iOS & macOS Charting Documentation - SciChart iOS & macOS Charts SDK v4.x

The Cylindroid 3D Chart Type

In SciChart, Cylindroid 3D Charts are provided by the combination of the Free Surface 3D Series and SCICylindroidDataSeries3D underlying DataSeries.

The location of the SCICylindroidDataSeries3D is defined by following properties:

The size of the SCICylindroidDataSeries3D is defined by following properties:

Cylindroid Chart 3D

NOTE: Examples for the Cylindroid Series 3D can be found in the SciChart iOS Examples Suite as well as on GitHub:

Create a Cylindroid 3D Chart

To create a Cylindroid 3D Chart, use the following code:

const int sizeU = 40; const int sizeV = 20; SCICylindroidDataSeries3D *ds = [[SCICylindroidDataSeries3D alloc] initWithXZType:SCIDataType_Double yType:SCIDataType_Double uSize:sizeU vSize:sizeV]; ds.a = @(3); ds.b = @(3); ds.h = @(7); for (int u = 0; u < sizeU; ++u) { for (int v = 0; v < sizeV; ++v) { double weight = 1.0 - ABS(2.0 * v / sizeV - 1); double offset = 1.0 - [SCDRandomUtil nextDouble]; [ds setDisplacement:@(offset * weight) uIndex:u vIndex:v]; } } unsigned int colors[7] = { 0xFF00008B, 0xFF0000FF, 0xFF00FFFF, 0xFFADFF2F, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFF8B0000 }; float stops[7] = { 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0}; SCIGradientColorPalette *palette = [[SCIGradientColorPalette alloc] initWithColors:colors stops:stops count:7]; SCIFreeSurfaceRenderableSeries3D *rs0 = [SCIFreeSurfaceRenderableSeries3D new]; rs0.dataSeries = ds; rs0.drawMeshAs = SCIDrawMeshAs_SolidWireframe; rs0.stroke = 0x77228B22; rs0.contourInterval = 0.1; rs0.contourStroke = 0x77228B22; rs0.strokeThickness = 2.0; rs0.lightingFactor = 0.8; rs0.meshColorPalette = palette; rs0.paletteMinMaxMode = SCIFreeSurfacePaletteMinMaxMode_Relative; rs0.paletteMinimum = [[SCIVector3 alloc] initWithX:3.0 y:0.0 z:0.0]; rs0.paletteMaximum = [[SCIVector3 alloc] initWithX:4.0 y:0.0 z:0.0];
let SizeU: Int = 40 let SizeV: Int = 20 let meshDataSeries = SCICylindroidDataSeries3D(xzType: .double, yType: .double, uSize: SizeU, vSize: SizeV) meshDataSeries.set(a: 3.0) meshDataSeries.set(b: 3.0) meshDataSeries.set(h: 7.0) for u in 0 ..< SizeU { for v in 0 ..< SizeV { let weight = 1.0 - abs(2.0 * Double(v) / Double(SizeV) - 1.0) let offset = 1 - SCDRandomUtil.nextDouble() meshDataSeries.setDisplacement(offset * weight, atU: u, v: v) } } let colors: [UInt32] = [0xFF1D2C6B, 0xFF0000FF, 0xFF00FFFF, 0xFFADFF2F, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFF8B0000] let stops: [Float] = [0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0] let palette = SCIGradientColorPalette(colors: colors, stops: stops, count: 7) let rs0 = SCIFreeSurfaceRenderableSeries3D() rs0.dataSeries = meshDataSeries rs0.drawMeshAs = .solidWireframe rs0.stroke = 0x77228B22 rs0.contourInterval = 0.1 rs0.contourStroke = 0x77228B22 rs0.strokeThickness = 2.0 rs0.lightingFactor = 0.8 rs0.meshColorPalette = palette rs0.paletteMinMaxMode = .relative rs0.paletteMinimum = SCIVector3(x: 3.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0) rs0.paletteMaximum = SCIVector3(x: 4.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0)
const int uSize = 40, vSize = 20; var dataSeries3D = new CylindroidDataSeries3D<double, double>(uSize, vSize) { A = 3, B = 3, H = 7 }; var random = new Random(); for (int u = 0; u < uSize; u++) { for (int v = 0; v < vSize; v++) { var weight = 1d - Math.Abs(2d * v / vSize - 1d); var offset = random.NextDouble(); dataSeries3D.SetDisplacement(u, v, offset * weight); } } var rSeries3D = new SCIFreeSurfaceRenderableSeries3D { DataSeries = dataSeries3D, DrawMeshAs = SCIDrawMeshAs.SolidWireframe, Stroke = 0x77228B22, ContourInterval = 0.1f, ContourStroke = 0x77228B22, StrokeThickness = 1f, MeshColorPalette = new SCIGradientColorPalette( new[] { ColorUtil.Sapphire, ColorUtil.Blue, ColorUtil.Cyan, ColorUtil.GreenYellow, ColorUtil.Yellow, ColorUtil.Red, ColorUtil.DarkRed }, new[] { 0, .1f, .3f, .5f, .7f, .9f, 1 }), PaletteMinimum = new SCIVector3(3, 0, 0), PaletteMaximum = new SCIVector3(4, 0, 0), };

NOTE: See other constrained and unconstrained Free Surface Series types in the corresponding articles.