iOS & macOS Charting Documentation - SciChart iOS & macOS Charts SDK v4.x

SciChart v3 Migration guide

SciChart v3.0 is the latest major release of SciChart - High Performance Realtime Charts framework for iOS.

This guide is provided to ease the transition of existing applications using SciChart v2.5 to the latest APIs, as well as explain the design and structure of new and updated functionality.

Table of contents

Benefits of Upgrading

Breaking Changes

In version 3.x iOS API was fully updated to improve flexibility, swift compatibility and become consistent with other platforms. Because of this, almost all the API has been modified in some way. There’s no possibility to document every single change, so we’re going to attempt to identify the most commonly used parts of SciChart and describe what have been changed there.

Type naming changes

To keep code cleaner and simpler we’ve got rid of convention to end all the protocol names with a “Protocol” suffix and use “I” prefix instead, e.g.:

Also, SCIBubbleRenderableSeries type was renamed to SCIFastBubbleRenderableSeries to match the other platforms.

So in case if, in you SciChart v2 depended code you see the errors like this:

- No type or protocol named 'SCIAxis2DProtocol'
- Cannot find protocol declaration for 'SCIChartSurfaceProtocol'
- No type or protocol named 'SCIRenderableSeriesProtocol'
- Unknown receiver 'SCIBubbleRenderableSeries'; did you mean 'SCIFastBubbleRenderableSeries'?

you’ll need just update a corresponding type name according to a new convention.

Removed SCIGenericType

As Objective-C doesn’t have generics and hence in previous version of SciChart we used to box all the native types into SCIGenericType, which caused code to become inaccurate and dirty. In version 3.x we enriched our API to get rid of SCIGenericType. Some of generic APIs expect object conforming ISCIComparable protocol, others just extended to work with primitive types directly.

NOTE: SciChart API has extensions for NSNumber and NSDate types, adding conformance to ISCIComparable.

// SciChart v2.x id<SCIAxis2DProtocol> xAxis = [SCINumericAxis new]; xAxis.growBy = [[SCIDoubleRange alloc] initWithMin:SCIGeneric(0.1) Max:SCIGeneric(0.1)]; SCIXyDataSeries *dataSeries = [[SCIXyDataSeries alloc] initWithXType:SCIDataType_Int32 YType:SCIDataType_Double]; [dataSeries appendX:SCIGeneric(24) Y:SCIGeneric(234.12)]; SCILineAnnotation *lineAnnotation = [SCILineAnnotation new]; lineAnnotation.x1 = SCIGeneric(1.0); lineAnnotation.y1 = SCIGeneric(4.0); // SciChart v3.x id<ISCIAxis> xAxis = [SCINumericAxis new]; xAxis.growBy = [[SCIDoubleRange alloc] initWithMin:0.1 max:0.1]; SCIXyDataSeries *dataSeries = [[SCIXyDataSeries alloc] initWithXType:SCIDataType_Int yType:SCIDataType_Double]; [dataSeries appendX:@(24) y:@(234.12)]; SCILineAnnotation *lineAnnotation = [SCILineAnnotation new]; lineAnnotation.x1 = @(1.0); lineAnnotation.y1 = @(4.0);
// SciChart v2.x let xAxis = SCINumericAxis() xAxis.growBy = SCIDoubleRange(min: SCIGeneric(0.1), max: SCIGeneric(0.1)) let dataSeries = SCIXyDataSeries(xType: .int32, yType: .double) dataSeries.appendX(SCIGeneric(24), y: SCIGeneric(234.12)) let lineAnnotation = SCILineAnnotation() lineAnnotation.x1 = SCIGeneric(1.0) lineAnnotation.y1 = SCIGeneric(4.0) // SciChart v3.x let xAxis = SCINumericAxis() xAxis.growBy = SCIDoubleRange(min: 0.1, max: 0.1) let dataSeries = SCIXyDataSeries(xType: .int, yType: .double) dataSeries.append(x: 24, y: 234.12) let lineAnnotation = SCILineAnnotation() lineAnnotation.set(x1: 1.0) lineAnnotation.set(y1: 4.0)

Also SCIArrayController class (which was fully based on the SCIGenericType) has been removed and data structures conforming to ISCIValues were introduced instead. These changes heavily affected the DataSeries API, so now the preferred way to modify your chart’s data - is using methods based on ISCIValues under the hood.

So if you see the following errors in your SciChart v2 depended code:

- Unknown type name 'SCIGenericType'
- Unknown type name 'SCIArrayController'
- Expected a type 'SCIArrayController'
- Expected a type 'SCIGenericType'
- No visible @interface for 'SCIXyzDataSeries' declares the selector 'initWithXType:YType:ZType:'
- No visible @interface for 'SCIDoubleRange' declares the selector 'initWithMin:Max:'
- Implicit conversion of 'int' to 'id<ISCIComparable>' is disallowed with ARC

Just use ISCIComparable conforming types instead of SCIGenericType, ISCIValues instead of SCIArrayController and remove SCIGenericWrapper.swift from your Swift project.

Please check Append, Insert, Update, Remove section, to get more details.

Drawing assets creation

In v3.x we introduced ISCIAssetManager2D protocol, which is responsible for creating all the engine-specific drawing assets (pen, brushes, sprites, textures etc.). So in your SciChart v2 depended code, you might see errors like:

- No visible @interface for 'SCISolidPenStyle' declares the selector 'initWithColorCode:withThickness:'
- No visible @interface for 'SCIRadialGradientBrushStyle' declares the selector 'initWithColorCodeStart:finish:'
- No visible @interface for 'SCILinearGradientBrushStyle' declares the selector 'initWithColorCodeStart:finish:direction:'

You can create an asset, using corresponding style object. The styles was refactored as well, so SCISolidPenStyle, SCILinearGradientPenStyle, SCIRadialGradientPenStyle, SCISolidBrushStyle, SCILinearGradientBrushStyle and SCIRadialGradientBrushStyle have been changed. Here is an example, how to create pen and brush in SciChart v3.x.

// SciChart v2.x SCISolidPenStyle *strokeStyle = [[SCISolidPenStyle alloc] initWithColorCode:0xFF4282B4 withThickness:1.0]; SCILinearGradientBrushStyle *brushStyle = [[SCILinearGradientBrushStyle alloc] initWithColorCodeStart:0xFFfc9930 finish:0xFFd17f28 direction:SCILinearGradientDirection_Vertical]; id<SCIPen2DProtocol> pen = [renderContext createPenFromStyle:strokeStyle]; id<SCIPen2DProtocol> brush = [renderContext createBrushFromStyle:brushStyle]; // SciChart v3.x // ISCIAssetManager2D instance is passed to each drawing method, // so if you override drawing code - you never create assetManager instance on your own SCISolidPenStyle *strokeStyle = [[SCISolidPenStyle alloc] initWithColorCode:0xFF4282B4 withThickness:1.0]; SCILinearGradientBrushStyle *brushStyle = [[SCILinearGradientBrushStyle alloc] initWithStart:CGPointMake(0.5, 0.0) end:CGPointMake(0.5, 1.0) colorValues:colorValues stopValues:stopValues]; id<ISCIPen2D> pen = [assetManager penWithStyle:strokeStyle andOpacity:opacity]; id<ISCIBrush2D> brush = [assetManager brushWithStyle:brushStyle];
// SciChart v2.x let strokeStyle = SCISolidPenStyle(colorCode: 0xFF4282B4, withThickness: 1.0) let brushStyle = SCILinearGradientBrushStyle(colorCodeStart: 0xFFa9d34f, finish: 0xFF93b944, direction: .vertical) let pen = renderContext.createPen(fromStyle: strokeStyle) let brush = renderContext.createBrush(fromStyle: strokeStyle) // SciChart v3.x // ISCIAssetManager2D instance is passed to each drawing method, // so if you override drawing code - you never create assetManager instance on your own let strokeStyle = SCISolidPenStyle(colorCode: 0xFF4282B4, withThickness: 1.0) let brushStyle = SCILinearGradientBrushStyle(start: CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.0), end: CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 1.0), startColorCode: 0xAAFF8D42, endColorCode: 0x88090E11) let pen = assetManager.pen(withStyle: strokeStyle) let brush = assetManager.brush(withStyle: brushStyle)

This will affect your code if you have implemented custom drawing of some SciChart visual primitives. For example, now customization of renderable series drawing you’ll need to override the following method:

- (void)internalDrawWithContext:(id<ISCIRenderContext2D>)renderContext 

like demonstrated below:

- (void)internalDrawWithContext:(id<ISCIRenderContext2D>)renderContext assetManager:(id<ISCIAssetManager2D>)assetManager renderPassData:(id<ISCISeriesRenderPassData>)renderPassData { // Don’t draw transparent series float opacity = self.opacity; if (opacity == 0) return; SCIPenStyle *strokeStyle = self.strokeStyle; if (strokeStyle == nil || !strokeStyle.isVisible) return; SCILineRenderPassData *rpd = (SCILineRenderPassData *)renderPassData; id<ISCIDrawingContext> linesStripDrawingContext = SCIDrawingContextFactory.linesStripDrawingContext; id<ISCIPen2D> pen = [assetManager penWithStyle:strokeStyle andOpacity:opacity]; [self computeSplineSeriesWithX:_splineXCoords y:_splineYCoords renderPassData:rpd isSplineEnabled:self.isSplineEnabled upSampleFactor:self.upSampleFactor]; BOOL digitalLine = rpd.isDigitalLine; BOOL closeGaps = rpd.closeGaps; id<ISCISeriesDrawingManager> drawingManager = [ getServiceOfType:@protocol(ISCISeriesDrawingManager)]; [drawingManager beginDrawWithContext:renderContext renderPassData:rpd]; [drawingManager iterateLinesWith:linesStripDrawingContext pathColor:pen xCoords:_splineXCoords yCoords:_splineYCoords isDigitalLine:digitalLine closeGaps:closeGaps]; [drawingManager endDraw]; [self drawPointMarkersWithContext:renderContext assetManager:assetManager xCoords:rpd.xCoords yCoords:rpd.yCoords]; }
override func internalDraw(with renderContext: ISCIRenderContext2D!, assetManager: ISCIAssetManager2D!, renderPassData: ISCISeriesRenderPassData!) { // Don’t draw transparent series guard self.opacity == 0 else { return } guard let strokeStyle = self.strokeStyle else { return } guard strokeStyle.isVisible else { return } let rpd = renderPassData as! SCILineRenderPassData let linesStripDrawingContext = SCIDrawingContextFactory.linesStripDrawingContext let pen = assetManager.pen(with: strokeStyle, andOpacity: opacity) computeSplineSeries(splineXCoords: splineXCoords, splineYCoords: splineYCoords, renderPassData: rpd, isSplineEnabled: self.isSplineEnabled, upSampleFactor: self.upSampleFactor) let digitalLine = rpd.isDigitalLine let closeGaps = rpd.closeGaps let drawingManager = services.getServiceOfType(ISCISeriesDrawingManager.self) as! ISCISeriesDrawingManager drawingManager.beginDraw(with: renderContext, renderPassData: rpd) drawingManager.iterateLines(with: linesStripDrawingContext, pathColor: pen, xCoords: splineXCoords, yCoords: splineYCoords, isDigitalLine: digitalLine, closeGaps: closeGaps) drawingManager.endDraw() drawPointMarkers(with: renderContext, assetManager: assetManager, xCoords: rpd.xCoords, yCoords: rpd.yCoords) }

NOTE: To see the full example which uses the code snippet above, please check the SplineLineRenderableSeries class in our Spline Scatter Line Chart example which can be found in the SciChart iOS Examples Suite as well as on GitHub.

Observable collections

SCIObservableCollection API was refactored - some methods of concrete classes have been removed, or partially moved to a base class.

So in your SciChart v2 depended code, you might see errors like:

- No visible @interface for 'SCIChartModifierCollection' declares the selector 'initWithChildModifiers:'

To fix this, please check the example code for setting chart modifiers to a surface:

// SciChart v2.x self.surface.chartModifiers = [[SCIChartModifierCollection alloc] initWithChildModifiers:@[[SCIPinchZoomModifier new], [SCIZoomExtentsModifier new], [SCIZoomPanModifier new]]]; // SciChart v3.x self.surface.chartModifiers = [[SCIChartModifierCollection alloc] initWithCollection:@[[SCIPinchZoomModifier new], [SCIZoomExtentsModifier new], [SCIZoomPanModifier new]]];
// SciChart v2.x self.surface.chartModifiers = SCIChartModifierCollection(childModifiers: [SCIPinchZoomModifier(), SCIZoomExtentsModifier(), SCIZoomPanModifier()]) // SciChart v3.x self.surface.chartModifiers = SCIChartModifierCollection(collection: [SCIPinchZoomModifier(), SCIZoomExtentsModifier(), SCIZoomPanModifier()])


To become more flexible, and have better integration into SciChart run loop - Animation API has been completely re-designed and re-written. In SciChart v3.x we introduced SCIAnimations utility, which provides an interface to create basic animations for renderable series.

So in your SciChart v2 depended code, you might see errors like:

- Unknown receiver 'SCISweepRenderableSeriesAnimation'
- Unknown receiver 'SCIWaveRenderableSeriesAnimation'
- Unknown receiver 'SCIScaleRenderableSeriesAnimation'

The example below demonstrates the difference of animation creation in v2x and v3.x, end explains how to fix these errors.

// SciChart v2.x [rSeries addAnimation:[[SCISweepRenderableSeriesAnimation alloc] initWithDuration:3 curveAnimation:SCIAnimationCurve_EaseOut]]; // SciChart v3.x [SCIAnimations sweepSeries:rSeries duration:3.0 andEasingFunction:[SCICubicEase new]];
// SciChart v2.x rSeries.addAnimation(SCISweepRenderableSeriesAnimation(duration: 3, curveAnimation: .easeOut)) // SciChart v3.x SCIAnimations.sweep(rSeries, duration: 3.0, easingFunction: SCICubicEase())
// SciChart v2.x rSeries.AddAnimation(new SCISweepRenderableSeriesAnimation(3, SCIAnimationCurve.EaseOut)); // SciChart v3.x SCIAnimations.SweepSeries(rSeries, 3, new SCICubicEase());

To get more details about existing easing functions and animation types, please check Animation API guide.

Annotations API

All the annotations in SciChart v3.x conforms to the ISCIAnnotation protocol and inherits SCIAnnotationBase class. To get more info about existing annotation types and common functionality of the SCIAnnotationBase please check the documentation for Annotations API. The most prominent changes to the Annotations API are the following:

  • As the SCIGenericType was removed, now annotation coordinates became ISCIComparable.
  • AnnotationStyle classes (e.g SCILineAnnotationStyle, SCITextAnnotationStyle) were removed, their properties either moved to corresponding annotation class, or to the SCIAnnotationBase.

So in your SciChart v2 depended code, you might see errors like:

- Property 'style' not found on object of type 'SCITextAnnotation *'
- Property 'style' not found on object of type 'SCIHorizontalLineAnnotation *'

Here is how the creation of SCIHorizontalLineAnnotation looks now:

// SciChart v2.x SCIHorizontalLineAnnotation *horizontalLine = [SCIHorizontalLineAnnotation new]; horizontalLine.x1 = SCIGeneric(5.0); horizontalLine.y1 = SCIGeneric(3.2); horizontalLine.horizontalAlignment = SCIHorizontalLineAnnotationAlignment_Right; = [[SCISolidPenStyle alloc] initWithColor:UIColor.orangeColor withThickness:2]; SCILineAnnotationLabel *lineAnnotationLabel = [SCILineAnnotationLabel new]; lineAnnotationLabel.text = @“Text”; = SCILabelPlacement_TopLeft; [horizontalLine addLabel:lineAnnotationLabel]; // SciChart v3.x SCIHorizontalLineAnnotation *horizontalLine = [SCIHorizontalLineAnnotation new]; horizontalLine.x1 = @(5.0); horizontalLine.y1 = @(3.2); horizontalLine.verticalAlignment = SCIAlignment_Right; horizontalLine.stroke = [[SCISolidPenStyle alloc] initWithColorCode:0xFFA52A2A thickness:2]; SCIAnnotationLabel *annotationLabel = [SCIAnnotationLabel new]; annotationLabel.text = @“Text”; annotationLabel.labelPlacement = SCILabelPlacement_TopLeft; [horizontalLine.annotationLabels add:annotationLabel];
// SciChart v2.x let horizontalLine = SCIHorizontalLineAnnotation() horizontalLine.x1 = SCIGeneric(5.0) horizontalLine.y1 = SCIGeneric(3.2) horizontalLine.horizontalAlignment = .right = SCISolidPenStyle(color:, withThickness: 2) let lineAnnotationLabel = SCILineAnnotationLabel() lineAnnotationLabel.text = “Text” = .topLeft horizontalLine.add(lineAnnotationLabel) // SciChart v3.x let horizontalLine = SCIHorizontalLineAnnotation() horizontalLine.set(x1: 5.0) horizontalLine.set(y1: 3.2) horizontalLine.horizontalAlignment = .right horizontalLine.stroke = SCISolidPenStyle(color:, thickness: 2) SCIAnnotationLabel *annotationLabel = [SCIAnnotationLabel new]; annotationLabel.text = @“Text”; annotationLabel.labelPlacement = .topLeft horizontalLine.annotationLabels.add(annotationLabel)
// SciChart v2.x var horizontalLine1 = new SCIHorizontalLineAnnotation { X1Value = 5.0, Y1Value = 3.2, HorizontalAlignment = SCIHorizontalLineAnnotationAlignment.Right, Style = new SCILineAnnotationStyle { LinePen = new SCISolidPenStyle(UIColor.Orange, 2f) }, }; horizontalLine1.AddLabel(new SCILineAnnotationLabel { Text = “Right Aligned, with text on left”, Style = { LabelPlacement = SCILabelPlacement.TopLeft } }); // SciChart v3.x var horizontalLine1 = new SCIHorizontalLineAnnotation { X1Value = 5.0, Y1Value = 3.2, HorizontalAlignment = SCIAlignment.Right, Stroke = new SCISolidPenStyle(UIColor.Orange, 2), }; horizontalLine1.AnnotationLabels.Add(new SCIAnnotationLabel { LabelPlacement = SCILabelPlacement.TopLeft, Text = “Right Aligned, with text on left”, });

Chart Modifiers API

In SciChart v3.x Chart Modifiers API was deeply refactored, became more flexible, easy to use and have now more clear customization points. To get more information about all available chart modifier types, please visit the Chart Modifier APIs article.

Breaking changes of the Chart Modifiers API, which might impact your code are listed below:

        // Override this method to make modifier work with custom gesture recognizer
        - (UIGestureRecognizer *)createGestureRecognizer;

        // Override this method to handle gesture recognizers action
        - (void)internalHandleGesture:(UIPinchGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer 

In addition to the above - SCIRolloverModifier, SCITooltipModifier, and SCICursorModifier are became much more flexible. You don’t need to subclass renderable series to make custom tooltip view for it. Now you can just inject custom ISCISeriesInfoProvider with all needed customizations instead.

So in your SciChart v2 depended code, you might see errors like:

- Property 'style' not found on object of type 'SCICursorModifier *'
- Cannot find interface declaration for 'SCIGestureModifier', superclass of 'CustomModifier'; did you mean 'SCIGestureModifierBase'?
- Interface type 'SCIHitTestInfo' cannot be passed by value
- Property 'match' not found on object of type 'SCIHitTestInfo *'

Here is an example of SCIRolloverModifier customization (the rest of listed modifiers have quite the same customization logic):

// SciChart v2.x @interface CustomRolloverSeriesInfo : SCIXySeriesInfo @end @implementation CustomRolloverSeriesInfo - (SCITooltipDataView *)createDataSeriesView { CustomTooltipView * view = (CustomTooltipView *)[CustomTooltipView createInstance]; [view setData:self]; return view; } @end @interface CustomRolloverLineSeries : SCIFastLineRenderableSeries @end @implementation CustomRolloverLineSeries - (SCISeriesInfo *)toSeriesInfoWithHitTest:(SCIHitTestInfo)info { return [[CustomRolloverSeriesInfo alloc] initWithSeries:self HitTest:info]; } @end SCIFastLineRenderableSeries * line1 = [CustomRolloverLineSeries new]; SCIEllipsePointMarker * pointMarker = [SCIEllipsePointMarker new]; pointMarker.strokeStyle = [[SCISolidPenStyle alloc] initWithColor:UIColor.grayColor withThickness:0.5f]; pointMarker.width = 10; pointMarker.height = 10; SCIRolloverModifier * rolloverModifier = [SCIRolloverModifier new]; = [[SCISolidPenStyle alloc] initWithColor:UIColor.greenColor withThickness:0.5]; = [UIColor fromARGBColorCode:0xff6495ed]; = pointMarker; [self.surface.renderableSeries add:line1]; [self.surface.chartModifiers add:rolloverModifier]; // SciChart v3.x @interface FirstCustomXySeriesTooltip : SCIXySeriesTooltip @end @implementation FirstCustomXySeriesTooltip - (void)internalUpdateWithSeriesInfo:(SCIXySeriesInfo *)seriesInfo { NSString *string = NSString.Empty; string = [string stringByAppendingFormat:@“X: %@\n”, seriesInfo.formattedXValue.rawString]; string = [string stringByAppendingFormat:@“Y: %@\n”, seriesInfo.formattedYValue.rawString]; if (seriesInfo.seriesName != nil) { string = [string stringByAppendingFormat:@“%@\n”, seriesInfo.seriesName]; } string = [string stringByAppendingString:@“Rollover Modifier”]; self.text = string; [self setTooltipBackground:0xffe2460c]; [self setTooltipStroke:0xffff4500]; [self setTooltipTextColor:0xffffffff]; } @end @interface FirstCustomRolloverSeriesInfoProvider : SCIDefaultXySeriesInfoProvider @end @implementation FirstCustomRolloverSeriesInfoProvider - (id)getSeriesTooltipInternalWithSeriesInfo:(SCIXySeriesInfo *)seriesInfo modifierType:(Class)modifierType { if (modifierType == SCIRolloverModifier.class) { return [[FirstCustomXySeriesTooltip alloc] initWithSeriesInfo:seriesInfo]; } else { return [super getSeriesTooltipInternalWithSeriesInfo:seriesInfo modifierType:modifierType]; } } SCIFastLineRenderableSeries *line1 = [SCIFastLineRenderableSeries new]; line1.seriesInfoProvider = [FirstCustomRolloverSeriesInfoProvider new]; [self.surface.renderableSeries add:line1]; [self.surface.chartModifiers add:[SCIRolloverModifier new]]; @end
// SciChart v2.x fileprivate class CustomSeriesInfo: SCIXySeriesInfo { override func createDataSeriesView() -> SCITooltipDataView! { let view : CustomTooltipViewSwift = CustomTooltipViewSwift.createInstance() as! CustomTooltipViewSwift view.setData(self) return view } } fileprivate class CustomLineSeries: SCIFastLineRenderableSeries { override func toSeriesInfo(withHitTest info: SCIHitTestInfo) -> SCISeriesInfo! { return CustomSeriesInfo(series: self, hitTest: info) } } let line1 = CustomLineSeries() let pointMarker = SCIEllipsePointMarker() pointMarker.strokeStyle = SCISolidPenStyle(color: UIColor.gray, withThickness: 0.5) pointMarker.width = 10 pointMarker.height = 10 let rolloverModifier = SCIRolloverModifier() = 0 = .default = UIColor.fromARGBColorCode(0xffe2460c) = 0.8 = 1 = UIColor.fromARGBColorCode(0xff6495ed) = UIColor.fromARGBColorCode(0xff6495ed) = pointMarker surface.renderableSeries.add(line1) surface.chartModifiers.add(rolloverModifier) // SciChart v3.x private class FirstCustomSeriesInfoProvider: SCIDefaultXySeriesInfoProvider { class FirstCustomXySeriesTooltip: SCIXySeriesTooltip { override func internalUpdate(with seriesInfo: SCIXySeriesInfo!) { var string = NSString.empty; string += “X: \(seriesInfo.formattedXValue.rawString!)\n” string += “Y: \(seriesInfo.formattedXValue.rawString!)\n” if let seriesName = seriesInfo.seriesName { string += “\(seriesName)\n” } string += “Rollover Modifier” self.text = string; setTooltipBackground(0xffe2460c); setTooltipStroke(0xffff4500); setTooltipTextColor(0xffffffff); } } override func getSeriesTooltipInternal(with seriesInfo: SCIXySeriesInfo!, modifierType: AnyClass!) -> ISCISeriesTooltip! { if (modifierType == SCIRolloverModifier.self) { return FirstCustomXySeriesTooltip(seriesInfo: seriesInfo) } else { return super.getSeriesTooltipInternal(with: seriesInfo, modifierType: modifierType) } } } let line1 = SCIFastLineRenderableSeries() line1.seriesInfoProvider = FirstCustomSeriesInfoProvider() self.surface.renderableSeries.add(line1) self.surface.chartModifiers.add(SCIRolloverModifier())

NOTE: The full Customization RolloverModifier example can be found in the SciChart iOS Examples Suite as well as on GitHub:

Also in SciChart v3 we improved a mechanism of syncing modifiers, of multiple surfaces. As a result,SCIMultiSurfaceModifier, SCIAxisAreaSizeSynchronization and SCIAxisRangeSynchronization classes got removed.

As the result, in your SciChart v2 depended code, you might see errors like:

- Unknown type name 'SCIAxisRangeSynchronization'
- Unknown type name 'SCIMultiSurfaceModifier'

So, now to sync ranges of two axises (from different surfaces) you’ll need just assign both of them the same instance of visibleRange. And to synchronize modifiers - you’ll need just create an SCICharModifierGroup with the same event tag for both surfaces, and put in this group all the modifiers you want to be synchronized:

// SciChart v2.x SCIAxisRangeSynchronization * _rangeSync = [SCIAxisRangeSynchronization new]; SCIMultiSurfaceModifier * _zoomExtentsModifierSync = [[SCIMultiSurfaceModifier alloc] initWithModifierType:[SCIZoomExtentsModifier class]]; SCIMultiSurfaceModifier * _pinchZoomModifierSync = [[SCIMultiSurfaceModifier alloc] initWithModifierType:[SCIPinchZoomModifier class]]; SCIMultiSurfaceModifier * _xDragModifierSync = [[SCIMultiSurfaceModifier alloc] initWithModifierType:[SCIXAxisDragModifier class]]; SCIMultiSurfaceModifier * _yDragModifierSync = [[SCIMultiSurfaceModifier alloc] initWithModifierType:[SCIYAxisDragModifier class]]; SCIMultiSurfaceModifier * _rolloverModifierSync = [[SCIMultiSurfaceModifier alloc] initWithModifierType:[SCIRolloverModifier class]]; id<SCIAxis2DProtocol> firstSurfaceXAxis = [SCINumericAxis new]; firstSurfaceXAxis.growBy = [[SCIDoubleRange alloc]initWithMin:SCIGeneric(0.1) Max:SCIGeneric(0.1)]; id<SCIAxis2DProtocol> firstSurfaceYAxis = [SCINumericAxis new]; firstSurfaceYAxis.growBy = [[SCIDoubleRange alloc]initWithMin:SCIGeneric(0.1) Max:SCIGeneric(0.1)]; id<SCIAxis2DProtocol> secondSurfaceXAxis = [SCINumericAxis new]; secondSurfaceXAxis.growBy = [[SCIDoubleRange alloc]initWithMin:SCIGeneric(0.1) Max:SCIGeneric(0.1)]; id<SCIAxis2DProtocol> secondSurfaceYAxis = [SCINumericAxis new]; secondSurfaceYAxis.growBy = [[SCIDoubleRange alloc]initWithMin:SCIGeneric(0.1) Max:SCIGeneric(0.1)]; [surface1.xAxes add:firstSurfaceXAxis]; [surface1.yAxes add:firstSurfaceYAxis]; surface1.1chartModifiers = [[SCIChartModifierCollection alloc] initWithChildModifiers:@[_xDragModifierSync, _yDragModifierSync, _pinchZoomModifierSync, _zoomExtentsModifierSync, _rolloverModifierSync]]; [_rangeSync attachAxis:firstSurfaceXAxis]; [surface2.xAxes add:secondSurfaceXAxis]; [surface2.yAxes add:secondSurfaceYAxis]; surface2.1chartModifiers = [[SCIChartModifierCollection alloc] initWithChildModifiers:@[_xDragModifierSync, _yDragModifierSync, _pinchZoomModifierSync, _zoomExtentsModifierSync, _rolloverModifierSync]]; [_rangeSync attachAxis:secondSurfaceXAxis]; // SciChart v3.x SCIDoubleRange *sharedXRange = [[SCIDoubleRange alloc] initWithMin:0 max:1]; SCIDoubleRange *sharedYRange = [[SCIDoubleRange alloc] initWithMin:0 max:1]; id<ISCIAxis> firstSurfaceXAxis = [SCINumericAxis new]; firstSurfaceXAxis.growBy = [[SCIDoubleRange alloc] initWithMin:0.1 max:0.1]; firstSurfaceXAxis.visibleRange = sharedXRange; id<ISCIAxis> firstSurfaceYAxis = [SCINumericAxis new]; firstSurfaceYAxis.growBy = [[SCIDoubleRange alloc] initWithMin:0.1 max:0.1]; firstSurfaceYAxis.visibleRange = sharedYRange; id<ISCIAxis> secondSurfaceXAxis = [SCINumericAxis new]; secondSurfaceXAxis.growBy = [[SCIDoubleRange alloc] initWithMin:0.1 max:0.1]; secondSurfaceXAxis.visibleRange = sharedXRange; id<ISCIAxis> secondSurfaceYAxis = [SCINumericAxis new]; secondSurfaceYAxis.growBy = [[SCIDoubleRange alloc] initWithMin:0.1 max:0.1]; secondSurfaceYAxis.visibleRange = sharedYRange; SCIModifierGroup *firstSurfaceModifierGroup = [SCIModifierGroup new]; firstSurfaceModifierGroup.eventGroup = @“SharedEventGroup”; firstSurfaceModifierGroup.receiveHandledEvents = YES; [firstSurfaceModifierGroup.childModifiers addAll:[SCIZoomExtentsModifier new], [SCIPinchZoomModifier new], rolloverModifier, [SCIXAxisDragModifier new], [SCIYAxisDragModifier new], nil]; SCIModifierGroup *secondSurfaceModifierGroup = [SCIModifierGroup new]; secondSurfaceModifierGroup.eventGroup = @“SharedEventGroup”; secondSurfaceModifierGroup.receiveHandledEvents = YES; [secondSurfaceModifierGroup.childModifiers addAll:[SCIZoomExtentsModifier new], [SCIPinchZoomModifier new], rolloverModifier, [SCIXAxisDragModifier new], [SCIYAxisDragModifier new], nil]; [surface1.xAxes add:firstSurfaceXAxis]; [surface1.yAxes add:firstSurfaceYAxis]; [surface1.chartModifiers add:firstSurfaceModifierGroup]; [surface2.xAxes add:secondSurfaceXAxis]; [surface2.yAxes add:secondSurfaceYAxis]; [surface2.chartModifiers add:secondSurfaceModifierGroup];
// SciChart v2.x let _rangeSync = SCIAxisRangeSynchronization() let _zoomExtentsModifierSync = SCIMultiSurfaceModifier(modifierType: SCIZoomExtentsModifier.self) let _pinchZoomModifierSync = SCIMultiSurfaceModifier(modifierType: SCIPinchZoomModifier.self) let _xDragModifierSync = SCIMultiSurfaceModifier(modifierType: SCIXAxisDragModifier.self) let _yDragModifierSync = SCIMultiSurfaceModifier(modifierType: SCIYAxisDragModifier.self) let _rolloverModifierSync = SCIMultiSurfaceModifier(modifierType: SCIRolloverModifier.self) let firstSurfaceXAxis = SCINumericAxis() firstSurfaceXAxis.growBy = SCIDoubleRange(min: SCIGeneric(0.1), max: SCIGeneric(0.1)) let firstSurfaceYAxis = SCINumericAxis() firstSurfaceYAxis.growBy = SCIDoubleRange(min: SCIGeneric(0.1), max: SCIGeneric(0.1)) let secondSurfaceXAxis = SCINumericAxis() secondSurfaceXAxis.growBy = SCIDoubleRange(min: SCIGeneric(0.1), max: SCIGeneric(0.1)) let secondSurfaceYAxis = SCINumericAxis() secondSurfaceYAxis.growBy = SCIDoubleRange(min: SCIGeneric(0.1), max: SCIGeneric(0.1)) surface1.xAxes.add(firstSurfaceXAxis) surface1.yAxes.add(firstSurfaceYAxis) surface1.chartModifiers = SCIChartModifierCollection(childModifiers: [_xDragModifierSync, _yDragModifierSync, _pinchZoomModifierSync, _zoomExtentsModifierSync, _rolloverModifierSync]) _rangeSync.attachAxis(firstSurfaceXAxis) surface2.xAxes.add(secondSurfaceXAxis) surface2.yAxes.add(secondSurfaceYAxis) surface2.chartModifiers = SCIChartModifierCollection(childModifiers: [_xDragModifierSync, _yDragModifierSync, _pinchZoomModifierSync, _zoomExtentsModifierSync, _rolloverModifierSync]) _rangeSync.attachAxis(secondSurfaceXAxis) // SciChart v3.x let SharedXRange = SCIDoubleRange(min: 0, max: 1) let SharedYRange = SCIDoubleRange(min: 0, max: 1) let firstSurfaceXAxis = SCINumericAxis() firstSurfaceXAxis.growBy = SCIDoubleRange(min: 0.1, max: 0.1) firstSurfaceXAxis.visibleRange = SharedXRange let firstSurfaceYAxis = SCINumericAxis() firstSurfaceYAxis.growBy = SCIDoubleRange(min: 0.1, max: 0.1) firstSurfaceYAxis.visibleRange = SharedYRange let secondSurfaceXAxis = SCINumericAxis() secondSurfaceXAxis.growBy = SCIDoubleRange(min: 0.1, max: 0.1) secondSurfaceXAxis.visibleRange = SharedXRange let secondSurfaceYAxis = SCINumericAxis() secondSurfaceYAxis.growBy = SCIDoubleRange(min: 0.1, max: 0.1) secondSurfaceYAxis.visibleRange = SharedYRange let firstSurfaceModifierGroup = SCIModifierGroup() firstSurfaceModifierGroup.eventGroup = “SharedEventGroup” firstSurfaceModifierGroup.receiveHandledEvents = true firstSurfaceModifierGroup.childModifiers.add(items: SCIZoomExtentsModifier(), SCIPinchZoomModifier(), rolloverModifier, SCIXAxisDragModifier(), SCIYAxisDragModifier()) let secondSurfaceModifierGroup = SCIModifierGroup() secondSurfaceModifierGroup.eventGroup = “SharedEventGroup” secondSurfaceModifierGroup.receiveHandledEvents = true secondSurfaceModifierGroup.childModifiers.add(items: SCIZoomExtentsModifier(), SCIPinchZoomModifier(), rolloverModifier, SCIXAxisDragModifier(), SCIYAxisDragModifier()) surface1.xAxes.add(firstSurfaceXAxis) surface1.yAxes.add(firstSurfaceYAxis) surface1.chartModifiers.add(firstSurfaceModifierGroup) surface2.xAxes.add(secondSurfaceXAxis) surface2.yAxes.add(secondSurfaceYAxis) surface2.chartModifiers.add(secondSurfaceModifierGroup)

NOTE: The full Sync Multiple Charts example can be found in the SciChart iOS Examples Suite as well as on GitHub: