iOS & macOS Charting Documentation - SciChart iOS & macOS Charts SDK v4.x
Hit-Test API
The Hit-Test API is a set of virtual methods defined on ISCIRenderableSeries
such as:
-[ISCIRenderableSeries hitTest:at:]
.-[ISCIRenderableSeries hitTest:at:withHitTestRadius:]
.-[ISCIRenderableSeries verticalSliceHitTest:at:]
This API is used by the SCIRolloverModifier
, SCITooltipModifier
, SCICursorModifier
and SCISeriesSelectionModifier
to transform touch on screen into data-points, and determine if touch event occurs over a point or over a series.
To call the Hit-Test method, use the following code:
NOTE: You must transform any touch events into the coordinate space of the main chart area. Without this, all hit-test results will be inaccurate. You can learn more about it in the Axis APIs - Convert Pixel to Data coordinates article.
NOTE: You can see hit-test in action, in our full Hit-Test API example, which be found in the SciChart iOS Examples Suite as well as on GitHub:
The Hit-Test Results
The SCIHitTestInfo
which is used for Hit-Test contains some useful properties to determine what point was touched.
Property | Description |
SCIHitTestInfo.hitTestPoint |
The coordinates of a point, that is used for Hit-Test. |
SCIHitTestInfo.hitTestRadius |
The Hit-Test radius which was used for searching of nearest data point. |
SCIHitTestInfo.dataSeriesIndex |
If data point that was hit contains the index of the point in ISCIDataSeries which was hit. |
SCIHitTestInfo.pointSeriesIndex |
If data point that was hit contains the index of hit test point in associated ISCISeriesRenderPassData . |
SCIHitTestInfo.isHit |
Boolean flag which tells whether or not SCIHitTestInfo.hitTestPoint was within a certain radius of point on a series. |
SCIHitTestInfo.isWithinDataBounds |
Boolean flag which tells if SCIHitTestInfo.hitTestPoint lies between first and last X point on series. |
SCIHitTestInfo.hitRenderableSeries |
The ISCIRenderableSeries which we perform Hit-Test on. |
UseInterpolation Flag
The UseInterpolation flag increases the accuracy of the Hit-Test at the expense of performance. You can modify its value via the SCITooltipModifierBase.useInterpolation
property, which is available for all the inheritors such as SCITooltipModifier
, for example.
Consider SCIFastLineRenderableSeries
and it’s possible interpolation cases:
useInterpolation = NO
- hit-test will returnSCIHitTestInfo.isHit
= YES - only if the input mouse-point is over a data-point.useInterpolation = YES
- hit-test will returnSCIHitTestInfo.isHit
= YES - if the input touch event is over the line.
This is useful say if you wanted to show a tooltip only on data-points (useInterpolation = NO
) vs. anywhere on the line (useInterpolation= YES
For other series types, such as SCIFastCandlestickRenderableSeries
, SCIFastColumnRenderableSeries
, SCIFastMountainRenderableSeries
, using useInterpolation = YES
will result in an isHit = YES
when touch is over the series as opposed to over the data-points.
NOTE: The interpolation is linear and linear only at the time of writing, it is not suitable for use by Logarithmic Axis.