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1 vote

Hello Scichart Team,

Can you guys provide me with some guidance to implement a custom IRenderableSeriesViewModel implementation that is supported in MVVM binding in Scichartsurface? Specifically, I’m looking to create a chart series that can be bound to my ViewModel and support custom styling and data handling.

I have tried following the tutorial found here…

Worked Example – CustomRenderableSeries in MVVM

I was getting a cast error from scicharts. I have attached the picture showing the detailed error.
Concerning the XAML code I have tried both the normal Binding keyword and s:SeriesBinding keyword to the RenderableSeries in the SciChartSurface.

Let me know how to go about this!

0 votes

Hello guys !
I am looking at the Composite Annotation example provided with the SDK that I downloaded a few days back.

I am somewhat confused on what assemblies I will need . The assemblies list you use is extensive and it is unclear to me what assemblies I need to include to apply this to my plot implementation.

The namespace
SciChart.Examples.Examples.AnnotateAChart.CompositeAnnotations is what I am looking at and what in that list of assemblies will I need to include to successfully implement Composite Annotation in our application ?

I work with a few models and views. Two of them, the ChartView and the PlotView respectively handles the charting surface , then the surrounding toggle buttons and such belongs to the PlotView.

What would be your recommendation how to begin implement this ?

Appreciate the support
Thank you


1 vote

Referring to the link above, we have modified the ViewModel side to maintain the selection state of chart points.

It works fine for a single chart, but when I have multiple charts, the selection points are interlocked between charts. I would like them to be independent of each other.

I wasn’t sure if there was a problem with my code or with the DataPointSelectionModifier, so does anyone know?

I have attached a code sample and a GIF of a working image.

※To reproduce this, click the three points in order from the top while holding down the control key on “Chart1” to make the three points selected. The color of the points will change from blue to red.
Next, while holding down the control key in “Chart2,” click on the bottom point. Then, in “Chart2,” four points are selected, even though only one point is pressed in total.

That is all. Best regards.

0 votes

I’m adding an annotation to a chart with a DateTime x-axis. Without a label the annotation is successfully added. However, if I specify a label I get an InvalidOperationException when Add() is called. The exception message is “The Type this is a test is not a valid Comparable Type”}:

                var annotation = new VerticalLineAnnotation
                    VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch,
                    ShowLabel = true,
                    X1 = time.DateTime,
                    Stroke = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Orange,
                    LabelPlacement = LabelPlacement.TopRight,
                    LabelValue = "this is a test",
                    LabelsOrientation = Orientation.Vertical


The LabelValue is obviously of type string and non-null and indeed of type IComparable. Any reason I can’t add it?

  • Dan Pilat asked 7 years ago
  • last active 6 years ago
0 votes

With fifocapacity(XyDataSeries), memory behaves like an image. (Repeat ups and downs)
Is this due to fifocapacity(XyDataSeries)?

Capture : x = minutes , y = MB

1 vote

As the title asks, is Unity 3D on the radar?

1 vote

Hi, I have problem with the Y axis values, if you take a look here,

image of scichart surface

the numbers are not intuitive is there a way to fix it?

enter image description here

I tried to set the AutoTicks=”True” but it did nothing

the code


    <BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="b2vc"/>
    <local:BoolToAxisAutoRangeConverter x:Key="AutoRangeConverter" />
    <local:StarsConverter x:Key="conv"/>
    <ItemsPanelTemplate x:Key="YAxesPanel" >
        <Grid local:GridHelpers.RowCount="{Binding RowsCount}"
              local:GridHelpers.StarRows="{Binding RowsCount, Converter={StaticResource conv}, Mode=OneWay}"

    <Style x:Key="MinorTickLineStyle" TargetType="Line">
        <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="White"/>


<Grid x:Name="MainGrid">
        <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>

    <!-- Toolbar -->
    <Border Style="{DynamicResource OriginalBorderBright}" BorderThickness="0" Canvas.ZIndex="9999" Visibility="Collapsed">
        <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
            <RadioButton x:Name="RunBtn" Command="{Binding RunCommand}" IsChecked="True" Visibility="Hidden"/>
            <RadioButton x:Name="PauseBtn" Visibility="Hidden"/>

    <!-- Chart Surface -->
    <Grid Grid.Column="1" >

        <s:SciChartSurface x:Name="scs" 
                           RenderableSeries="{s:SeriesBinding Series}" 
                           ViewportManager="{Binding ViewportManager}"
                           LeftAxesPanelTemplate="{StaticResource YAxesPanel}"

                <!-- Hidden Axis that tracks the data -->
                <s:NumericAxis AutoRange="Always"
                <!--Hidden Axis that track the annotations' locations (All the added annotations have the same XAxis Id-->
                <s:NumericAxis Name="SharedXAxisCommon"  

            <s:SciChartSurface.YAxes >
                <s:NumericAxis AutoRange="Never"
                    <s:SeriesSelectionModifier >
                            <Style TargetType="s:BaseRenderableSeries">

                <RowDefinition Height="0.3*"/>
                <RowDefinition Height="2*"/>
            <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" x:Name="InportValueTextBlock" Text="{Binding InportValue}" Margin="20,0,0,0" FontSize="14"/>

    <Border Grid.Column="1" Style="{DynamicResource OriginalBorderBright}" Visibility="{Binding IsLoading, Mode=OneWay, Converter={StaticResource b2vc}}">
        <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
            <ProgressBar Background="Transparent" BorderThickness="0"  HorizontalAlignment="Center" IsIndeterminate="True" Height="10" Width="{Binding ActualWidth, Mode=OneWay, ElementName=Test}"/>
            <TextBlock x:Name="Test" Text="{Binding LoadingMessage, Mode=OneWay}" FontSize="16" Foreground="{DynamicResource ControlDefaultForeground}" Margin="0,10" TextAlignment="Center" Opacity="0.7"/>


0 votes

I have a custom annotation class that I would like to bind the geometries.



    public GeometryGroup Elements
        get { return _elements; }
            _elements = value;

When I create the class in code it only works if Path was set in xaml, doesn’t work if set in code.

            Path p = new Path();
            p.Data = Geometry.Parse("m 0 0 10 0 10 10 0 10 z");             
            GeometryGroup g = new GeometryGroup();
            CustomPathAnnotation cpa = new CustomPathAnnotation()
                Elements = g,
                X1 = .55,
                Y1 = .5, 
                CoordinateMode = AnnotationCoordinateMode.Relative,
                XAxisId = "DefaultAxisId",
                YAxisId = "DefaultAxisId",
                Visibility = Visibility.Visible
0 votes


I would like to plot a series as a solid line AND include error bars. The way I do this now is to define a single series:

var fSeries    = new HlcDataSeries<double, double>();
fSeries.SeriesName = $"My Series!";

And then two different ViewModels:

var fLineVm = new LineRenderableSeriesViewModel();
var fErrorVm = new ErrorBarsRenderableSeriesViewModel();

And set the data series to belong to both:

fLineVm.DataSeries = fSeries;
fErrorVm.DataSeries = fSeries;

This looks ok. But when I show the legend, I see “My Series” in the legend twice, and I can control the error bars separately from the line series.

What I want to happen is that I see the series a single time in the legend and if I turn it off (uncheck it) everything disappears.

Right now, i’m adding those two ViewModels to an ObservableCollection of IRenderableSeriesViewModels and then SeriesBinding to display them.

0 votes

I’m prototyping an application with two visible data series and an individual Y-axis for each data series. See the enclosed image.
The Stroke color of each data series, the TickTextBrush and the BorderBrush of the y-axis are updated by normal data Binding through the MVVM pattern.
The problem is that I am not able to data bind the Stroke property of the MajorTickLineStyle for the individual Y-axis.
Do You know if there is a workaround for this through data binding?
The project is enclosed.

  • andreasrep asked 7 years ago
  • last active 7 years ago
0 votes
0 answers


My name is Harold Ramírez and I have a question I would like you to answer because I don’t find any doucmentation about it online.

I have a WPF application with several charts, some of them in 3D. These 3D charts have the X axis in horizontal, Y in vertical and the Z in depth. I want only to keep the labels on the X and Y axis, on the left and bottom of the chart.

The only documentation I have found is this page:, and only shows how to make it in XAML, but I need it to do it programatically in C#.

Thank you for your time.


1 vote

I’m overriding FastLineRenderableSeries so I can do some custom rendering.

I have a data series defined as :

 var xyDataSeries = new XyDataSeries<double>();
            xyDataSeries.Append(0, 0);
            xyDataSeries.Append(1, 1);
Test.DataSeries = xyDataSeries;

and my chart as :

<s:SciChartSurface Loaded="SciChartSurface_Loaded">
            <customSeriesMvvmExample:FastLineRenderableSeriesEx x:Name="Test" />

And then I override InternalDraw :

public class FastLineRenderableSeriesEx : FastLineRenderableSeries
    protected override void InternalDraw(IRenderContext2D renderContext, IRenderPassData renderPassData)
        base.InternalDraw(renderContext, renderPassData);

        using (var brush = renderContext.CreateBrush(Colors.Transparent))
        using (var pen = renderContext.CreatePen(Stroke, true, StrokeThickness, Opacity))

            var xCalc = renderPassData.XCoordinateCalculator;
            var yCalc = renderPassData.YCoordinateCalculator;

            var xCoord = xCalc.GetCoordinate(0.5);
            var yCoord = yCalc.GetCoordinate(0.5);

            renderContext.DrawEllipse(pen, brush, new System.Windows.Point(xCoord, yCoord), 150, 150);

                new System.Windows.Point(xCalc.GetCoordinate(0.6), yCalc.GetCoordinate(0)),
                new System.Windows.Point(xCalc.GetCoordinate(2), yCalc.GetCoordinate(1.4)));

The problem is that the base.InternalDraw draws the original data series line very nicely with anti-aliasing, but the custom circle I draw has no AA, and the custom line I draw looks very thin?

what’s going on here?

  • forl forl asked 11 months ago
  • last active 11 months ago
1 vote

I wanted to experiment with adding a tooltip to the SciChart_ScatterChartPerformanceDemo.

I extended the xaml with

                <s:TooltipModifier />

However, I have noticed that the tooltip doesn’t seem to react properly to the geometry under the cursor. The tooltip will often show up when the cursor is outside the geometry.

If you use a SquarePointMarker with a width and height of 25, the tooltip pops up even when you’re a fair distance away from the geometry.

The hit detection doesn’t appear to be working correctly?

Edit : Also, it appears I am unable to answer questions here, when I add an answer, it accepts it, but doesn’t show anything?

  • forl forl asked 11 months ago
  • last active 10 months ago
1 vote


When hovering mouse over a graph, the box that appears showing the name and value gets cut off instead of flipping to remain in the area.

Can you please help me to overcome this issue or if any, idea or lead much appreciated. Please let me know if you need more information.

Please find the screenshot for your reference.

  • Barani G asked 1 year ago
  • last active 1 year ago
1 vote

Hi Scichart Team,

I want to add two border lines on the top and left of the chart on the existing theme —“BrightSpark”, I searched and tried some IThemeProvider memebers but have no luck to solve it.

Please find the detail in attached pic, just like bottom and right sides, add two border lines on the other two sides.

  • Keyu Yan asked 1 year ago
  • last active 1 year ago
1 vote

I’m having issues with displaying my vertical annotations on my chart. Below is the code for creating the annotation and adding it to the chart.

var annotationLine = new VerticalLineAnnotation();
annotationLine.XAxisId = XAxisID;
annotationLine.YAxisId = YAxisID;
annotationLine.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
annotationLine.StrokeThickness = 2;
annotationLine.IsHidden = false;
annotationLine.AnnotationCanvas = AnnotationCanvas.BelowChart;
annotationLine.Y1 = 0;
annotationLine.Y2 = ControlHeight;
annotationLine.X1 = xValues[i];

I have verified that the XAxisId and the YAxisId are correct and match the id of the only axes that I have on the chart
I have verified that the xValues[i] is a valid value on the chart and within the bounds of the viewport

The tricky part here is that I am reading live streaming EEG data from a device and inserting manual triggers into the data. This works fine and the annotations appear in the chart as they are within the bounds of the chart.
I then record that data to a file (currently csv but will be doing EDF as soon as I get this figured out) where the annotation data is present (verified)
It’s when I try to read the file into my application that I can’t get the annotations to appear on the SciChart. I’m using the code above for both the live streaming data (working) and the file reading (not working) so I’m really baffled by this and could use any insight anyone has.

Thank you

1 vote

Hi there,
Here is my xaml setting :

     <Style TargetType="s:CategoryDateTimeAxis">
         <Setter Property="VisibleRange" Value="{Binding ParentViewModel.XRange}" />
         <Setter Property="AutoRange" Value="{Binding ParentViewModel.AutoRangeX}"/>

And I also set, XRange = new IndexRange(0, 9), AutoRangeX = AutoRange.Never, but the chart show like image, always has gap there.

What should I do?

0 votes

I’m using XyDataSeries<Timespan, double> to plot to my chart.

I want to show elapsed time at chart X-Axis label like below

ex) If Timespan value is 1day 2hour 30min 40sec

Default label style: 02:30:40

Label style I want: 26:30:40

How can I set like that?

0 votes

I want to put one vertical line to chart, when mouse left button click inside the chart.
And, I want to put vertical line where nearest plotted X value to mouse cursor location in the chart.
No interpolation.

  • Also, I’m using RubberBandXyZoomModifier ExecuteOn=”MouseLeftButton”

  • ZoomPanModifier ExecuteOn=”MouseRigthButton”

What is the best Modifier to use?
And how can it set like that?

0 votes

I can’t establish a runtime license in my application because the method doesn’t show up in the intellisense.


In fact, no methods exist for this class (I’m assuming this is a static class and method). I’m getting this class via…


I’m guessing that this is not where this class is located, but I can’t figure out where it is.

0 votes

I am creating a graph for 10 data series using Scichart, with the most optimal legend placement for the graph being “Top” with Horizontal Orientation as shown in the code below. I would like to keep the spacing compact so all the data series can be visible without the need for the scrollbar, however because of the checkboxes for selecting each series being enabled I cannot compress the spaces to make all the data series visible. I did try using a custom legend with the typical binding but to no avail. I have attached an image of the current legend as well.

<s:LegendModifier Name="legendModifier" Margin="1" Width="1" ShowLegend="True" Orientation="Horizontal"
                                  HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"
                                  LegendPlacement="Top" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"

Is it possible to format the legend so as to keep all the series names visible while maintaining the checkboxes for displaying or hiding individual data series?

  • Gil Owu asked 1 year ago
  • last active 1 year ago
0 votes

I’m experimenting with the LegendModifier and want to control which RenderableSeries are shown via the “LegendItemTemplate” approach. The idea is to add a specific tagging class to the RenderableSeries.DataSeries.Tag and use the content inside the LegendItemTemplate which I define in the Window.Resouces.

The tagging Class:

public class DataSeriesTag
    public string LegendText { get; set; }
    public bool ShowLegend { get; set; }

The LegendItemTemplate:



            <!--<CheckBox Width="16" Margin="5,0,0,0"
                IsChecked="{Binding RenderableSeries.IsVisible, Mode=TwoWay}"
                Visibility="{Binding RenderableSeries.DataSeries.Tag.ShowLegend, Converter={dxmvvm:BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}" />-->

            <s:PointMarker Grid.Column="1" Margin="5,0,0,0" Width="40" Height="10" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
              DataContext="{Binding RenderableSeries}"
              DeferredContent="{Binding LegendMarkerTemplate}"
              Visibility="{Binding ShowSeriesMarkers, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=s:SciChartLegend}, Converter={dxmvvm:BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}" />

            <TextBlock Margin="5,0,5,0"
     Text="{Binding RenderableSeries.DataSeries.Tag.LegendText}" />


As long as I declare the SciChartSurface.ChartModifier in XAML, it works perfect.
The proplem raises when I bind the ModifierGroup to a ViewModel Property and try to build the LegendModifier there. How can I assign the LegendItemTemplate in the ViewModel?:

legendModifier = new LegendModifier(){
            ShowLegend = true,
            ShowVisibilityCheckboxes = false,
            LegendItemTemplate = ??????

Kind regards

0 votes

Is there a way to draw an svg formatted annotation onto a chart for WPF?

I have found references/examples for it in javascript here . . .

but not for any other platform.

0 votes

I’m new in scichart. I would like to ask you if it’s possible to build a graph with custom candles.
I want to build a footprint graph, something like this:

could you tell me if It’s possible to build this kind of graph and suggest me some links with documentation?

Thank you

  • lorenzo522 asked 8 years ago
  • last active 8 years ago
0 votes


I have the following code for a vertical slice modifier

    <s:VerticalSliceModifier Name="sliceModifier"
                            <s:VerticalLineAnnotation Style="{StaticResource sliceStyle}"
                                                      X1="{Binding ParentViewModel.SliceModifierPosition, Mode=TwoWay}" />


This results in a nullreference exception. When I remove the VerticalLines, there is no nullreference exception, also no vertical lines.
As far as I can see ParentViewModel.SliceModifierPosition, does not have a value at the time.

I tried setting the visibility of the slicemodifier to collapsed, but it did not help the exception. Is there any to remove the slicemodifier for the time when X1 is not valid (using MVVM and not binding the slicemodifier itself)?

nullreference exception location
: Abt.Controls.SciChart.ChartModifiers.VerticalSliceModifier.OnAttached()
: Abt.Controls.SciChart.ChartModifiers.ModifierGroup.TB(IChartModifier C)
: Abt.Controls.SciChart.Common.Extensions.EnumerableExtensions. <a href="IEnumerable1 , Action1″>
: Abt.Controls.SciChart.ChartModifiers.ModifierGroup.TB(IEnumerable`1 C)
1 vote

Hi SciChart,

We are experiencing a SciChart XPS export issue.

I am using a FlowDocumentPageViewer with a FlowDocument containing SciChart graphs. My goal is to export all pages of the FlowDocument to an XPS file using the XamlRenderSurface to save in vector graphics. However, I’m facing an issue where only the currently selected page exports correctly, while the other pages display empty graphs.

By default, we employ the VisualXcceleratorRenderSurface for all SciChart render surfaces. Before exporting, I programmatically switch them to XamlRenderSurface to save in vector graphics. This approach works well when all the graphs have been rendered on-screen at least once with the new surface type before exporting. However, if a graph hasn’t been rendered on-screen before exporting, it appears empty, and only the graphs from the selected page export correctly. You can find code snippets below.

XAML code:

    RenderSurface="{TemplateBinding RenderType, Converter={StaticResource RenderTypeConverter}}"


public class RenderTypeConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        // Set render settings
        return (RenderType)value switch
            RenderType.DirectX => new VisualXcceleratorRenderSurface(),
            RenderType.HighQuality => new HighQualityRenderSurface(),
            RenderType.HighSpeed => new HighSpeedRenderSurface(),
            RenderType.Vector => new XamlRenderSurface(),
            _ => new HighSpeedRenderSurface(),


private void ExportVector(string fullPath)
    // Sets the RenderType to Vector for all surfaces
    // This invokes RenderTypeConverter to set the RenderSurface to XamlRenderSurface
    // Since they are bound in the XAML code


    // DirectX is always the default for all surfaces that we use
private void XPS_Export_AllPagesOfFlowDocument(string fullPath)
    using (var package = Package.Open(fullPath, FileMode.Create))
        using (var xpsDocument = new XpsDocument(package, CompressionOption.Maximum))
            var xpsSerializationManager = new XpsSerializationManager(new XpsPackagingPolicy(xpsDocument), false);
            var documentPaginator = ((IDocumentPaginatorSource)FlowDocument)?.DocumentPaginator;


The binding and the converter works for all offscreen elements, yet the they won’t take effect until rendered on screen at least once.
I have to select each page manually, after setting all graphs to use XamlRenderSurface, so each would be rendered on screen at least once before the export.

My question is: How can I export XamlRenderSurfaces that are off-screen and haven’t been rendered on-screen before the export process?

You can find an image below showcasing the problem.

Thank you and looking forward to your reply!

Best Regards,
Kaloyan Krastev

0 votes

Hi there,

I use SciChart v5.4.0.12119 trial to display FastLineRenderableSeries in my WPF application. It works with the default black background. But when I change the background to white (), the background gets messed up in white-black strips.

I tried to disable hardware acceleration. hwndSource.CompositionTarget.RenderMode = System.Windows.Interop.RenderMode.SoftwareOnly; It doesn’t help.

What could cause the issue?


  • Jun Luo asked 5 years ago
  • last active 5 years ago
1 vote

We’re working on a Nyquist plot using the latest SciChart SDK for WPF.
We have quite a MVVM dependent structure already in place.

We are working with 3D frequency based Complex data. The Nyquist plot would have 2 axes – Y for Imaginary values and X axis for Real values. We apply some averaging and post-processing of the 3D data to put in 2D form and show it in the Nyquist plot.

However, we’d like to be able to scroll the data at certain frequency ranges without showing the actual frequency graph in the plot. Is there a possibility to implement an independent scrollbar containing a averaged magnitude graph (similar idea to the processing of the Nyquist data) over a frequency range? We’d like to scroll this frequency range and on selected range changed to recalculate data in the Nyquist plot.

We have quite an extensive graphing structure implemented already. The main issue I’m currently facing is that the scrollbar is bound to the SciChartSurface and I cannot seem to figure out how to build it more like a “sexy” frequency range selector while staying within the SciChart library? Is there any possibility to not be bound to the SciChartSurface? And of course, the axes are quite different – in the Nyquist we have linear real and imaginary values (-2 to +2, for example) whereas the frequency range would extend much further data-wise (0 – 3000 Hz, for example).

Any help would be appreciated. Feel free to ask for more details.

0 votes


I’m relatively new to SciChart and I’m facing a challenge with customizing the appearance of a dynamically created series that is bound to a SciChartSurface using SeriesBinding in WPF.

I have a VerticalSliceModifier in my XAML where I define a VerticalLineAnnotation. My series is created in code as a MountainRenderableSeriesViewModel and then bound to the chart using SeriesBinding. Here’s the relevant code snippets:

    RenderableSeries="{s:SeriesBinding Series}"
    Annotations="{s:AnnotationsBinding Annotations}">

    <s:VerticalSliceModifier ShowTooltipOn="Never" Foreground="White" Name="sliceModifier">
            <s:VerticalLineAnnotation X1="{Binding Number}" Style="{StaticResource sliceStyle}" />


public class MountainRenderableSeriesViewModel
    public DataSeriesViewModel<double, double> DataSeries { get; set; }
    public DataTemplate RolloverMarkerTemplate { get; set; }
    // Other properties...

    public MountainRenderableSeriesViewModel()
        // Initialize your DataSeries and other properties

        // Set the RolloverMarkerTemplate for this series
        RolloverMarkerTemplate = Application.Current.Resources["CustomRolloverMarkerTemplate"] as DataTemplate;

My challenge is that I want to customize the RolloverMarkerTemplate for this dynamically created series. Most of the examples I’ve found show how to use RolloverMarkerTemplate with a statically defined series, but I cannot figure out how to assign it when the series is created in a ViewModel and bound to the chart using SeriesBinding.

Any guidance or code examples on how to achieve this customization would be greatly appreciated.

1 vote

I’m using SciChart in our WPF project. And we are Keeping Series and Annotations as RadObservableCollection(from Telerik) instead of ObservableCollection to get the benefits of RadObservableCollection. But when I’m adding or deleting data from RadObservableCollection it does not affect in charts. Does SciChart work with RadObservableCollection ? I’ve explored your examples and wasn’t able to found examples with RadObservableCollection.

0 votes

I am currently facing an issue related to our implementation.
We want the graph to zoom in whenever the user drags the y-axis upward, and conversely, zoom out when the user drags the y-axis downward. Importantly, this behavior should remain consistent regardless of whether the user drags the graph from the positive or negative side.

1 vote

Hi, I’m struggling to reduce times for loading draw (5,000Series x 5,000points) x 10 charts
which is in Scichart example ‘Load 500Seriesx500points’.

  1. Present, Loading (5,000Series x 5,000points) x 10 charts consumes about 1 minutes.
    How can i load and draw this more faster?

  2. And While in loading, how can i generate and show a Progress bar?

  • Hyunji Jeon asked 11 months ago
  • last active 10 months ago
0 votes

Currently, I’m using a uniform heatmap to display images taken from a monochrome camera. I’m using a RubberBandXyZoomModifier to allow to user to zoom in on a region of interest in the image. The SciChartSurface is set to be 640×480 (the image size) and is hosted in a Viewbox, so it’s size scales uniformly with the grid that it’s in. The problem I’m facing is that when I zoom in, the zoomed part of the image stretches to fit the 640×480 size, changing the pixel aspect ratio, but I want the pixel aspect ratio to stay constant so they are all square. What I want to happen is that extra space is added either on the top/bottom or left/right of the zoomed part of the image so the pixel aspect ratio stays constant. See the attached image for a visual explanation. I think I either need to change the SciChartSurface size or the GridLinesPanel size to match the zoomed area size, but I’m not sure how to go about doing that. Is there a way to achieve this? Thanks!

1 vote

The format of the set DateTimeAxis x-axis is (“yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss”), but when the chart is enlarged, if the range is short, it changes to (“hh:mm:ss”). I want to display year/month/day information as well, even if the range is short. Please answer with the MVVM model.

  • Lee Ji Un asked 6 months ago
  • last active 6 months ago
0 votes

Hello SciChart Team,
I have multiple charts in my application where all the charts are in the same MdofierGroup to show the RolloverModifier tooltip at the same time. As I want to show custom tooltip text, I have created a custom TooltipTemplate and TooltipContainerStyle. But now when the tooltip is shown on the left side the tooltip text is a long way from the marker. I want to align the tooltip text based on the tooltip position. When the tooltip is on the right side the text will be aligned left and when the tooltip is on left side the text will be aligned right.

I have attached some code snippets of my implementations, can you suggest me any way to achieve this?

<Style x:Key="_tooltipContainer" TargetType="scichart:TooltipControl">
        <Setter Property="Template">
                <ControlTemplate TargetType="scichart:TooltipControl">
                    <ContentPresenter Content="{TemplateBinding DataContext}"
                                          ContentTemplate="{TemplateBinding ContentTemplate}" />

    <DataTemplate x:Key="_tooltipTemplate" DataType="scichart:XySeriesInfo">
        <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
            <TextBlock FontSize="12" FontFamily="Rubik" Foreground="White">

    <!-- Style applied via x:Key name in ViewModel -->
    <Style TargetType="scichart:BaseRenderableSeries"  x:Key="_lineSeriesStyle">
        <Setter Property="RolloverMarkerTemplate">
                    <Ellipse Width="7" Height="7" Stroke="White" StrokeThickness="1" />

        <Setter Property="scichart:RolloverModifier.TooltipContainerStyle" Value="{StaticResource _tooltipContainer}"/>
        <Setter Property="scichart:RolloverModifier.TooltipTemplate" Value="{StaticResource _tooltipTemplate}"/>
        <Setter Property="scichart:RolloverModifier.IncludeSeries" Value="True"/>
        <Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="2"/>

 <scichart:SciChartSurface RenderableSeries="{scichart:SeriesBinding ItsRenderableTimeGraphSeries}">

                                        <scichart:ModifierGroup DataContext="{Binding Path=DataContext, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type ItemsControl}}}" 
                                                            scichart:MouseManager.MouseEventGroup="MouseEventGroup" >
                                            <scichart:RolloverModifier ShowTooltipOn="MouseHover" DrawVerticalLine="False" />

In ViewModel:

ItsRenderableTimeGraphSeries = new ObservableCollection<IRenderableSeriesViewModel>
            new MountainRenderableSeriesViewModel()
                IsDigitalLine = false,
                StyleKey = "_lineSeriesStyle",
0 votes

Has anyone encountered this before?

XamlParseException: Unexpected record in Baml stream. Trying to add to SciChartSurface which is not a collection or has a TypeConverter.

<DataTemplate x:Key="SciLineChartTemplate"><Grid><s:SciChartSurface ...

0 votes


I have a SciChartSurface with multiple StackedColumnRenderableSeries. The goal is to create a column style “Stacked Graph”.

The StackedColumnRenderableSeries are created this way:

private StackedColumnRenderableSeries[] m_layers = new StackedColumnRenderableSeries[0];
    while (num  > m_layers.Length)
                  StackedColumnRenderableSeries layer = new StackedColumnRenderableSeries()
                      DataPointWidth = 0.9,                  
                      Fill = new SolidColorBrush(DefaultMainColorOfCurrentSetting),
                      Stroke = Colors.Black,
                      ShowLabel = false  
                      layer.DataSeries = new XyDataSeries<double, double>();
                      layer.DataSeries.AcceptsUnsortedData = true;
                  List<StackedColumnRenderableSeries> temp = m_layers.ToList();
                  m_layers = temp.ToArray();

Later, they are fed data with this function:

void addBar(double[] layerValues)
              using (m_sciChartSurface.SuspendUpdates())
                  for (int i = 0; i < m_layers.Length; i++)
                      XyDataSeries<double, double> data = (XyDataSeries<double, double>)m_layers[i].DataSeries;   
                      data.Append(m_currentTimepoint, layerValues[i]);
  private int m_currentTimepoint = 1;

If I use this function within the class constructor, everything works as expected (see attached image).

However, sometimes, I receive the error message “”System.ArgumentException” in SciChart.Charting.dll The StackedColumnRenderableSeries type requires that all stacked stacked series with the same StackedGroupId have the same XValues.”

I fail to see the meaning of this message, since, the x-Value is the same for each part of the new column. Its “m_currentTimepoint”.

Additional Information:

This visualization is part of a medical monitoring software we are currently developing. If we use test data to call the addBar-Function (directly from the constructor, for example), the error does not appear. However, if we use data from our medical sensors, it appears. In both cases, the addBar-Function receives valid data (no NaN´s or such things)

The function is not called often, about once every 10 seconds.

Thank you

0 votes


I am trying to programmatically set a range for HeatmapColorPalette and attached HeatmapColorMap to min and max of my data.

Binding HeatmapColorPalette.Maximum to a property in my View Model works well. However, when I add HeatmapColorMap everything breaks, the heat map no longer responds to changes in View Model.

What am I doing wrong?

Here is my View:

<Window x:Class="SciChartHeatMap.MainWindow"
    d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=local:HeatMapViewModel, IsDesignTimeCreatable=True}"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
        <s:GradientStopsToLinearGradientBrushConverter x:Key="ColorsToLinearGradientBrushConverter"/>
        <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
        <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
    <s:SciChartSurface Grid.Row="0" Grid.RowSpan="2">
        <s:FastUniformHeatmapRenderableSeries x:Name="HeatMapSeries" DataSeries="{Binding Data}" Opacity="0.9">
                <s:HeatmapColorPalette Maximum="{Binding ColorMaximum}">
                        <GradientStop Offset="0" Color="DarkBlue"/>
                        <GradientStop Offset="0.2" Color="CornflowerBlue"/>
                        <GradientStop Offset="0.4" Color="DarkGreen"/>
                        <GradientStop Offset="0.6" Color="Chartreuse"/>
                        <GradientStop Offset="0.8" Color="Yellow"/>
                        <GradientStop Offset="1" Color="Red"/>

    <!-- Enabling this will break the program
        DataContext="{Binding Source={x:Reference Name=HeatMapSeries}, Mode=OneWay}"
        ColorMap="{Binding ColorMap.GradientStops, Converter={StaticResource ColorsToLinearGradientBrushConverter}}"
        Maximum="{Binding ColorMap.Maximum}"

        Content="{Binding ColorMaximum}" 
        Value="{Binding ColorMaximum}"/>

The idea in this small example is for slider to control both HeatmapColorPalette.Maximum and s:HeatmapColorMap.Maximum

The code in my View Model is pretty simple:

private double mColorMax;

public double ColorMaximum
        get => mColorMax;

            mColorMax = value;

My View Model implements INotifyPropertyChanged

I will appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you in advance!

0 votes
0 answers

Several legends are displayed using LegendModifier.

  1. Using ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility=”Auto”, it was possible to move using mouse scrolling, bar grabbing, etc., but it did not work when the border was dragged in a screen touch environment. Is there a way to drag on a touch monitor?

  2. It is being displayed using Orientation=”Horizontal”, but there is a limit to displaying it on one line due to the large number of legends. What document can I refer to if I want to change it to display as multi-line? I think the MVVM method would be best.

  • Lee Ji Un asked 6 months ago
  • last active 6 months ago
0 votes

I have a chart with multiple series, and I would like to have the RolloverModifier behavior for all selected series, but with a single tooltip combining the values for all selected series rather than a separate tooltip per series (similar to the CursorModifier)

Is there a way to do one of the following?

  1. Merge the tooltips from the RolloverModifier?
  2. Only show the vertical crosshair from the CursorModifier, and snap the crosshair to the closest point in the series?

The RolloverModifier is closer to the behavior I want, the only change I would want is the merged tooltip.

0 votes


I am currently working on a proof of concept to move make our software cross platform. Currently, we use the WPF charting package but we have the full bundle so we have access to all the charts. I’m working on a Maui Blazor app where the UI and its logic are stored in a razor class lib and most of the services are stored in the shared WebAssembly project. Ideally, I would like to create the chart data inside a service and then create the appropriate views for each platform using the platform specific charts. Eventually my plan is to have a Blazor WASM project that we host online (where users can view their data), a Maui app that will run on Windows and Mac, and a WPF app that will host the project on computers that aren’t running Windows 10 and 11.

Are there any plans to implement a shared library of some type for the IRenderableSeriesViewModel, IDataSeries, IPaletteProvider, etc. where we could reference these interfaces regardless of platform?

Thank you,

Tim Stephansen

1 vote


i have a SciChartSurface with DateTimeAxis as xAxis and a NumericAxis as yAxis.
The fifo capacity is 500 points.

Now what i want to archieve is that when i zoom in that the visible range updates in a matter that its moving with the fifo and not to be frozen and at some point in time see how the data points are discarded.
I already implemented a CustomRubberBandZoomModifier which disables autoranging on Zoom and enables it after Zoom to Extents.

How could i archieve this like shown in the attached image?

Thank you already in advance.

  • Armin Wild asked 5 months ago
  • last active 5 months ago
1 vote

I’m currently in process of selecting a charting framework. I’ve been evaluating SciChart for some time now and have a few questions.
One of them is how can I automate chart operations: both commands and querying. Do you expose some kind of API for End-To-End tests? I’m specifically interested in this kind of tests.

P.S. Alternatively is there any screenshot-comparing API over the charts? That could be a decisive alternative as well.

1 vote


  • Main graph updates based on the data from the selected Item.
  • The data and styling is independent and the style is dynamic global style for all Items.
  • The data for the graphing that is Data Series is binded to DataSet which is of type XYDataSeries<DateTime, double>.
  • DataSeries data is obtained from the datacontext which implements INotifyPropertyChanged


  • The databinding is not dynamic and the data series is not updated when the selection changes.
  • The initial data selection is reflected but any subsequent data changes are not reflected on the sci chart surface.
  • This behavior was only for the Dataseries binding and it was verified using a textbox which binds to the count of the DataSet and this updates as the selection changes but not the dataseries.

Please suggest a work around or an alternative solution so that I can predefine axes and series but swap out the data based on the selected Item. Please see the attached xaml code below.

        <Grid DockPanel.Dock="Top">
            <chart:SciChartSurface x:Name="mainView"
                    <chart:NumericAxis x:Name="AxisOne"

                    <chart:NumericAxis x:Name="AxisTwo"

                    <chart:DateTimeAxis x:Name="DateTimeAxis"/>
                    <chart:FastLineRenderableSeries x:Name="DataSet1FS"
                                                    DataSeries="{Binding DataSet1}"
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=DataSet1.Count}"
                            Margin="0 -20 0 0"
0 votes

My idea was to have two FastLineRenderableSeries that both share the same XyDataSeries. One series will display the data as-is as an absolute value, while the other will display the same data relative to some arbitrary value. Each series would get it’s own axis.

Is there a way to accomplish what I’m trying to do, or is there another approach that accomplishes the same thing?

  • Dan Pilat asked 7 years ago
  • last active 7 years ago
2 votes

Hi, I am currently working with the DataPointSelectionModifier with StackedColumnRenderableSeriesViewModel series. I currently am able to get the data point with the correct values whenever I click on a column but it seems that I am not able to change the selection fill of the column.

All I can seem able to do is changing the color of the whole series, but that is not what I am looking for.

Best Regards.

1 vote


I bought a license and when I try to deploy my application it seems to be crashing. The application will build and run fine in Visual Studio. I have tried removing the scichart portions from my app and deploying and it runs fine then. I have tried following the tutorial for deployment located here:

but have not had any luck. Would anyone be able to offer any assistance with deploying with scichart?

Thank you for your time and assistance with this,

  • Max Kelly asked 4 years ago
  • last active 4 years ago
0 votes
0 answers


ColumnChart: Autorange is not working if XyDataSeries contains 1 or 2 items.

The SDK example -> 2D Charts -> Column Chart with little modifications (the complete code is attached):

    private void OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        using (this.sciChart.SuspendUpdates())
            for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
                var val = _rnd.Next(-100, 100);
                _dataSeries.Update(i, val);

If ARRAY_SIZE is 1; any value; after “click me” button pressed (may be needed to press few times to catch this)
enter image description here

If ARRAY_SIZE is 2; the values are [27, 55]

enter image description here

If ARRAY_SIZE is 3 or more – columns are displayed OK for any values.

If I use

AutoRange="Never" VisibleRange="-100, 100"

this example works OK.

Question: please let me know how to make the ColumnChart working properly for one or two columns and AutoRange=”Always”



2 votes

I’ve been trying to get SciChart to work with good performance and as part of my experimentation am trying to see how RenderPriority.Manual works. As far as I can tell, it doesn’t.

I haven’t been able to find much in terms of samples or docs. According to the little documentation here:

It says

Manual — Never redraws automatically. You must manually call
InvalidateElement() or ZoomExtents() on the SciChartSurface in order
to get it to redraw

Now, when I try to call either of those functions on my SciChartSurface, nothing visually happens. I’ve tried other Invalidate methods as well, and still no refresh love.

I’ve attached the small sample application that repro’s the issue.

Please let me know what I’m doing wrong.


1 vote

Hello SciChart-Team,
I noticed that the columns in Sparse Column3D and in Uniform Column 3D always start at the XZ surface. Is there any option or way to do so, that columns always use the zero value of the Y axis as their starting point. The visible range of the axes should correspond to the minimum and maximum Y values.

The current behavior can be reproduced in the example SciChart_UniformColumn3D:
If the VisibleRange of the Y-axis goes from 0 to 0.5 then the columns with negative values go down (see screenshot 1)
As soon as the VisibleRange of the Y-axis goes from -0.5 to 0.5, the columns look like this (Screenshot2) We need the columns to look like in Screenshot 1, only that the Y-axis is also visible downwards.

Can the starting point of the columns be changed?

Best regards

Showing 1 - 50 of 185 results