It is possible to further customize the MajorDelta, MinorDelta and affect the tick frequency of an axis, to have a totally custom set of axis ticks (gridlines, label intervals) on the chart. That can be achieved quite easily through DeltaCalculator and TickProvider APIs.
Creating your own DeltaCalculator
To have full control over the calculations of MajorDelta and MinorDelta you will need to create a custom ISCIDeltaCalculator. By default each ISCITickProvider has a DeltaCalculator created for it. The type of DeltaCalculator depends on the TickProvider. Below is a table of the DeltaCalculator already defined in SciChart iOS.
#import <SciChart/SCIDeltaTickProvider+Protected.h>
@interface CustomNumericDeltaCalculator : SCINumericDeltaCalculator
@implementation CustomNumericDeltaCalculator
- (id)getDeltaFromRangeMin:(id)min max:(id)max minorsPerMajor:(unsigned int)minorsPerMajor maxTicks:(unsigned int)maxTicks {
// For the sake of simplicity, we will use simple constants.
// But you might want to have some complex calculations here.
NSNumber *minorDelta = @(0.07);
NSNumber *majorDelta = @(0.1);
return [[SCIAxisDelta alloc] initWithMinorDelta:minorDelta majorDelta:majorDelta];
// create a SCINumericTickProvider with CustomNumericDeltaCalculator and assign it to the axis
axis.tickProvider = [[SCINumericTickProvider alloc] initWithDeltaCalculator:[CustomNumericDeltaCalculator new]];
import SciChart.Protected.SCIDeltaTickProvider
class CustomNumericDeltaCalculator: SCINumericDeltaCalculator {
override func getDeltaFromRangeMin(_ min: ISCIComparable!, max: ISCIComparable!, minorsPerMajor: UInt32, maxTicks: UInt32) -> ISCIAxisDelta! {
// For the sake of simplicity, we will use simple constants.
// But you might want to have some complex calculations here.
let minorDelta = NSNumber(value: 0.07)
let majorDelta = NSNumber(value: 0.1)
return SCIAxisDelta(minorDelta: minorDelta, majorDelta: majorDelta)
// create a SCINumericTickProvider with CustomNumericDeltaCalculator and assign it to the axis
axis.tickProvider = SCINumericTickProvider(deltaCalculator: CustomNumericDeltaCalculator())
class CustomNumericDeltaCalculator : SCINumericDeltaCalculator
public override IISCIAxisDelta getDeltaFromRange(IISCIComparable min, IISCIComparable max, uint minorsPerMajor, uint maxTicks)
// For the sake of simplicity, we will use simple constants.
// But you might want to have some complex calculations here.
var minorDelta = new NSNumber(0.07).FromComparable();
var majorDelta = new NSNumber(0.1).FromComparable();
return new SCIAxisDelta(minorDelta, majorDelta);
// create a SCINumericTickProvider with CustomNumericDeltaCalculator and assign it to the axis
axis.TickProvider = new SCINumericTickProvider(new CustomNumericDeltaCalculator());
Creating your own TickProvider
If you need to have fine grained control over axis ticks output, and custom Delta Calculator isn’t enough - you might want to use ISCIAxisCore.tickProvider property, which is available for all Axis Types. To use it - you will need to provide a custom ISCITickProvider and set it on your axis.
By default each axis has a ISCITickProvider created and assigned to it. The type of TickProvider depends on the type of Axis. Below is a table of the TickProviders already defined in SciChart iOS.
To create a custom SCITickProvider, you need to inherit from the correct class, according to the Axis Type you have, and override -updateMinorTicks:andMajorTicks: method which is called internally for every axis when it needs to recalculate major and minor ticks for drawing.
#import <SciChart/SCITickProvider+Protected.h>
@interface CustomNumericTickProvider : SCINumericTickProvider
@implementation CustomNumericTickProvider
- (void)updateMinorTicks:(SCIDoubleValues *)minorTicks andMajorTicks:(SCIDoubleValues *)majorTicks {
double min = self.axis.visibleRange.minAsDouble;
double max = self.axis.visibleRange.maxAsDouble;
[majorTicks add:min];
[majorTicks add:(min + max) / 2];
[majorTicks add:max];
// create a CustomNumericTickProvider and assign it to the axis
axis.tickProvider = [CustomNumericTickProvider new];
import SciChart.Protected.SCITickProvider
class CustomNumericTickProvider: SCINumericTickProvider {
override func updateTicks(minorTicks: SCIDoubleValues!, majorTicks: SCIDoubleValues!) {
let min = self.axis.visibleRange.minAsDouble
let max = self.axis.visibleRange.maxAsDouble
majorTicks.add((min + max) / 2)
// create a CustomNumericTickProvider and assign it to the axis
axis.tickProvider = CustomNumericTickProvider()
class CustomNumericTickProvider: SCINumericTickProvider
public override void UpdateTicks(SCIDoubleValues minorTicks, SCIDoubleValues majorTicks)
var min = this.Axis.VisibleRange.MinAsDouble;
var max = this.Axis.VisibleRange.MaxAsDouble;
majorTicks.Add((min + max) / 2);
// create a CustomNumericTickProvider and assign it to the axis
axis.TickProvider = new CustomNumericTickProvider();