iOS & macOS Charting Documentation - SciChart iOS & macOS Charts SDK v4.x


The SCIRolloverModifier can be used to show tooltips for all the series under the vertical line drawn at the touch position:

NOTE: The SCIRolloverModifier is specifically suited to inspect data across many series are the same. For scatter charts, or irregular charts, please try the SCITooltipModifier.

Rollover Modifier

NOTE: Examples of the SCIRolloverModifier usage can be found in the SciChart iOS Examples Suite as well as on GitHub:

SCIRolloverModifier Features

Besides the SCIRolloverModifier specific features, there are some common features which are shared between SCITooltipModifier, SCIRolloverModifier and SCICursorModifier via common SCITooltipModifierBase class.

Common Features

Feature Description
SCITooltipModifierBase.showTooltip Allows to hide or show modifier’s Tooltips.
SCITooltipModifierBase.useInterpolation Allows to show interpolated values between data points. It is set to YES by default. If NO - modifier’s Tooltips will report the info about closest data points.
SCITooltipModifierBase.sourceMode Allows to specify which ISCIRenderableSeries are to be inspected by a modifier, e.g. Visible, Selected, etc. Other will be ignored by the modifier. Expects a member of the SCISourceMode enumeration.

Specific Features

Feature Description
SCITooltipModifierWithAxisLabelsBase.showAxisLabel Allows to hide or show Rollover’s axis label
SCIRolloverModifier.drawVerticalLine Allows to hide or show Rollover’s vertical line.
SCIRolloverModifier.verticalLineStyle Allows to specify SCIPenStyle which will be used to draw rollover vertical line

Adding a SCIRolloverModifier to a Chart

Any Chart Modifier can be added to a SCIChartSurface via the ISCIChartSurface.chartModifiers property and SCIRolloverModifier with no difference:

// Assume a surface has been created and configured somewhere id<ISCIChartSurface> surface; // Create a Modifier and add modifier to the surface [self.surface.chartModifiers add:[SCIRolloverModifier new]];
// Assume a surface has been created and configured somewhere let surface: ISCIChartSurface // Create a Modifier and add modifier to the surface self.surface.chartModifiers.add(SCIRolloverModifier())
// Assume a surface has been created and configured somewhere IISCIChartSurface surface; // Create a Modifier and add modifier to the surface Surface.ChartModifiers.Add(new SCIRolloverModifier());

NOTE: To learn more about features available, please visit the Chart Modifier APIs article.