYAxes = value;

Can anyone suggest a way to manage a variable number of YAxes in a chart?

  • sdemooy asked 12 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
1 vote

Hi all,

I am trying to save a copy of my chart in form of a “Png” image. However I keep getting the following exception:

“Element already has a logical parent. It must be detached from the old parent before it is attached to a new one”

I was wondering if anyone could help me passing through this.

Here is what I do:

I have a main chart surface in my program of which properties are bound to my ViewModel. For instance, as can be seen from the snippet below, my SciChartSurface’s YAxes is bound to an AxisCollection that resides in my ViewModel. Same thing is done for the RenderableSeries, Annotations, ChartModifierGroup, ChartVisibility and the XAxis properties of my Chart Surface:

<sci:SciChartSurface Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0"  
                         RenderableSeries="{Binding SciChartSeriesViewModels}"    
                         YAxes="{Binding SciChartYAxesCollection, Mode=TwoWay}"                                         
                         Annotations="{Binding ChartAnnotations}"                                     
                         ChartModifier ="{Binding ChartModifierGroup}"
                         Visibility="{Binding ChartVisibility}"
                         XAxis="{Binding SciChartXAxis}">

Now, In order to save a copy of my chart into a “Png” file, I created a new SciChartsurface in my Viewmodel. This newly created chart is desired to be rendered in the memory so I can save it as an Image (Very similar to what is instructed in: Screenshots, Printing and Export to XPS Traingin module. Somewhere in my ViewModel, after I generated all the required data for creating my chart, I call a function to form a new SciChart (rendered in memory) and perform the saving action:

private void SaveChart()
        SciChartSurface AppSciChart = new SciChartSurface()
            RenderableSeries = SciChartSeriesViewModels,
            XAxis = new TimeSpanAxis(),
            YAxes = SciChartYAxesCollection,
            ChartTitle = "Rendered in memory",
            Annotations = ChartAnnotations

        var parent = AppSciChart.Parent;
        AppSciChart.Width = 1920;
        AppSciChart.Height = 1080;

         ThemeManager.SetTheme(AppSciChart, "BrightSpark");
         AppSciChart.ExportToFile("C:\\Chart.png",SciChart.Core.ExportType.Png, false);


The RenderableSeries, YAxis and Annotations of the Chart Surface in the above code (AppSciChart) are the same as the ones I used for my main chart in my XAML code (First Snippet above).

My main chart surface in my application shows up fine, and performs what it is supposed to, but as soon as the SaveChart() is called, the program stops with an Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: ‘Element already has a logical parent. It must be detached from the old parent before it is attached to a new one.’

I was wondering if anybody could let me know what I am possibly missing here!

Many thanks!

1 vote

Hi, Support team.

I’m using MVVM pattern and trying to implement multi-chart which can insert Box Annotations at the same time into each chart .
So I’m testing in SciChart Example [“DigitalAnalyzerPerformanceDemo”] to know how to implement this.

But what i only got is just looping through and create annotation for each ChannelViewModels.

In the Demo, the VisibleRange ‘XRange’ is shared to all the ChannelViewModels by binding TwoWay-mode in ParentViewModel without looping for each ChildViewModels.
Like this, I wonder is there ways to apply BoxAnnotation all the ChannelViewModel at the same time by binding in ParentViewModel.

    <!-- BottomAxis -->
        <s:SciChartSurface Grid.Column="1">
                <s:NumericAxis Height="30"
                               VisibleRange="{Binding XRange, Mode=TwoWay}"                 
                               LabelProvider="{StaticResource TimeLabelProvider}"
                               MajorTickLineStyle="{StaticResource TimeAxisMajorTickLineStyle}"
                               MinorTickLineStyle="{StaticResource TimeAxisMinorTickLineStyle}"/>
                <s:NumericAxis Visibility="Collapsed"/>

    <!--  Create an X Axis with GrowBy  -->
           <s:NumericAxis Style="{StaticResource HiddenAxisStyle}"
                    VisibleRange="{Binding DataContext.XRange, Mode=TwoWay, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=ItemsControl, AncestorLevel=2}}"/>

I tried to bind annotation in ParentViewModel like XRange Binding method, But it doesn’t work.

This is View.xaml.

<Grid Grid.IsSharedSizeScope="True" IsEnabled="{Binding IsLoading, Converter={StaticResource InvertBooleanConverter}}">

    <!-- BottomAxis -->
        <s:SciChartSurface Grid.Column="1">
                <s:NumericAxis Height="30"
                               VisibleRange="{Binding XRange, Mode=TwoWay}"                 
                               LabelProvider="{StaticResource TimeLabelProvider}"
                               MajorTickLineStyle="{StaticResource TimeAxisMajorTickLineStyle}"
                               MinorTickLineStyle="{StaticResource TimeAxisMinorTickLineStyle}"/>
                <s:NumericAxis Visibility="Collapsed"/>

    <!-- Channels -->
        <ScrollViewer Background="#1C1C1E"

                <common:DigitalAnalyzerScrollBehavior ChannelHeightDelta="10" ChangeChannelHeightCommand="{Binding ChangeChannelHeightCommand}"/>

            <ItemsControl x:Name="chartItemsControl" ItemsSource="{Binding ChannelViewModels}">

                    <common:FocusedChannelScrollBehavior ScrollToFocusedChannel="False"/>

                    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:ChannelViewModel}">
                        <Grid Background="#2D2C32" Height="{Binding ChannelHeight, Mode=OneWay}" Focusable="False" UseLayoutRounding="False" >
                                <ColumnDefinition SharedSizeGroup="ChannelNames" />
                                <ColumnDefinition />

                            <Border BorderThickness="0,0,0,1" BorderBrush="#1C1C1E">
                                    <Border DockPanel.Dock="Left"     
                                            Background="{Binding ChannelColor, Mode=OneWay}" 

                                    <TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Left"
                                               Text="{Binding ChannelName}"/>

                            <s:SciChartSurface x:Name="channelSurface" Grid.Column="1"
                                               RenderableSeries="{Binding RenderableSeries}"
                                               Annotations="{s:AnnotationsBinding  DataContext.Annotations, Mode=TwoWay, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=ItemsControl, AncestorLevel=2} }">

                                <!--  Create an X Axis with GrowBy  -->
                                    <s:NumericAxis Style="{StaticResource HiddenAxisStyle}"
                                                   VisibleRange="{Binding DataContext.XRange, Mode=TwoWay, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=ItemsControl, AncestorLevel=2}}"/>

                                <!--  Create a Y Axis with GrowBy. Optional bands give a cool look and feel for minimal performance impact  -->
                                    <s:NumericAxis Style="{StaticResource HiddenAxisStyle}"
                                                   VisibleRange="{Binding YRange, Mode=OneWay}"/>

                                    <s:ModifierGroup s:MouseManager.MouseEventGroup="ChannelModifierGroup">
                                        <s:RubberBandXyZoomModifier IsAnimated="False" IsXAxisOnly="True" ZoomExtentsY="False" ReceiveHandledEvents="True" IsEnabled="{Binding IsChecked, Mode=OneWay, ElementName=IsZoomEnabled}"/>
                                        <s:ZoomPanModifier ZoomExtentsY="False" XyDirection="XDirection" IsEnabled="{Binding IsChecked, Mode=OneWay, ElementName=IsPanEnabled}"/>
                                        <s:ZoomExtentsModifier XyDirection="XDirection" IsAnimated="False" />
                                        <s:MouseWheelZoomModifier XyDirection="XDirection" />

                            <Border Grid.Column="1"


This is ViewModel.cs

public class DigitalAnalyzerExampleViewModel : BaseViewModel
    private bool _isLoading;
    private DoubleRange _xRange;

    public DigitalAnalyzerExampleViewModel()
        ChannelViewModels = new ObservableCollection<ChannelViewModel>();
        Annotations = new ObservableCollection<IAnnotationViewModel>();
        Annotations.Add(new BoxAnnotationViewModel() { X1 = 0, X2 = 1000, Y1 = 0, Y2 = 1 }); //I want to implement sharing annotation like this.

        SelectedChannelType = "Digital";
        SelectedChannelCount = 32;
        SelectedPointCount = 1000000;
        SelectedResamplingPrecision =ResamplingPrecision.Default;
        SelectedStrokeThickness = 1;

        ChangeChannelHeightCommand = new ActionCommand<object>((d) =>
            var delta = (double)d;
            foreach (var channelViewModel in ChannelViewModels)

        AddChannelCommand = new ActionCommand(async () =>
            IsLoading = true;

            var isDigital = SelectedChannelType == "Digital";
            await AddChannels(isDigital ? 1 : 0, isDigital ? 0 : 1);

            IsLoading = false;

        LoadChannelsCommand = new ActionCommand(async () =>
            IsLoading = true;

            // Clear ViewModels
            foreach (var channelVm in ChannelViewModels)
            XRange = null;

            // Create a bunch of Digital channels
            await AddChannels(SelectedChannelCount, 0);

            XRange = new DoubleRange(0, SelectedPointCount);
            IsLoading = false;


    public ObservableCollection<ChannelViewModel> ChannelViewModels { get; private set; }
    public ObservableCollection<IAnnotationViewModel> Annotations { get; private set; }

    public string SelectedChannelType { get; set; }

    public ResamplingPrecision SelectedResamplingPrecision { get; set; }

    public int SelectedChannelCount { get; set; }

    public ActionCommand<object> ChangeChannelHeightCommand { get; }

    public ActionCommand AddChannelCommand { get; }

    public ActionCommand LoadChannelsCommand { get; }

    public long TotalPoints => ChannelViewModels.Sum(c => (long)c.DataCount);

    public bool IsLoading
        get => _isLoading;
            _isLoading = value;

    public bool IsEmpty => ChannelViewModels.Count <= 0;

    public DoubleRange XRange
        get => _xRange;
            _xRange = value;

+Attached image below is what i want to implement.
++I also attached tried code in .zip .

1 vote

I saw in tips and tricks for performance the use of


before something is added to the dataseries. But usually I don’t have access in ViewModel to surface. How can I suspendupdate in the ViewModel when updating the series?

Is dataseries.SuspendUpdate used for this?

  • Uwe Hafner asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
1 vote

I’m just started to use SciChart and I have a question. How I can mirror XAxis in order to values will be increased from right to left. It is not negative scale but this view is more familiar for users (now I remake the old application). P.S. And be the best if additionally you show me how to make static XAxis with chosen range. I see the example in demo’s “Create Realtime Charts” section (my chart will be real-time too), but my application created via MVVM and I think this example not fully applicable to my case (but I fink after some investigation I will can remake example, but if you help me it be easier).

1 vote
0 answers

Hi Sci Chart,

I am using WPF with MVVM.

What i want to achieve is by reading the rollover modifier current hit point data, when user click left click, i want to add VerticalSliceModifier in the graph based on the hit point.

Attach is my code from xaml and viewmodel.

I have two issues which are:
“if (DistanceSeriesData.SeriesInfo.Count > 0)”, i always get zero count of seriesinfo.

In DistanceVerticalLines?.Add(new VerticalLineAnnotation(), the added Distance Vertical Lines data did not reflect in graph.

1 vote


I have a scichart and bound to its VM class. Inside this VM there is a Highlights property.

On the MainWindow, I am placing two of this charts with their own VM instance.

The problem is that when the Annotations is bound, it is only drawn on the last chart as shown in the image.

If I manually code in xaml the annotations (no binding) then the annotations are drawn in both charts.

How can I make it work with the binding?


  • Miguel Hau asked 10 years ago
  • last active 10 years ago
1 vote

I’ve got Annotations ViewModels collection (BoxAnnotationViewModel, VerticalLineAnnotationViewModel, LineAnnotationViewModel) bound by AnnotationsBinding. Every Annotation ViewModel has properties set to:

CoordinateMode = AnnotationCoordinateMode.Absolute
IsEditable = true
DragDirections = XyDirection.XYDirection
ResizeDirections = XyDirection.XYDirection

My goal is to move and resize every annotation on SciChart surface only by integer value. Is there any way to achieve this?

Best regards,

1 vote

I would like to template items of an AxisCollection assigned to a sciChartSurface in binding of an AxisItemCollectionViewModel. But it looks like I cannot do it as Visual Studio won’t compile my tries.

What i am looking for is something like the EEG 16 channel sample. There the ListBoxItems are styled via a template which is bound to a ViewModelItem. The ListBox itsself is bound to a ViewModelCollection. Depending on how many entries there are entries in the listbox.

So I would like to do something like this:

<SciChartSurface.AxisCollection ItemsSource="{Binding MyAxisCollectionViewModels}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource AxisItemTemplate}" />

Is this possible? I don’t know how many y-axes i will have. They are configurable by the user.

  • Uwe Hafner asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
1 vote


My goal is to have the user select a series with a mouse click, and to see which series was selected while following the MVVM pattern. I am filling in the DataSeries using a LineSeriesSource attached behaviour.

What I tried so far is to attach to the SelectionChanged event of a Renderable series with an Interaction Trigger.

This doesn’t work:



                <SciChart:SeriesSelectionModifier >
                        <i:EventTrigger EventName="SelectionChanged" >
                            <i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding Path=cmdSelectedSeriesChanged}" CommandParameter="{Binding Path=SelectedSeries}"/>
                        <Style TargetType="SciChart:BaseRenderableSeries">
                            <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="White"/>
                            <Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="2"/>


This works, but is not what I want since it’s not MVVM:



                    <SciChart:SeriesSelectionModifier SelectionChanged="SeriesSelectionModifier_SelectionChanged">

                            <Style TargetType="SciChart:BaseRenderableSeries">
                                <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="White"/>
                                <Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="2"/>


Interaction Propety cannot be attached to SciChartSurface.RenderableSeries.
I also tried attaching the Interaction Property to an individual DataSeries, which is definitely not what I want to do, but it doesn’t work either.


1 vote

I’ve created an application with MVVM in mind and managed to create a simple, working graph with SciChart that displays the data needed.
I’ve also seen some features ( which we’ll be planning on implementing, designing it to fit our own needs of course.

I’m wondering if there are some limitations (and perhaps improvements in later releases), that we could keep in mind while continuing to plan and develop our application with SciChart and MVVM?

1 vote

To whom this may concern:

I’d like to refer to the “Spline Scatter Line Chart” example in the SciChart Examples package. If I were to make this a CustomRenderableSeriesViewModel that I can set in a ViewModel class, how would I go about doing that?

I am using SciChart v4, and here’s what I know so far:

  1. CustomRenderableSeriesViewModel : BaseRenderableSeriesViewModel
  2. ViewType = typeof(CustomRenderableSeries)

My code so far is:

public class CustomRenderableSeriesViewModel : BaseRenderableSeriesViewModel
    public override Type ViewType => typeof(CustomRenderableSeries);

How would I go about setting the IsSplineEnabled property of the CustomRenderableSeries through the CustomRenderableSeriesViewModel class?

FYI: I have looked here and the Worked Example – CustomRenderableSeries in MVVM link goes to the SciChart v5 User manual.
Additionally, this is a duplicate of this issue on Stack Overflow (since I thought you were still fielding questions on there). Feel free to answer on either or both.

Can you please advise?

  • Ari Sagiv asked 6 years ago
  • last active 6 years ago
1 vote

Previously I used AnnotationCreationModifier and my custom annotations were added by one left button mouse click on the chart surface (the annotation was added to the collection and the event handler “AnnotationCreated” fired). Now I’m trying to switch to using the mvvm pattern and I have problems adding my custom annotations using AnnotationCreationModifierMVVM.

Now it works like this:
1) I click (mouse left button) on the chart surface to add an annotation and it is added to the collection and displayed.
2) I click on the chart surface again, and only after that the event handler “AnnotationCreated” is called.

If I carry out some external manipulations with the added annotation between first and second click (for example, moving to the given coordinates by the button click), annotation moved, but when I hover the mouse over the chart surface, it returns to it’s original position. And this behavior will be until I click again on the chart surface so that the event handler “AnnotationCreated” is called.

The built-in annotations work fine though (for examle, VerticalLineAnnotationViewModel or HorizontalLineAnnotationViewModel are successfully added to the collection and call the event handler “AnnotationCreated” by one click on chart surface).

Is it possible to somehow fix this behavior of the custom annotation so that it is added to the collection and triggers an event “AnnotationCreated” for one click on the chart surface, as was the case with AnnotationCreationModifier? I am attaching an example code:


<Window x:Class="WpfAppMvvm.MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
    <s:SciChartSurface Annotations="{s:AnnotationsBinding Annotations}">
            <s:NumericAxis AxisTitle="X"/>
            <s:NumericAxis AxisAlignment="Left" AxisTitle="Y"/>
                <s:AnnotationCreationModifierMVVM IsEnabled="True" AnnotationViewModelsCollection="{Binding Annotations}" AnnotationViewModelType="{Binding AnnotationType}">
                        <ext:EventToCommandBehavior Command="{Binding AnnotationCreatedCommand}" Event="AnnotationCreated" PassArguments="True"/>


using System.Windows;
namespace WpfAppMvvm
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        public MainWindow()
            DataContext = new MainWindowViewModel();


using SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers;
using SciChart.Charting.Common.Helpers;
using SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries;
using SciChart.Examples.ExternalDependencies.Common;
using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Windows;
namespace WpfAppMvvm
    internal class MainWindowViewModel:BaseViewModel
        public ObservableCollection<IAnnotationViewModel> Annotations { get; private set; }
        public Type AnnotationType { get; private set; }
        public ActionCommand<AnnotationCreationMVVMArgs> AnnotationCreatedCommand { get; private set; }

        public MainWindowViewModel()
            Annotations = new ObservableCollection<IAnnotationViewModel>();
            AnnotationType = typeof(MyCustomAnnotationViewModel);
            AnnotationCreatedCommand = new ActionCommand<AnnotationCreationMVVMArgs>(ExecCmd, e => true);
        private void ExecCmd(AnnotationCreationMVVMArgs e)
            MessageBox.Show("OnAnnotationCreated executed");


<s:CustomAnnotationForMvvm x:Class="WpfAppMvvm.MyCustomAnnotation"
         d:DesignHeight="450" d:DesignWidth="800">


using SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Annotations;

namespace WpfAppMvvm
    public partial class MyCustomAnnotation : CustomAnnotationForMvvm
        public MyCustomAnnotation()


using SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries;
using System;

namespace WpfAppMvvm
    public class MyCustomAnnotationViewModel:CustomAnnotationViewModel
    public override Type ViewType => typeof(MyCustomAnnotation);
1 vote
0 answers


I’m evaluating SciChart. Our app requires that series and axes be dynamically added to the chart. So, I kind of followed the “Create Stock Charts Realtime Ticking Stock Charts” example to use the SeriesSource. The Append() method is used to add a data point in a worker thread. The total number of data point is just 10 and each data point arrives at about every second.

I saw that the line was not drawn until the last data point was added. The line chart was exactly what I expected. So, everything (SeriesSouce, axes, series, renderable series, bindings) seems to be working except that the line was not drawn real time. I added ViewportManager.InvalidateElement() right after the Append() method. But, the result was the same. I didn’t do anything special when the last data point arrived. So, I’m not sure why SciChart was able to show the line chart at the end.

Am I missing anything here?

Best Regards,

1 vote

I’d checked examples from your Demo ‘SciChart.Examples.Demo’ and looks like the example “SciChart.Examples.Examples.CreateRealtimeChart.UsingSeriesValueModifier” is applicable for me because I need functionality like this.

But as I understand Legend as LegendModifier component is a part of chart and it ‘know’ about chart data and can manipulate layout of it. In my application I want to have chart settings not in chart layout but in separate part of application. Can I bind chart settings with my custom controls? At start I want to set visibility for chart series which created in code

        private XyDataSeries<double, double> _lineDataDiameter1;
        private XyDataSeries<double, double> _lineDataDiameter2;
        private XyDataSeries<double, double> _lineDataCovering1;
        private XyDataSeries<double, double> _lineDataCovering2;
        private XyDataSeries<double, double> _lineDataCovering3;

private void InitCharts()
    { // TODO names and color maybe make as settings
        _lineDataDiameter1 = InitChart(new InitChartRequest() { ChartName = CHART_NAME_DIAMETER_1, LineColor = Colors.OrangeRed, ChartStyle = CHART_LINE_STYLE, LineThickness = CHART_LINE_THICKNESS });
        _lineDataDiameter2 = InitChart(new InitChartRequest() { ChartName = CHART_NAME_DIAMETER_2, LineColor = Colors.BlueViolet, ChartStyle = CHART_LINE_STYLE, LineThickness = CHART_LINE_THICKNESS });
        _lineDataCovering1 = InitChart(new InitChartRequest() { ChartName = CHART_NAME_COVERING_1, LineColor = Colors.LimeGreen, ChartStyle = CHART_LINE_STYLE, LineThickness = CHART_LINE_THICKNESS });
        _lineDataCovering2 = InitChart(new InitChartRequest() { ChartName = CHART_NAME_COVERING_2, LineColor = Colors.DeepSkyBlue, ChartStyle = CHART_LINE_STYLE, LineThickness = CHART_LINE_THICKNESS });
        _lineDataCovering3 = InitChart(new InitChartRequest() { ChartName = CHART_NAME_COVERING_3, LineColor = Colors.White, ChartStyle = CHART_LINE_STYLE, LineThickness = CHART_LINE_THICKNESS });

    private XyDataSeries<double, double> InitChart(InitChartRequest request)
        XyDataSeries<double, double> lineData = new()
            SeriesName = request.ChartName,

        RenderableSeries.Add(new LineRenderableSeriesViewModel()
            StrokeThickness = request.LineThickness,
            Stroke = request.LineColor,
            DataSeries = lineData,
            StyleKey = request.ChartStyle,

        return lineData;

And additional little question. How can I make CursorModifier visible or not?


Even if I make it like this

                        <s:CursorModifier Visibility="Hidden"/>

I see it

1 vote

I’m trying to create a CustomRenderableSeries in MVVM. I’ve got my custom renderable series working fine outside of MVVM, and it seems pretty simple to wrap it with a ViewModel using the API.

However, the series isn’t displaying (Draw not getting called, and ranges not changing, so it’s not just failing to draw anything).

It’s pretty simple (and I’m going to add caching for the pens and brushes later):

public class CustomXyScatterRenderableSeriesViewModel : BaseRenderableSeriesViewModel
    // Tell SciChart what type of RenderableSeries you want to instantiate
    public override Type RenderSeriesType
        get { return typeof(CustomXyScatterRenderableSeries); }

public sealed class CustomXyScatterRenderableSeries : CustomRenderableSeries
    protected override void Draw(IRenderContext2D renderContext, IRenderPassData renderPassData)
        XyzPointSeries pointSeries = renderPassData.PointSeries as XyzPointSeries;

        // PointMarkers are created once and cached
        var pointMarker = this.GetPointMarker();

        //if (pointMarker == null)
        //    return;

        int setCount = pointSeries.Count;

        IBrush2D brush = renderContext.CreateBrush(Brushes.Red, 0.5);
        IPen2D pen = renderContext.CreatePen(Colors.Transparent, false, 0, 0);
        // Iterate over points collection and render point markers
        for (int i = 0; i < setCount; i++)
            double xPoint = (double)pointSeries.XValues[i];//pointSeries[i].X;
            double yPoint = (double)pointSeries.YValues[i];//pointSeries[i].Y;
            double zPoint = (int)pointSeries.ZPoints[i];

            // Get coordinates for X,Y data values
            var x1 = (int)renderPassData.XCoordinateCalculator.GetCoordinate(xPoint);
            var y1 = (int)renderPassData.YCoordinateCalculator.GetCoordinate(yPoint);
            var z1 = (int)zPoint+2;

            //var pointMarkerRect = new Rect(0, 0, pointMarker.PixelWidth, pointMarker.PixelWidth);
            //double xOffset = pointMarkerRect.Width / 2;
            //double yOffset = pointMarkerRect.Height / 2;

            // Draw PointMarkers
            renderContext.DrawEllipse(pen, brush, new Point(x1, y1), z1 * 2, z1 * 2); //(new Rect(x1 - xOffset, y1 - yOffset, pointMarkerRect.Width, pointMarkerRect.Height), pointMarker, pointMarkerRect);

When directly, all is good:

<s:SciChartSurface x:Name="SciChartSurface"
                   GridLinesPanelStyle="{StaticResource GridLinesPanelStyle}"
                   DataContext="{Binding ElementName=userControl}"

                   ViewportManager="{Binding ViewportManager}"
                   ChartTitle="{Binding Title}">

        <s3D:Direct3D10RenderSurface />

        <helpers:CustomXyScatterRenderableSeries DataSeries="{Binding Data}"  />

        <s:NumericAxis AxisTitle="{Binding XAxisLabel}" LabelProvider="{StaticResource SINumericLabelProvider}"/>
        <s:NumericAxis AxisTitle="{Binding YAxisLabel}" LabelProvider="{StaticResource SINumericLabelProvider}"/>
            <s:MouseWheelZoomModifier x:Name="mouseWheelZoomModifier" />
            <s:RubberBandXyZoomModifier ExecuteOn="MouseRightButton" IsAnimated="True" />
            <s:ZoomPanModifier />
            <s:ZoomExtentsModifier ExecuteOn="MouseDoubleClick" />

But when using the View Model, it fails to display:

<s:SciChartSurface x:Name="SciChartSurface"
                   GridLinesPanelStyle="{StaticResource GridLinesPanelStyle}"
                   DataContext="{Binding ElementName=userControl}"

                   ViewportManager="{Binding ViewportManager}"
                   ChartTitle="{Binding Title}"
                   RenderableSeries="{s:SeriesBinding Series}">

        <s3D:Direct3D10RenderSurface />


I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, as there doesn’t seem to be much more to it!

Edit: More info, in the code behind, I’m binding to this data for testing:

    public XyzDataSeries<float, float, int> Data { get; set; }
    public ObservableCollection<IRenderableSeriesViewModel> Series { get; set; }

    public LineChart()
        this.DataContext = this;
        Data = new XyzDataSeries<float, float, int>();
        Data.Append(50, 50, 10);
        Data.Append(100, 100, 15);
        Series = new ObservableCollection<IRenderableSeriesViewModel>();
        Series.Add(new CustomXyScatterRenderableSeriesViewModel() { DataSeries = Data });

  • Ken Hobbs asked 8 years ago
  • last active 8 years ago
1 vote


I am having a problem with two SciChartSurface’s sharing the same ViewModel instance. I am using the Master-Detail View pattern to provide a list of charts (Collection of SciChart surfaces) with continuously updating data from a device) within a Listbox container on the left-hand side. On the right-hand side I provide the current selected chart with extended size and some extra controls.

The visual appearance of the SciChartSurface (shared across both sides) is defined via data template

    <local:WorkspaceViewModel x:Key="WorkspaceViewModel" />
    <DataTemplate x:Key="ChartDataTemplate">
        <Border MinHeight="200">
            <visuals:SciChartSurface DebugWhyDoesntSciChartRender="True"
                                     SeriesSource="{Binding ., Mode=TwoWay}">
                    <visuals:NumericAxis VisibleRange="0.0, 10.0"
                                         AutoRange="Always" />

                    <visuals:NumericAxis VisibleRange="-1.0, 1.0"
                                         AutoRange="Always" />
                    <visuals:SeriesValueModifier ReceiveHandledEvents="True"></visuals:SeriesValueModifier>

and is used within the ListBox and ContentControl in the following way

<Grid DataContext="{StaticResource WorkspaceViewModel}">
        <ColumnDefinition Width="200*"
                          MaxWidth="700" />
        <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
        <ColumnDefinition Width="375*" />

    <GroupBox Grid.Column="0">
        <ListBox x:Name="ListBox"
            SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedChart}"
                 ItemsSource="{Binding Charts}"
                 ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ChartDataTemplate}" />
    <GridSplitter Grid.Column="1"
                  ResizeBehavior="PreviousAndNext" />
    <GroupBox Grid.Column="2">
        <ContentControl x:Name="ContentControl"
            Content="{Binding SelectedChart}"
                        ContentTemplate="{StaticResource ChartDataTemplate}" />

The ViewModel (WorkspaceViewModel) contains two properties:

ObservableCollection<ObservableCollection<IChartSeriesViewModel>> Charts
public ObservableCollection<IChartSeriesViewModel> SelectedChart

So far, so good. Once populated with live chart data, the ListBox displays all charts with live updating of the DataSeries. The issue I encounter is that once a chart in the ListBox is selected, the Detail View gets updated and continues displaying live data updates, but the ListBox entry stops updating. Obviously the sharing of the same instance of IChartSeriesViewModel in two different SciChartSurface views (via the ViewModel property SelectedChart) is causing trouble.

What am I missing here? I am currently using SciChart 3.0.

Many thanks,


  • swiedric asked 10 years ago
  • last active 10 years ago
1 vote

I think this is a pretty simple question but i am not sure what i am missing.I have a toggle button on my legend that is intended to allow the users to select all the series or deselect all the series.
the button essentially goes through the Renderable series view models and set the IsSelected to either true or false, this approach however, doesn’t work. I looked at the SelectionModifier and i can see that has a protected DeselectAll method and i am thinking to leverage that to solve this use case.

what is the best solution to accomplish this? isn’t this functionality something that perhaps be standard and could just be turned on?

1 vote


  • Main graph updates based on the data from the selected Item.
  • The data and styling is independent and the style is dynamic global style for all Items.
  • The data for the graphing that is Data Series is binded to DataSet which is of type XYDataSeries<DateTime, double>.
  • DataSeries data is obtained from the datacontext which implements INotifyPropertyChanged


  • The databinding is not dynamic and the data series is not updated when the selection changes.
  • The initial data selection is reflected but any subsequent data changes are not reflected on the sci chart surface.
  • This behavior was only for the Dataseries binding and it was verified using a textbox which binds to the count of the DataSet and this updates as the selection changes but not the dataseries.

Please suggest a work around or an alternative solution so that I can predefine axes and series but swap out the data based on the selected Item. Please see the attached xaml code below.

        <Grid DockPanel.Dock="Top">
            <chart:SciChartSurface x:Name="mainView"
                    <chart:NumericAxis x:Name="AxisOne"

                    <chart:NumericAxis x:Name="AxisTwo"

                    <chart:DateTimeAxis x:Name="DateTimeAxis"/>
                    <chart:FastLineRenderableSeries x:Name="DataSet1FS"
                                                    DataSeries="{Binding DataSet1}"
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=DataSet1.Count}"
                            Margin="0 -20 0 0"
1 vote

I’m implementing a toggle between joined and separated axes for my series and I’ve encountered a problem with my SeriesValueModifiers. The modifier seems to be connected to “DefaultAxisId”, when I have my series linked to an axis with that ID the values show up as expected. However, when I separate my series to individual axes the modifiers no longer appears.

Is it possible to collect and show all my SeriesValueModifiers on one axis (keeping the others invisible)? Or perhaps show modifiers on all the axes and stack them on top of each other, keeping labels invisible.

This is the code I’ve got right now:

Adding an axis in my constructor, this one will be used when all the series are using the same axis.

ChartYAxes.Add(new NumericAxis()
    Visibility = Visibility.Visible,
    AutoRange = AutoRange.Always,

Then I add a new axis for each series.

ChartYAxes.Add(new NumericAxis
    Id = tagName,
    Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed,
    AutoRange = AutoRange.Always

var renderableSeries = new FastLineRenderableSeries
    YAxisId = IsIsolatedCharts ? tagName : "DefaultAxisId"

Toggling between these works great, but I need the value labels for this to be useful in any way.

EDIT: In case it’s relevant, here’s the code for toggling.

private void SplitAxes()
    var count = Series.Count;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        var series = Series[i];
        var name = series.DataSeries.SeriesName;
        //The axes are also added to a dictionary for easy access.
        _axisDictionary[name].GrowBy = new DoubleRange(count - i - 1, i);
        series.RenderSeries.YAxisId = name;

private void JoinAxes()
    foreach (var series in Series)
        series.RenderSeries.YAxisId = "DefaultAxisId";
1 vote
0 answers

I have this

private readonly string CHART_MARKER_TEXT = "Marker";
private readonly string CHART_MARKER_STYLE = "VerticalLineAnnotationStyle"; // defined in Chart.xaml

    AddVerticalLineAnnotation(new AnnotationRequest() { XValue = 3, LabelText = CHART_MARKER_TEXT, AnnotationStyle = CHART_MARKER_STYLE });

private void AddVerticalLineAnnotation(AnnotationRequest request)
    Annotations.Add(new VerticalLineAnnotationViewModel
        X1 = request.XValue,
        LabelValue = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.LabelText) ? request.LabelText : null,
        VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch,
        LabelPlacement = LabelPlacement.Left,
        LabelsOrientation = System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Vertical,
        StyleKey = request.AnnotationStyle,

And this

<Style x:Key="VerticalLineAnnotationStyle" TargetType="{x:Type s:VerticalLineAnnotation}">
    <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Orange" />
    <Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="2" />
    <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="12" />
    <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold" />

Why I can’t see Label?

enter image description here
enter image description here

1 vote

Hello, SciChart Team!
i have an issue using mouse drag event ( RubberBandXyZoomModifier, ZoomPanMidifier). the message says “NullReferenceException in SciChart.Charting.dll ” or “Thread.cs not found” from time to time.
after some experiments i figured out that the app starts to crush after i change XAxis type .
i have a simple mvvm user control used to display both arrays of double and datebound data, XAxes of SciChart Surfase is bound to an observable collection of IAxis elements. if i need to change chart type i clear this collection and create an axis of desired type (DateTimeAxisViewModel or NumericAxisViewModel). after that the series can be added, but zooming causes crash with nearly to no info.

i attached a solution, which lacks only scichart dlls in order to run (hopefully), Window_Loaded method has a commented line which changes chart type and makes app crush on zooming, would be nice if you checked it out.
Thanks in advance!

1 vote

I’m using SciChart in our WPF project. And we are Keeping Series and Annotations as RadObservableCollection(from Telerik) instead of ObservableCollection to get the benefits of RadObservableCollection. But when I’m adding or deleting data from RadObservableCollection it does not affect in charts. Does SciChart work with RadObservableCollection ? I’ve explored your examples and wasn’t able to found examples with RadObservableCollection.

1 vote

We keep getting asked What’s the best practice way to suspend the SciChartSurface in a multi-pane stock chart demo.

We have multiple ways of doing this.

By far the most effective and thread-safe way to do this is to call SuspendUpdates directly on the SciChartSurface. But how to do this in a ViewModel?

1 vote

Hello Scichart Team,

Can you guys provide me with some guidance to implement a custom IRenderableSeriesViewModel implementation that is supported in MVVM binding in Scichartsurface? Specifically, I’m looking to create a chart series that can be bound to my ViewModel and support custom styling and data handling.

I have tried following the tutorial found here…

Worked Example – CustomRenderableSeries in MVVM

I was getting a cast error from scicharts. I have attached the picture showing the detailed error.
Concerning the XAML code I have tried both the normal Binding keyword and s:SeriesBinding keyword to the RenderableSeries in the SciChartSurface.

Let me know how to go about this!

1 vote


I’m creating a CustomChartModifier which I am able to hook to a SciStockChart (a template item in a SciChartGroup MVVM) and now I’m having difficulties in adding the BoxAnnotation to the Chart.

This is the code I’m using in my ChartModifier and placing a breakpoint shows me that indeed the code runs through this method, however, I do not see any BoxAnnotation on my chart? I’ve even tried adding the Height and Width properties without any further success. Other CustomModifiers to draw Lines and Ellipses works without problems. Do BoxAnnotations work differently?

I’m looking to have the the user be able to draw a BoxAnnotation on the chart, free hand / dynamically.


public override void OnModifierMouseDown(ModifierMouseArgs e)

        var resources = new AnnotationStyles();
        // x:Key="BoxAnnotationStyle" TargetType="s:BoxAnnotation"
        var style = (Style)resources["BoxAnnotationStyle"];

        _annotationCreation = new AnnotationCreationModifier () { AnnotationType = typeof(BoxAnnotation), AnnotationStyle = style };



<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""

<Style x:Key="BoxAnnotationStyle" TargetType="s:BoxAnnotation">
    <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="#279B27"/>
    <Setter Property="Background" Value="#551964FF"/>
    <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="1"/>
    <Setter Property="IsEditable" Value="True"/>

Thanks for any pointers or tips!

  • David T asked 9 years ago
  • last active 8 years ago
1 vote

I am trying out SciChart ( and WPF ) for a large dataset and till so far very pleased with the results. I have followed the example as described here and can successfully view my bound data and everything is perfect for the first instance.

However, when I assign this usercontrol to different tabs they still somehow share data about the viewstate ( the overview window does not resize, and the slider thing in front of it stays at the same values. My guess is that it has to do with the messages in ActualSizePropertyProxy , but since I am new to SciChart and WPF I was hoping that maybe someone here knows what it is.


  • Michel Moe asked 9 years ago
  • last active 4 years ago
1 vote

How to programmatically add Scrollbars to MVVM instantiated axes?

I added DateTimeAxisViewModel and NumericAxisViewModel to my code. That works from so far. A way to add scrollbars i couldnt find a some tries.

Are there some ways to get this done? Maybe change the templates of the axes or the chart?

Best regards

1 vote

We are using the VerticalLineAnnotation and want to change it’s location (X1 property) in the viewmodel.

Annotations are bound like this:

           Annotations="{s:AnnotationsBinding Annotations}"

to the property:

public ObservableCollection<IAnnotationViewModel> Annotations { get; private set; }

The collection contains this association:

this.nowAnnotation = new VerticalLineAnnotationViewModelEx()
            X1 = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0),
            StyleKey = "NowAnnotationStyle"

To change the location we change the value of X1:

nowAnnotation.X1 = value;

Calling that didn’t have a direct effect on the UI unless the user does any action which redraws the chart.

We created a style which sets an attached property to pass the VerticalLineAnnotation to the view model, this works fine.

<Style TargetType="s:VerticalLineAnnotation" x:Key="NowAnnotationStyle">
                    <Setter Property="viewModels:VerticalLineAnnotationViewModelEx.PassIAnnotation" Value="True" />

And we added a Refresh method to VerticalLineAnnotationViewModelEx and call it after setting X1:

nowAnnotation.X1 = value;

The first implementation of the Refresh method we did was:

public void Refresh()

From the documentation this should redraw the annotation without redrawing the whole chart, but it had no effect.

It only started working after changing to this:

public void Refresh()

Is there a better way to do it, shouldn’t the first implementation work?

The complete code of VerticalLineAnnotationViewModelEx

public class VerticalLineAnnotationViewModelEx : VerticalLineAnnotationViewModel
    public static readonly DependencyProperty PassIAnnotationProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
        "PassIAnnotation", typeof(bool), typeof(VerticalLineAnnotationViewModelEx),
        new PropertyMetadata(default(bool), OnPassIAnnotationChanged));

    public IAnnotation Annotation { get; private set; }

    private static void OnPassIAnnotationChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        var verticalLineAnnotation = (VerticalLineAnnotation)d;
        ((VerticalLineAnnotationViewModelEx)verticalLineAnnotation.DataContext).Annotation = (IAnnotation)d;

    public static void SetPassIAnnotation(DependencyObject element, bool value)
        element.SetValue(PassIAnnotationProperty, value);

    public static bool GetPassIAnnotation(DependencyObject element)
        return (bool)element.GetValue(PassIAnnotationProperty);

    public void Refresh()
1 vote


In Tutorial 06b – Realtime Updates, I want change the <s:SciChartSurface.XAxis> from <s:NumericAxis/> to <s:DateTimeAxis/> . I have tried a lot, but it still doesn’t work.

Could you please help me to do this work.

Thank you very much.

  • Zhi Zhang asked 8 months ago
  • last active 8 months ago
1 vote

Hi there,

We are looking for a high-performance charting library, hence Im testing scichart and I am very excited about it.

Our application has an very abstract processing mechanism which categorize incoming data and dynamically adds channels to the plot. Each sample is – like we call it – a ProcessedData object which is a base class containing extented information about the sample like “is valid” or “is out of range”. Eg. if measureing a voltage, we need to mark data points on the chart that are “out of range” or similar.
I’d thought to start with the “DragHorizontalThreshold” which uses the RedIfOverThresholdPaletteProvider to change the color of the plot.
Do you have an idea if it is possible to implement a custom PaletteProvider which takes respect of an IsValid-property? Acutally i do not have a clue how to.


  • Sven Fink asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
0 votes
0 answers

I try to add data series and have them rendered on a chart surface. The surface and entire chart library is wrapped in an mvvm-based api. The sci chart control and wrapping library are rendered on a document panel. I add new data series via the viewmodel and here is where I have some unexpected behavior:

a) When being on a different document panel, meaning the chart control is NOT visible, and when I add a new data series via view model and then view the document panel that hosts the sci chart control, no chart series are rendered on the chart but I do see the correct legend data (such as chart series name, color, stroke thickness). Please see below screen shot “Capture1.jpg” .

b) When I make the sci chart control visible by viewing the document panel that hosts the sci chart control and then via a button and command add the very same data series via my chart control’s view model the charts are correctly rendered. Please see “Capture2.jpg”.

My question is why is that the case? I basically expose a method in my chart library view model that lets me add data and if I invoke that methods while being on a document panel that does not host the chart control the added data series is not rendered on the chart. But strangely the correct chart legend data are displayed and also the chart control itself is correctly rendered. No problems when the hosting document panel is active and the very same method is invoked.

Basically what I currently observe is that the data series are not rendered at all as long as the chart control is not “in view” or the hosting document panel is not selected. I am sure programmatically all references and bindings are correct.

I have spend many hours debugging this issue and do not seem to find an answer. Any pointers?

Thanks a lot,


Here is how I bind the content control to the view model of my sci chart charting library (user control)

<ContentControl Grid.Row="1" Content="{Binding ChartControl, Mode=OneWay}" />

…and the view model is instantiated in the hosting view model constructor:

public MainWindowViewModel()
       ChartControl = new SciChartControlViewModel();

        ExitApplicationCommand = new RelayCommand(OnExitApplicationCommand);
        LoadDataSeriesFromFilesCommand = new RelayCommand(OnLoadDataSeriesFromFilesCommand);
        RefreshDataSeriesFromFilesCommand = new RelayCommand(OnRefreshDataSeriesFromFilesCommand);



…Test() performs the following action:

private void Test()
        var quotes = new List<Quote>();
        List<DateTime> timeStamps = new List<DateTime>();
        List<double> values = new List<double>();
        List<SciChartAnnotation> annotations = new List<SciChartAnnotation>();
        Random rand = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
        DateTime currentDt = DateTime.Now;
        double currentValue = 0;

        for (int index = 0; index <= 50000; index++)
            var randomValue = rand.NextDouble();
            currentDt = currentDt + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(randomValue);
            currentValue = currentValue + randomValue - 0.5;

            if (index % 1000 == 0)
                var buySell = rand.NextDouble() > 0.5 ? SciChartAnnotationDirection.Buy : SciChartAnnotationDirection.Sell;
                annotations.Add(new SciChartAnnotation(buySell, currentDt, currentValue, "Index:" + index));


            quotes.Add(new Quote(){DataProviderId = "Provider1", SymbolId = "Symbol1", QuoteType = QuoteType.BidAsk, CompressionType = TimeCompressionType.NoCompression, CompressionUnits = 0, TimeStamp = currentDt, Bid = currentValue, Ask= currentValue + 0.05, });


        ChartControl.AddDataSet("Pane1", "0.00000", quotes, annotations);
        //ChartControl.AddDataSet("MattSeries", ChartType.Scatter, 1, "0.00000", timeStamps, values);


…it basically tries to render chart series and annotations.

Strangely, as mentioned before, the series legends render correctly and the annotations also all render correctly but the chart series do not! Could this be a bug? Please refer to the image “Capture3” for a screenshot.

  • bbmat asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
0 votes

Hello support team.

I have a question about the resampling modes and their behavior.
I have a LineRenderableSeries with the resampling mode.mid. Therefore, depending on the zoom level and available pixels of the display screen, the information of the min and max values are lost. I had the idea to create a second LineRenderableSeries with the Opacity 0.5 and the ResamplingMode.Min Max. Thus I have behind the main line with the resampling mode.mid a “cloud” with the MinMax info. This allows the user to see this information as well. However, I would deactivate this cloud if it is not necessary due to the zoom level and the pixels.
How can I request this from SciChartControl? Or does it make more sense to use a different functionality?
I use the Mvvm classes LineRenderableSeriesViewModel, and XyDataSeries.

Thank you very much!

0 votes

I’m trying to set the visible range property of a CategoryDateTimeAxis through MVVM. I’m following the general instructions detailed here for converting between pixel & data coordinates on the axis:

I have the following code in my viewmodel:

var calc = XAxis.GetCurrentCoordinateCalculator();
var coordCalc = calc as ICategoryCoordinateCalculator;

XAxis is a CategoryDateTimeAxis injected from the view. I call OnBeginRenderpass as I saw in another forum post that this will ensure that the CoordinateCalculator is initialized.

calc shows in the debugger as:

  • calc {A.} Abt.Controls.SciChart.Numerics.CoordinateCalculators.ICoordinateCalculator {A.}

The coordCalc variable ends up assigned to NULL, as the ICoordinateCalculator< double > cannot be cast to the interface.

How do I accomplish the above?

Thanks, Asher

  • ashernew asked 8 years ago
  • last active 8 years ago
0 votes


I am getting started with SciChart and attempting to use it for a project I’m working on.

I am attempting to make a 3D scatter plot whose data is populated through a ViewModel.

Below is a my xaml:

 <UserControl x:Class="CustomWindow.Pages.Results_Page.Common_Tests.Positional6DOFErrorTest"
             d:DesignHeight="360" d:DesignWidth="712">

    <Grid Background="White">
            <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>

        <!-- Some other stuff I'm doing on the page -->

        <s3D:SciChart3DSurface Grid.Column="1" ShowLicensingWarnings="True"
                               Background="White" RenderableSeries="{s3D:SeriesBinding RenderableSeries3DViewModels}">
            <!-- Create XAxis -->
                <s3D:NumericAxis3D TickTextBrush="Black" AxisTitle="X (mm)" DrawMajorBands="True" DrawMajorGridLines="True"
                                   GrowBy="0.1, 0.1"/>
            <!-- Create YAxis -->
                <s3D:NumericAxis3D AxisTitle="Z (mm)"
                                   GrowBy="0.1, 0.1"/>
            <!-- Create ZAxis -->
                <s3D:NumericAxis3D AxisTitle="Y (mm)"
                                   GrowBy="0.1, 0.1"/>

            <!-- Create Interactivity Modifiers for rotating camera -->
                    <s3D:OrbitModifier3D ExecuteOn="MouseLeftButton" ExecuteWhen="None"/>
                    <s3D:MouseWheelZoomModifier3D MouseWheelSensitivity="90" />
                    <s3D:FreeLookModifier3D ExecuteOn="MouseRightButton"/>
                    <s3D:TooltipModifier3D IsEnabled="True" SourceMode="AllSeries" ShowTooltipOn="MouseOver"/>

And below I declare and define my scatter plot in the viewmodel (the scatterSeries is an XyzDataSeries3D set somewhere else) :

    PositionalErrorTestModel.RenderSeries3DViewModels = new ObservableCollection<IRenderableSeries3DViewModel>();
PositionalErrorTestModel.RenderSeries3DViewModels.Add(new ScatterRenderableSeries3DViewModel
                PointMarker = new SpherePointMarker3D { Fill = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(0x78, 0xC3, 0), Size = 5, Opacity = 1 },
                DataSeries = scatterSeries

The chart appears, but the data does not. Is there something I’m missing? Do I need to explicitly call an update to the chart? Because the page the chart is on and the chart does get loaded before the data is populated.

Please let me know if you need to know anymore information.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

0 votes
0 answers

Hello Andrew & Co.

I need some guidance in an attempt to add some required functionality to my SciChart application.

A requirement has been brought to my attention where a user wants to do a graph over lay from a different time snap shot . This is useful for comparison reasons, where the engineer wants to compare a previous successful execution of a process with a current running one.

  • One part of the solution is to save the dataseries info from a finite
    time period in the past.
  • Second part is that the overlaid trend (dataseries) need to be time
    XAxis independent but YAxis relative.

I am looking at two different scenarios let me see what you guys think:

  1. Overlaid historic static trend on existing chart surface
  2. Historic static trend in a new chart surface (smaller format) on the
    bottom of the current chart surface being displayed

How should I best approach such an implementation ? The application is using the MVVM pattern. I have adhered to the pattern pretty religiously so far

Hopefully that makes sense to describe what I am trying to accomplish.
Appreciate your support and expert guidance in this matter


0 votes
0 answers

I noticed that there are problems when I try to add data series, create renderable series, or annotations while the view that hosts the scichartgroup and/or scichartsurface(s) is/are not yet initialized/rendered. Could this be a bug? After all it should not matter when the view is rendered; when it is rendered its elements bind to the matching properties of its viewmodel, no?

This poses problems for me because I am forced to take the viewmodel-first approach. So, when I create an instance of my viewmodel and then invoke methods in the viewmodel that add data series and render such I am experiencing errors (the rendered series is not displayed on the chart, though annotations strangely are).

I identified the problem to be 2-fold, one is that I have to create renderable series on the UI thread (solved that, no issue) but my other big problem is that the view is actually not instantiated/rendered unless the view is in focus/visible which is not the case during runtime when data series are added via viewmodel.

How can I solve this problem?

  • bbmat asked 9 years ago
  • last active 9 years ago
0 votes

Using MVVM, I have an AnnotationCollection databound to the SciChartSurface.Annotations. Individual LineAnnotations are added to the collection as the application code runs.

If annotations are added while the chart is displayed, they are all drawn correctly.

However, if the chart page is reloaded (say, the user navigates to a different page and then returns to the chart page), the annotations do not always redraw. If the annotations have AnnotationCanvas set to default (AnnotationCanvas.AboveChart, I believe) they redraw correctly about 50% of the time. If the annotations’ AnnotationCanvas is set to AnnotationCanvas.XAxis, they never redraw.

All the annotations still exist in the ObservableCollection in all these cases, so they shouldn’t need to be re-created.

Is this a bug in SciChart or is there something I may be doing wrong with the annotations?
(There is only one X-Axis so no axisID is necessary.)

LineAnnotation lAnno = new LineAnnotation();
lAnno.CoordinateMode = AnnotationCoordinateMode.RelativeY;
lAnno.Y1 = 0.0;
lAnno.X1 = DataPoints;
lAnno.Y2 = 1.0;
lAnno.X2 = DataPoints;
lAnno.YAxisId = "Counts";
lAnno.Foreground = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255));
lAnno.Stroke = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(96, 255, 0, 0));
lAnno.StrokeThickness = 2;
lAnno.AnnotationCanvas = AnnotationCanvas.XAxis;

0 votes

I’m experimenting with the LegendModifier and want to control which RenderableSeries are shown via the “LegendItemTemplate” approach. The idea is to add a specific tagging class to the RenderableSeries.DataSeries.Tag and use the content inside the LegendItemTemplate which I define in the Window.Resouces.

The tagging Class:

public class DataSeriesTag
    public string LegendText { get; set; }
    public bool ShowLegend { get; set; }

The LegendItemTemplate:



            <!--<CheckBox Width="16" Margin="5,0,0,0"
                IsChecked="{Binding RenderableSeries.IsVisible, Mode=TwoWay}"
                Visibility="{Binding RenderableSeries.DataSeries.Tag.ShowLegend, Converter={dxmvvm:BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}" />-->

            <s:PointMarker Grid.Column="1" Margin="5,0,0,0" Width="40" Height="10" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
              DataContext="{Binding RenderableSeries}"
              DeferredContent="{Binding LegendMarkerTemplate}"
              Visibility="{Binding ShowSeriesMarkers, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=s:SciChartLegend}, Converter={dxmvvm:BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}" />

            <TextBlock Margin="5,0,5,0"
     Text="{Binding RenderableSeries.DataSeries.Tag.LegendText}" />


As long as I declare the SciChartSurface.ChartModifier in XAML, it works perfect.
The proplem raises when I bind the ModifierGroup to a ViewModel Property and try to build the LegendModifier there. How can I assign the LegendItemTemplate in the ViewModel?:

legendModifier = new LegendModifier(){
            ShowLegend = true,
            ShowVisibilityCheckboxes = false,
            LegendItemTemplate = ??????

Kind regards

0 votes


CompositeAnnotation works perfectly and easy to use, but I need it in MVVM. CompositeAnnotationViewModel looks the same, but it is not visible. This is my code:

AnnotationViewModels.Add(new CompositeAnnotationViewModel()
    Annotations = new ObservableCollection<IAnnotationViewModel>()
        new VerticalLineAnnotationViewModel
            VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch,
            Stroke = Colors.Blue,
            StrokeThickness = 2,
            IsEditable = true,
            StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection() { 2, 2 },
            CoordinateMode = AnnotationCoordinateMode.Relative,
            X1 = 0
        new VerticalLineAnnotationViewModel
            VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch,
            Stroke = Colors.Blue,
            StrokeThickness = 2,
            IsEditable = true,
            StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection() { 2, 2 },
            CoordinateMode = AnnotationCoordinateMode.Relative,
            X1 = 1
    IsEditable = true,
    X1 = 3,
    X2 = 5

What is my mistake?

0 votes


Could you provide some Mvvm examples that include:

1) Mvvm bubble chart where the Fill color is defined on the series view model
2) custom tooltips per point where the tooltip string is defined on the point view model

I have both of these kind of working using a workaround based on the obsolete SciChartSurface.SeriesSource property, but now I’m trying to migrate to SciChartSurface.RenderableSeries and the proper Mvvm API and I cannot find all the elements I need.


  • F W asked 8 years ago
  • last active 8 years ago
0 votes
0 answers

I’ve been moving a project over to using MVVM, but I’ve found the IsStaticAxis option I was using in the NumericAxis doesn’t exist in the NumericAxisViewModel. Is it not possible to make the axis static with the View Models?

0 votes

Hi! I have problems with visible range managing of a polar plot

The code in xaml:

<s:SciChartSurface graphModule:PlotLengthHelper.PlotLength="{Binding PlotLength, Mode=OneWayToSource,   UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" 
                        ChartTitle="{Binding ChartTitle}"
                        Annotations="{s:AnnotationsBinding Annotations}"
                       RenderableSeries="{s:SeriesBinding Series}"
                       XAxes="{s:AxesBinding XAxes}"
                       YAxes="{s:AxesBinding YAxes}"

First example. The code of the axis:

    var yAxis = new PolarYAxisViewModel {AutoRange = AutoRange.Never};

Changing the VisibleRange of the axis has no any effect on the visible range of the graph. It sets automatically in the very first time and remains the same.

Second example.

    var yAxis = new PolarYAxisViewModel {AutoRange = AutoRange.Always};

Changing the data (using line series) again has no any effect on the visible range of the graph. Again, it sets automatically in the very first time and remains the same.

Any suggestion on how to fix it? Especially the first case is required. Thanks.

0 votes

Thanks for previous answer but I can’t check how it work because of new problem. I develop WPF application and try to use MVVM as architecture pattern. In the Model part of my application I used a loop started in the new thread. In that loop I get some data which received to ViewModel and used as chart data. Looks as usual.
But then I tried to set visible range updated object which bound to axis I get exception ‘System.InvalidOperationException: ‘The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.’ in my loop. I know it happens in WPF applications and need to use Dispatcher to solve it. But as I know if you try to use MVVM you not needed to use Dispatcher often because WPF-binding in most cases is thread-safe. That happend in my case? How to solve it?
Parts of my code:


<Window x:Class="HMI.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
        <localVM:InverseBooleanConverter x:Key="InverseBooleanConverter"/>
        <localVM:ProcessStateToColorConverter x:Key="ProcessStateToColorConverter"/>
        <localVM:ProcessStateToStartedConverter x:Key="ProcessStateToStartedConverter"/>
        <localVM:ProcessStateToStoppedConverter x:Key="ProcessStateToStoppedConverter"/>
        <StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Top" Orientation="Horizontal">
            <StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Left" Orientation="Vertical" Width="520">
                <Border DockPanel.Dock="Top" Margin="5" Padding="5" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1,1,1,1" CornerRadius="5">
                    <StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="left" Orientation="Horizontal" Height="40">
                        <Ellipse Margin="5" Height="20" Width="20" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" Stroke="Black" Fill="{Binding ProcessState, Converter={StaticResource ProcessStateToColorConverter}}"/>
                        <Label Content="State" Margin="5" Width="90" HorizontalContentAlignment="Left" VerticalContentAlignment="Center"/>
                <Border DockPanel.Dock="Top" Margin="5" Padding="5" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1,1,1,1" CornerRadius="5">
                    <Grid DockPanel.Dock="Left" Height="300">
                        <s:SciChartSurface ChartTitle="Profil" RenderableSeries="{s:SeriesBinding RenderableSeries}">
                                <s:NumericAxis AxisTitle="Position, m" VisibleRange="{Binding XVisibleRange, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
                                <s:NumericAxis AxisTitle="Size, um" VisibleRange="{Binding YVisibleRange, Mode=TwoWay}"/>


namespace MyCom.HMI.ViewModel
    public class HMIViewModel : BindableBase
        private readonly HMIModel _model = new();

        public HMIViewModel()
            _renderableSeries = new ObservableCollection<IRenderableSeriesViewModel>();

            ((INotifyCollectionChanged)_model.TestControlData).CollectionChanged += (s, e) =>  { TestControlDataChanged(e); };



        private ObservableCollection<IRenderableSeriesViewModel> _renderableSeries;
        public ObservableCollection<IRenderableSeriesViewModel> RenderableSeries
            get { return _renderableSeries; }
                SetProperty(ref _renderableSeries, value, nameof(RenderableSeries));

        private IRange _xVisibleRange;
        public IRange XVisibleRange
            get => _xVisibleRange;
                if (_xVisibleRange != value)
                    SetProperty(ref _xVisibleRange, value, nameof(XVisibleRange));

        private IRange _yVisibleRange;
        public IRange YVisibleRange
            get => _yVisibleRange;
                if (_yVisibleRange != value)
                    SetProperty(ref _yVisibleRange, value, nameof(YVisibleRange));

        private XyDataSeries<double, double> _lineDataDiameter1;


        private void InitCharts()
        { // TODO
            _lineDataDiameter1 = new XyDataSeries<double, double>()
                SeriesName = "Diameter1"

            RenderableSeries.Add(new LineRenderableSeriesViewModel()
                StrokeThickness = 2,
                Stroke = Colors.SteelBlue,
                DataSeries = _lineDataDiameter1,
                StyleKey = "LineSeriesStyle"

        private void TestControlDataChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs args)
            if (args.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add && args.NewItems?.Count > 0)
                var testControlActualState = args.NewItems.Cast<TestControlActualState>();

                List<double> xValues = new();
                List<double> yValuesDiameter1 = new();

                foreach (var item in testControlActualState) 
                    if (item.Diameter1 > 0f)

                _lineDataDiameter1.Append(xValues, yValuesDiameter1);

                // TODO
                if (xValues.Count > 0)
                    var cuurMaxValueX = xValues.Max();
                    XVisibleRange.Max = cuurMaxValueX;
                    XVisibleRange.Min = cuurMaxValueX - 7000f > 0 ? cuurMaxValueX - 7000f : 0;

                // TODO
                if (yValuesDiameter1.Count > 0)
                    var cuurMaxValueY = yValuesDiameter1.Max();
                    YVisibleRange.Max = cuurMaxValueY + 50;
                    YVisibleRange.Min = 0;


namespace MyCom.HMI.Model
    public class HMIModel : BindableBase, IDisposable
        private readonly ObservableCollection<TestControlActualState> _testControlData;
        internal ReadOnlyObservableCollection<TestControlActualState> TestControlData { get; }

        public HMIModel()
            _testControlData = new ObservableCollection<TestControlActualState>();
            TestControlData = new ReadOnlyObservableCollection<TestControlActualState>(_testControlData);


        private void StartPollerThread()
            _pollerCancellationToken ??= new CancellationTokenSource();

            if (!_pollerCancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                Task.Factory.StartNew(() => PollerDoWork(_pollerCancellationToken.Token), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);

        private void PollerDoWork(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
                IsPollerStarted = true;

                while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested && (_isKeepConnection || _countOfTrying <= MAX_COUNT_OF_TRYING))

                        if (!_isKeepConnection && _countOfTrying > 0)
                            Thread.Sleep(_pollerTimeout / REASK_COEFICIENT);
                        // Thread must be alive!!! ...ALWAYS!!!
                IsPollerStarted = false;
                _pollerCancellationToken = null;
0 votes

Getting an exception when trying to add tooltip template MVVM style to a blox plot. The chart also contains a scatter plot which should not be styled. That works fine, hoverwer, when I move the mouse over a box in the box plot, the exception is thrown.

I want to keep the styling, I just want to write something different than the default text.

The template:

  <DataTemplate DataType="scalarPlot:ToolTipData" x:Key="BoxSeriesTooltipTemplate">
      <Run Text="Max:      " />
      <Run Text="{Binding Maximum}" />
      <LineBreak />
      <Run Text="P90:       " />
      <Run Text="{Binding P90}" />
      <LineBreak />
      <Run Text="Median: " />
      <Run Text="{Binding Median}" />
      <LineBreak />
      <Run Text="P10:       " />
      <Run Text="{Binding P10}" />
      <LineBreak />
      <Run Text="Min:       " />
      <Run Text="{Binding Minimum}" />
      <LineBreak />

The binding:

      <Style TargetType="s:BaseRenderableSeries" x:Key="BoxSeriesStyle">
        <Setter Property="s:TooltipModifier.TooltipTemplate" Value="{StaticResource BoxSeriesTooltipTemplate}"/>
        <Setter Property="s:TooltipModifier.IncludeSeries" Value="True"/>

The modifier:

        <s:TooltipModifier IsEnabled="True" ShowTooltipOn="Always" ReceiveHandledEvents="True" TooltipLabelDataContextSelector="{Binding ToolTipDataContext}"/>

The view model:

    private static IRenderableSeriesViewModel CreateBoxPlotViewModel(BoxPlotDataSeries<int, float> boxPlotDataSeries)
        return new BoxPlotRenderableSeriesViewModel
            DataSeries = boxPlotDataSeries,
            Stroke = Colors.SteelBlue,
            Fill = new LinearGradientBrush(Colors.White, Colors.LightSteelBlue, new System.Windows.Point(0, 0), new System.Windows.Point(0.5, 1)),
            StyleKey = "BoxSeriesStyle"

The data context selector:

    public Func<SeriesInfo, object> ToolTipDataContext
            return seriesInfo =>
                       return seriesInfo switch
                           BoxPlotSeriesInfo boxInfo =>
                               new ToolTipData
                                   Fill = seriesInfo.Fill,
                                   Stroke = seriesInfo.Stroke,
                                   Maximum = (float) boxInfo.MaximumValue,
                                   P90 = (float) boxInfo.UpperQuartileValue,
                                   Median = (float) boxInfo.MedianValue,
                                   P10 = (float) boxInfo.LowerQuartileValue,
                                   Minimum = (float) boxInfo.MinimumValue
                           _ => seriesInfo
  • Tore Munch asked 3 years ago
  • last active 3 years ago
0 votes


I have several chart panes that share a mouse group and a shared visual range (I inject the shared visual range of type IRange in the constructor of the pane view model). I then set the XAxis visual range to the shared visual range inside each pane view model. However, when I use either of the below approaches outside of the pane view model to adjust the min and max of shared visual range, the Xaxis.VisualRange of each pane does not reflect that change.

Approach A: _sharedVisualRange.Min = ….; _sharedVisualRange.Max = …
Approach B: _sharedVisualRange.SetMinMax(….)

Neither approach actually impacts the XAxis.VisualRange.Min/Max.

Initially when I created the XAxis in code I set its VisualRange equal to the shared visual range that was injected via constructor, like :

XAxis = new CategoryDateTimeAxis()
VisualRange = _sharedVisualRange,

Please note that all the above refers to code in the view model. I bind the XAxis in the pane view model to the XAxis of the surface in xaml.

My entire synchronization heavily relies on the assumption of this working, but it does not.

  • bbmat asked 6 years ago
  • last active 6 years ago
Showing 1 - 50 of 79 results